Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, As we read about powerful storms in the news, we are reminded of how small we humans are. Scientists estimate that the amount of energy a single hurricane can release is far greater than the electricity generating capacity of the whole world! In comparison we cannot even imagine God's power and greatness, knowing God holds not only the earth but entire universes within His hand (Quran 39:67). [Quran 13:13-14] The thunder praises His glory, and so do the angels, out of reverence for Him. He sends the lightning bolts, which strike in accordance with His will. Yet, they argue about GOD, though His power is awesome. Imploring Him is the only legitimate supplication ... Greatness of God* [Quran 39:67] They can never fathom the greatness of GOD. The whole earth is within His fist on the Day of Resurrection. In fact, the universes are folded within His right hand.* Be He glorified; He is much too high above needing any partners. *39:67 Our universe, with its billion galaxies, a billion trillion stars, uncountable decillions of heavenly bodies, spanning many billions of light-years, is the smallest and innermost of seven universes. This incomprehensible vastness of the seven universes is within God's hand. Such is the greatness of God. See Appendix 6. God's greatness is represented not only by the fact that He holds the seven universes in His hand, but also by the fact that He fully controls every atom, even subatomic components, everywhere in the greater universe (Quran 6:59, 10:61, & 34:3). Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe. References: Greatness of God, Why Were We Created?, How much energy does a hurricane release? Peace.