Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 2:123] Beware of the day when no soul will help another soul, no ransom will be accepted, no intercession will be useful, and no one will be helped. We will all come before God on the Day of Judgment. If one's soul hasn't grown enough, there's no more time to make it happen. That person cannot stand to be in God's presence (it's too awesome, too great). There will be no ransom: [Quran 3:91] Those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers, an earthful of gold will not be accepted from any of them, even if such a ransom were possible. They have incurred painful retribution; they will have no helpers. There will be no trade: [Quran 2:16] It is they who bought the straying, at the expense of guidance. Such trade never prospers, nor do they receive any guidance. There will be no intercession: [Quran 39:44] Say, "All intercession belongs to GOD." To Him belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be returned. There will be no help: [Quran 36:74-75] They set up beside GOD other gods, perhaps they can be of help to them! On the contrary, they cannot help them; they end up serving them as devoted soldiers. This is why we should seek help in this world, as we pray: [1:5] You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help. [Quran 2:153] O you who believe, seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers (Salat). GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere. God has given us the tools to grow our souls, and as long as we can remain steadfast and worship Him alone, then His help is all we need. And we'll be able to face that day without fear. References The Day of Resurrection, or view in a video format at or from Why Were We Created? or view at Peace.