Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 3:76] ... God loves the righteous. [Quran 30:45] ... He does not love the disbelievers. A common misconception throughout the world is that the god of Islam (Submission) is not a loving god, while the god of Christianity (for example) is a loving God. However, our god is one and the same god (Quran 29:46), whether we call ourselves Jews, Christians, Submitters, or something else. According to the Quran, the love of God is expressed and emphasized many times over, throughout the book. God loves: the charitable (Quran 2:195), the righteous (Quran 3:76), the steadfast (Quran 3:146), the good doers (Quran 3:148), those who trust Him (Quran 3:159), and more. At the same time, God does not love the transgressors (Quran 7:55). Why should we expect God to love those who are spreading corruption on earth, killing the innocent, torturing the weak, or worse? This does not mean a sinner cannot repent, reform and be among those God loves by believing and leading a righteous life (Quran 19:96). [Quran 19:96] Surely, those who believe and lead a righteous life, the Most Gracious will shower them with love. Reflection: What will we do today that God loves? References: God's love: is it unconditional? God's love, God is love, Peace.