Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Ramadan begins in a few days, God willing. It's a great opportunity to grow our souls by fulfilling one of God's commandments. Like all duties in Submission, fasting was decreed through Abraham (22:78, Appendices 9 and 15). The full details of fasting are given in Quran 2:183-187. For the dates of fasting for your location please see or (calculation assistant tool). [Quran 2:185] Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation. May we have a blessed month of Ramadan by God's leave, and take advantage of the gift God gives us to grow our souls. References: Religious Duties, A Gift from God, Fasting (Ramadan), Introduction to Ramadan, Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam, Peace.