Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The first day of a New Year is also the first day of the rest of our lives. The Quran provides the ways and means of starting all over again anytime we want to. We can forget completely about the past and start as a totally new person; beginning a totally new life. This is the concept of repentance (Quran 66:8, 2:160, 5:74). Repentance involves returning to God. After being unaware for a while, we can now decide to return and be with God (Quran 38:46, 4:146, 7:205-206, 51:56, 67:1-2). New Year's Reflection: What could I repent for and reform from, that could grow my soul the most this coming year? The Believers Repent [Quran 66:8] O you who believe, you shall repent to GOD a firm repentance. Your Lord will then remit your sins and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. ... [Quran 25:71] Those who repent and lead a righteous life, GOD redeems them; a complete redemption. [Quran 40:3] Forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, strict in enforcing retribution, and possessor of all power. There is no other god beside Him. To Him is the ultimate destiny. References: Friday Sermon of Dr. Khalifa (1 Jan 1988), Seeking Forgiveness, Why Were We Created? Peace.