Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, To believe that anyone, other than God, can intercede on our behalf to have our sins forgiven or our wishes fulfilled, is to set up partners with God. This is idolatry. The Quran proclaims that "All intercession belongs to God" (39:44), and that there will be "no intercession on the Day of Judgment" (2:254). The myth of intercession is one of Satan's most effective tricks to dupe millions of people into idol worship. Millions of Christians believe that Jesus will intercede for them at God, and millions of Muslims believe that Muhammad will intercede on their behalf. Consequently, these people idolize Jesus and Muhammad. [Quran 39:44] Say, "All intercession belongs to GOD." To Him belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be returned. No Intercession* [Quran 2:254] O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the provisions we have given to you, before a day comes where there is no trade, no nepotism, and no intercession. The disbelievers are the unjust. *2:254 One of Satan's clever tricks is attributing the power of intercession to powerless human idols such as Jesus and Muhammad (Appendix 8). Intercession belongs to God alone and is not the role of any prophet. The Quran, written by the prophet Muhammad's own hand (see:, explains Muhammad's true role (see: References: The Myth of Intercession, [view the appendix in a video format at: ] Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam, [view the appendix in a video format at: ] Hadith & Sunna: Satanic Innovations, [view the appendix in a video format at: ] Muhammad Wrote God's Revelations With His Own Hand, Role of the Prophet Muhammad, Peace. ** The Annual Submitters Conference, God willing is on July 28-30. Details are at Please email if you have any questions **