Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The last sura revealed in the Quran ends with: [110:3] You shall glorify and praise your Lord, and implore Him for forgiveness. He is the Redeemer. One way to look at this is that the last commandment God revealed to humans was to implore Him for forgiveness (and to glorify and praise Him). We all sin. So, seeking God's forgiveness and sincerely repenting is important. We are to ask forgiveness for our sins and the sins of all believing men and women (Quran 47:19). The Quran also reminds us to pray for forgiveness at dawn (Quran 51:18). This can help our souls as we start a fresh new day striving to do better in submission to our Creator. [Quran 23:118] ... "My Lord, shower us with forgiveness and mercy. Of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful." References: Seeking Forgiveness: Most essential for our salvation, Why Were We Created? Peace.