Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder: Appreciation In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, As children, most of us are taught to be polite and to say "please" and "thank you." As we grow older, our soul recognizes the importance of this teaching, and by the time we are 40, we learn to ask God to help us be appreciative (46:15). Appreciation is for our own good (Quran 27:19, 40, 31:12, 39:7), God does not need our worship. Believers are appreciative, because thanking God is the most logical reaction to the immeasurable blessings God has bestowed upon us (Quran 14:34, 16:18, 53:32, 2:185) and continues to shower upon us every day (30:50). In contrast, the devil's goal is to ensure we remain unappreciative (Quran 7:17). Luqmãn's Wisdom [Quran 31:12] We have endowed Luqmãn with wisdom: "You shall be appreciative of GOD." Whoever is appreciative is appreciative for his own good. As for those who turn unappreciative, GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy. [Quran 14:34] And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count GOD's blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative. The US holiday of Thanksgiving is around the corner. Let us use this as an opportunity to start taking time (even if we begin with as little as 2 minutes each day), to thank God for blessings in our life. May God help us be appreciative. Peace. References Thank You, GOD: Taking it for granted: Thank you dear God (a prayer):