Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, If you wonder why you may not be doing so well in your personal or professional life, the answer may lie in verses like these: [Quran 23:1] Successful indeed are the believers; [23:2] who are reverent during their Contact Prayers (Salat). [23:3] And they avoid vain talk. [23:4] And they give their obligatory charity (Zakat). [Quran 87:14] Successful indeed is the one who redeems his soul. [87:15] By remembering the name of his Lord, and observing the contact prayers (Salat). Observing the Commandments Brings Prosperity [Quran 7:163] Remind them of the community by the sea, who desecrated the Sabbath. When they observed the Sabbath, the fish came to them abundantly. And when they violated the Sabbath, the fish did not come. We thus afflicted them, as a consequence of their transgression. Success is sometimes linked with materialistic things (normally how a human being identifies success). But submitters know that if we seek God first, if we are observant of the commandments--God provides the success. If success is missing it is time to take a closer look at our souls. What is the attitude with which we say the Contact Prayers (Salat)? Are we reverent? Do we remember that we are standing in the presence of GOD? Are we doing the obligatory charity (Zakat) as soon as it is due? Are we happily parting with charity knowing that religious duties are a gift from God? Are we avoiding vain talk in our daily lives? If the answer to these questions are, "No," "Sometimes," "Normally...," then we must immediately correct ourselves. We know that God's promise is the truth, so if we able to live by his guidelines, then success is sure to follow, in this life and the Hereafter. Perfect Happiness: Now and Forever [Quran 41:30] Those who proclaim: "Our Lord is GOD," then lead a righteous life, the angels descend upon them: "You shall have no fear, nor shall you grieve. Rejoice in the good news that Paradise has been reserved for you. [41:31] "We are your allies in this life, and in the Hereafter. You will have in it anything you wish for; you will have anything you want. For more information, please see: Religious Duties: A Gift From God, Who Is Your God?, Road To Happiness: Seek to Please God, Reverence during Contact Prayers, Peace.