Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The Quran has many verses encouraging the Submitters (Muslims, in Arabic) to be steadfast. In 31:17, steadfastness is mentioned as among the most honorable traits. Quran 3:146 says that God loves the steadfast. [Quran 31:17] "O my son, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat). You shall advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and remain steadfast in the face of adversity. These are the most honorable traits. Steadfastness is frequently mentioned as a trait of the righteous (Quran 3:17, 29:58-59, 31:17, 33:35, 38:44, 50:32, etc.). In addition to steadfastly persevering during adversity (Quran 2:177, 6:34, 14:12, 22:35), God encourages the believers to steadfastly persevere in worshiping Him and to steadfastly persevere in carrying out His commands (Quran 19:65, 52:48, 68:48). For those who steadfastly persevere in seeking God, God rewards them with peace and a joyous destiny (Quran 13:22-24). [Quran 13:22] They steadfastly persevere in seeking their Lord, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), spend from our provisions to them secretly and publicly, and counter evil with good. These have deserved the best abode. [13:23] They enter the gardens of Eden, together with the righteous among their parents, their spouses, and their children. The angels will enter to them from every door. [13:24] "Peace be upon you, because you steadfastly persevered. What a joyous destiny." References: Steadfastness, Traits of the Righteous, Quran, Peace.