Subject: [Masjid Tucson] Submission weekly reminder In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Peace be upon you, [Quran 2:153] O you who believe, seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers (Salat). GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere. [Quran 11:115] You shall steadfastly persevere, for GOD never fails to recompense the righteous. As children we read stories about persevering -- like the one about a king and the spider. The spider, trying to build a web, kept falling down. But it didn't give up! The lesson was we should steadfastly persevere towards our goal. Even as adults, we read stories about athletes and successful people who work for years on end to achieve their goals. When it comes to our souls, do we follow the same ideals? Are we willing to work hard and persevere and never give up? If we forget or make mistakes do we ask God's forgiveness and try again and again to do better? In this world, success is not guaranteed -- only a few make it. But God never fails to recompense those who steadfastly persevere and lead a righteous life. And the rewards of the Hereafter are more than anything we can imagine! References Steadfastness in Tests, Steadfastness, trait of the Submitters, Peace.