Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 42:43] Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character. [Quran 20:130] Therefore, be patient in the face of their utterances, and praise and glorify your Lord before sunrise and before sunset. And during the night glorify Him, as well as at both ends of the day, that you may be happy. How do we react when someone insults us or says something blatantly unfair or provocative? God says that resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects "true strength of character". This is a very strong encouragement for us. It is not easy to remain patient when we are provoked or faced with circumstances that appear unfair, because the human being's nature is impatient (Quran 21:37). But which one of us does not wish to build true strength of character? May God help us to turn to Him -- for only He can help us attain patience (Quran 16:127). References: Patience, Steadfastness in Tests, Peace.