Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Wouldn't the world be a better place if people were nicer? If they were more considerate? If they prayed more? If they were kinder and more humble? If they helped others more and were more charitable? And if they stopped cutting in front of you on the road? The easiest way to make the world a little better is to start with ourselves! Ultimately, we are responsible for our own souls (Quran 2:134, 2:139, 53:39-40, etc.). And the better we are in the sight of God (Quran 49:13), the happier our lives will be (Quran 10:62-64, 24:55-56, etc.). Who wouldn't want that? [Quran 5:105] O you who believe, you should worry only about your own necks. If the others go astray, they cannot hurt you, as long as you are guided. To GOD is your ultimate destiny, all of you, then He will inform you of everything you had done. [Quran 53:39-40] Every human being is responsible for his own works. And everyone's works will be shown. What will we do today to make "our world" better? References: Setting a good example, Working on our Submission, improving ourselves, Peace.