Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, The Contact Prayers: Gift From God [Quran 14:40] "My Lord, make me one who consistently observes the Contact Prayers (Salat), and also my children. Our Lord, please answer my prayers. When Abraham implored God in 14:40, he did not ask for wealth or health; the gift he implored for was: "Please God, make me one who observes the contact prayers (Salat)." The religious duties instituted by God are in fact a great gift from Him. They constitute the nourishment required for the growth and development of our Souls. The word "Salat" comes from the root word "Sila" which means connection or contact. When we observe the Contact Prayer, we are doing more than just praying, we are making contact with our Creator. In this world, the heads of powerful companies or countries have no interest in us contacting them. But Almighty God, Lord of the Universe gives us this opportunity daily. What a wonderful gift! Let us appreciate this gift and observe the Contact Prayers to remember God (Quran 20:14, 29:45). References: Religious Duties: A Gift From God, Salat: Contact Prayer, The Contact Prayers (Salat), Peace.