Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, Treat Each Other Amicably [Quran 17:53] Tell My servants to treat each other in the best possible manner, for the devil will always try to drive a wedge among them. Surely, the devil is man's most ardent enemy. The devil will always try to drive a wedge among God's servants (Quran 17:53). We must avoid this trap by treating one another in the best possible manner. Related to this are the Quranic reminders to avoid ridiculing, mocking, backbiting and suspicion (Quran 49:11-12). May God protect us from Satan's whispers and allow us to reverence Him and treat His servants in the best possible manner. References: Our Real Family, Praying for the Believers, Is This Material To My Salvation? Peace.