Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, God's Infinite Mercy [Quran 39:53] Proclaim: "O My servants who exceeded the limits, never despair of GOD's mercy. For GOD forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful." [39:54] You shall obey your Lord, and submit to Him totally, before the retribution overtakes you, then you cannot be helped. Humans are not very forgiving. Some may not forgive us at all. Others may forgive a few times or for certain sins before they condemn us. In contrast, God's forgiveness is immense, and He is the Most Merciful. God tells us we should not despair because in His infinite mercy, He forgives all sins (Quran 39:53). That doesn't mean we are not accountable to God. Instead, repentance should be accompanied by reform. We must submit to God totally and observe righteousness (Quran 39:54, 25:70). ... 'Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and shower us with mercy. Of all the merciful ones, You are the Most Merciful.' [Quran 23:109] References: Seeking Forgiveness: Most essential for our salvation, Imploring God, Peace.