Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, God's Infinite Mercy [Quran 39:53] Proclaim: "O My servants who exceeded the limits, never despair of GOD's mercy. For GOD forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful." [39:54] You shall obey your Lord, and submit to Him totally, before the retribution overtakes you, then you cannot be helped. Each year we set resolutions for ourselves, and sometimes we find ourselves falling short. But we should not stop trying. Rather, we should sincerely repent, seek forgiveness, resolve to try again and work at what is pleasing to God (Quran 66:8, 4:146, 2:160, 5:74, etc.). Satan wants us to despair and give up in our Submission. But God gives us a lifetime so we can improve ourselves. We should make the best use of it before it's too late. [Quran 67:1] Most exalted is the One in whose hands is all kingship, and He is Omnipotent. The Purpose of Our Life* [67:2] The One who created death and life for the purpose of distinguishing those among you who would do better.* He is the Almighty, the Forgiving. {footnote} *67:2 See the Introduction and Appendix 7 for details of the purpose behind this world. What will we strive to do today to fulfill our purpose in life? References: Why Were We Created? Steadfastness, Peace.