Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, During the great feud in the Heavenly Society (Quran 38:67-69) we rebelled against God and failed to make a firm stand regarding His absolute authority. Our sin was compounded by our foolish choice to come down and see for ourselves if Satan could be a god (Quran 33:72). Notwithstanding our bad choices, God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, gave us one final chance. He provided us with a beautiful planet as a temporary "prison", with many provisions. A place where we can witness happiness by submitting to God plus see the misery caused by Satan. Yet, as happy as we can be by choosing God on this earth, it's nothing compared to the bliss of Paradise that awaits the righteous. Heaven: Indescribably Beautiful [Quran 32:17] You have no idea how much joy and happiness are waiting for you as a reward for your (righteous) works. Since this is our final chance to make it (and none of us knows how long we have left): Isn't it in our best interests to try our hardest today to grow closer to God and the indescribable happiness of Paradise? References: Why were we Created?, Freedom From Prison For You And Me, Peace. --- ** Reminder ** --- July 20th is the early registration deadline (lower rates) for the 33rd Annual International Submitters conference (to be held on August 3-5, 2018 in Dallas TX, God willing). Details are at Please email if you have any questions