In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

Quran Word Count: GOD

I seek refuge in GOD, from Satan the rejected

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Sura 2
127 GOD seals their minds and their hearing, and their eyes are veiled. They have incurred severe retribution.
128 Then there are those who say, "We believe in GOD and the Last Day," while they are not believers.
129 In trying to deceive GOD and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving.
1210 In their minds there is a disease. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. They have incurred a painful retribution for their lying.
1215 GOD mocks them, and leads them on in their transgressions, blundering.
1217 Their example is like those who start a fire, then, as it begins to shed light around them, GOD takes away their light, leaving them in darkness, unable to see.
1219 Another example: a rainstorm from the sky in which there is darkness, thunder, and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears, to evade death. GOD is fully aware of the disbelievers.
2220 The lightning almost snatches away their eyesight. When it lights for them, they move forward, and when it turns dark, they stand still. If GOD wills, He can take away their hearing and their eyesight. GOD is Omnipotent.
1222 The One who made the earth habitable for you, and the sky a structure. He sends down from the sky water, to produce all kinds of fruits for your sustenance. You shall not set up idols to rival GOD, now that you know.
1223 If you have any doubt regarding what we revealed to our servant, then produce one sura like these, and call upon your own witnesses against GOD, if you are truthful.
2226 GOD does not shy away from citing any kind of allegory, from the tiny mosquito and greater. As for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, they say, "What did GOD mean by such an allegory?" He misleads many thereby, and guides many thereby. But He never misleads thereby except the wicked,
2227 who violate GOD's covenant after pledging to uphold it, sever what GOD has commanded to be joined, and commit evil. These are the losers.
1228 How can you disbelieve in GOD when you were dead and He gave you life, then He puts you to death, then He brings you back to life, then to Him you ultimately return?
1255 Recall that you said, "O Moses, we will not believe unless we see GOD, physically." Consequently, the lightning struck you, as you looked.
1260 Recall that Moses sought water for his people. We said, "Strike the rock with your staff." Whereupon, twelve springs gushed out therefrom. The members of each tribe knew their own water. Eat and drink from GOD's provisions, and do not roam the earth corruptingly.
2261 Recall that you said, "O Moses, we can no longer tolerate one kind of food. Call upon your Lord to produce for us such earthly crops as beans, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions." He said, "Do you wish to substitute that which is inferior for that which is good? Go down to Egypt, where you can find what you asked for." They have incurred condemnation, humiliation, and disgrace, and brought upon themselves wrath from GOD. This is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and killed the prophets unjustly. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed.
1262 Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
1264 But you turned away thereafter, and if it were not for GOD's grace towards you and His mercy, you would have been doomed.
2267 Moses said to his people, "GOD commands you to sacrifice a heifer." They said, "Are you mocking us?" He said, "GOD forbid, that I should behave like the ignorant ones."
1270 They said, "Call upon your Lord to show us which one. The heifers look alike to us and, GOD willing, we will be guided."
1272 You had killed a soul, then disputed among yourselves. GOD was to expose what you tried to conceal.
1273 We said, "Strike (the victim) with part (of the heifer)." That is when GOD brought the victim back to life, and showed you His signs, that you may understand.
2274 Despite this, your hearts hardened like rocks, or even harder. For there are rocks from which rivers gush out. Others crack and release gentle streams, and other rocks cringe out of reverence for GOD. GOD is never unaware of anything you do.
1275 Do you expect them to believe as you do, when some of them used to hear the word of GOD, then distort it, with full understanding thereof, and deliberately?
1276 And when they meet the believers, they say, "We believe," but when they get together with each other, they say, "Do not inform (the believers) of the information given to you by GOD, lest you provide them with support for their argument concerning your Lord. Do you not understand?"
1277 Do they not know that GOD knows everything they conceal, and everything they declare?
1279 Therefore, woe to those who distort the scripture with their own hands, then say, "This is what GOD has revealed," seeking a cheap material gain. Woe to them for such distortion, and woe to them for their illicit gains.
3280 Some have said, "Hell will not touch us, except for a limited number of days." Say, "Have you taken such a pledge from GOD - GOD never breaks His pledge - or, are you saying about GOD what you do not know?"
1283 We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: "You shall not worship except GOD. You shall honor your parents and regard the relatives, the orphans, and the poor. You shall treat the people amicably. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat)." But you turned away, except a few of you, and you became averse.
1285 Yet, here you are killing each other, and evicting some of you from their homes, banding against them sinfully and maliciously. Even when they surrendered, you demanded ransom from them. Evicting them was prohibited for you in the first place. Do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part? What should be the retribution for those among you who do this, except humiliation in this life, and a far worse retribution on the Day of Resurrection? GOD is never unaware of anything you do.
1288 Some would say, "Our minds are made up!" Instead, it is a curse from GOD, as a consequence of their disbelief, that keeps them from believing, except for a few of them.
2289 When this scripture came to them from GOD, and even though it agrees with, and confirms what they have, and even though they used to prophesy its advent when they talked with the disbelievers, when their own prophecy came to pass, they disbelieved therein. GOD's condemnation thus afflicts the disbelievers.
2290 Miserable indeed is what they sold their souls for - rejecting these revelations of GOD out of sheer resentment that GOD should bestow His grace upon whomever He chooses from among His servants. Consequently, they incurred wrath upon wrath. The disbelievers have incurred a humiliating retribution.
2291 When they are told, "You shall believe in these revelations of GOD," they say, "We believe only in what was sent down to us." Thus, they disbelieve in subsequent revelations, even if it is the truth from their Lord, and even though it confirms what they have! Say, "Why then did you kill GOD's prophets, if you were believers?"
1294 Say, "If the abode of the Hereafter is reserved for you at GOD, to the exclusion of all other people, then you should long for death, if you are truthful."
1295 They never long for it, because of what their hands have sent forth. GOD is fully aware of the wicked.
1296 In fact, you will find them the most covetous of life; even more so than the idol worshipers. The one of them wishes to live a thousand years. But this will not spare him any retribution, no matter how long he lives. GOD is seer of everything they do.
1297 Say, "Anyone who opposes Gabriel should know that he has brought down this (Quran) into your heart, in accordance with GOD's will, confirming previous scriptures, and providing guidance and good news for the believers."
2298 Anyone who opposes GOD, and His angels, and His messengers, and Gabriel and Michael, should know that GOD opposes the disbelievers.
22101 Now that a messenger from GOD has come to them, and even though he proves and confirms their own scripture, some followers of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) disregard GOD's scripture behind their backs, as if they never had any scripture.
12102 They pursued what the devils taught concerning Solomon's kingdom. Solomon, however, was not a disbeliever, but the devils were disbelievers. They taught the people sorcery, and that which was sent down through the two angels of Babel, Haroot and Maroot. These two did not divulge such knowledge without pointing out: "This is a test. You shall not abuse such knowledge." But the people used it in such evil schemes as the breaking up of marriages. They can never harm anyone against the will of GOD. They thus learn what hurts them, not what benefits them, and they know full well that whoever practices witchcraft will have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed is what they sell their souls for, if they only knew.
12103 If they believe and lead a righteous life, the reward from GOD is far better, if they only knew.
22105 Neither the disbelievers among the followers of the scripture, nor the idol worshipers, wish to see any blessings come down to you from your Lord. However, GOD showers His blessings upon whomever He chooses. GOD possesses infinite grace.
12106 When we abrogate any miracle, or cause it to be forgotten, we produce a better miracle, or at least an equal one. Do you not recognize the fact that GOD is Omnipotent?
22107 Do you not recognize the fact that GOD possesses the kingship of the heavens and the earth; that you have none besides GOD as your Lord and Master?
22109 Many followers of the scripture would rather see you revert to disbelief, now that you have believed. This is due to jealousy on their part, after the truth has become evident to them. You shall pardon them, and leave them alone, until GOD issues His judgment. GOD is Omnipotent.
22110 You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat). Any good you send forth on behalf of your souls, you will find it at GOD. GOD is seer of everything you do.
12112 Indeed, those who submit themselves absolutely to GOD alone, while leading a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
12113 The Jews said, "The Christians have no basis," while the Christians said, "The Jews have no basis." Yet, both of them read the scripture. Such are the utterances of those who possess no knowledge. GOD will judge them on the Day of Resurrection, regarding their disputes.
12114 Who are more evil than those who boycott GOD's masjids, where His name is commemorated, and contribute to their desertion? These ought not to enter therein except fearfully. They will suffer in this life humiliation, and will suffer in the Hereafter a terrible retribution.
32115 To GOD belongs the east and the west; wherever you go there will be the presence of GOD. GOD is Omnipresent, Omniscient.
12116 They said, "GOD has begotten a son!" Be He glorified; never! To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth; all are subservient to Him.
12118 Those who possess no knowledge say, "If only GOD could speak to us, or some miracle could come to us!" Others before them have uttered similar utterances; their minds are similar. We do manifest the miracles for those who have attained certainty.
22120 Neither the Jews, nor the Christians, will accept you, unless you follow their religion. Say, "GOD's guidance is the true guidance." If you acquiesce to their wishes, despite the knowledge you have received, you will find no ally or supporter to help you against GOD.
12126 Abraham prayed: "My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and provide its people with fruits. Provide for those who believe in GOD and the Last Day." (God) said, "I will also provide for those who disbelieve. I will let them enjoy, temporarily, then commit them to the retribution of Hell, and a miserable destiny."
12132 Moreover, Abraham exhorted his children to do the same, and so did Jacob: "O my children, GOD has pointed out the religion for you; do not die except as submitters."
12136 Say, "We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters."
12137 If they believe as you do, then they are guided. But if they turn away, then they are in opposition. GOD will spare you their opposition; He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
22138 Such is GOD's system, and whose system is better than GOD's? "Him alone we worship."
12139 Say, "Do you argue with us about GOD, when He is our Lord and your Lord? We are responsible for our deeds, and you are responsible for your deeds. To Him alone we are devoted."
32140 Do you say that Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs were Jewish or Christian? Say, "Do you know better than GOD? Who is more evil than one who conceals a testimony he has learned from GOD? GOD is never unaware of anything you do."
12142 The fools among the people would say, "Why did they change the direction of their Qiblah?" Say, "To GOD belongs the east and the west; He guides whoever wills in a straight path."
32143 We thus made you an impartial community, that you may serve as witnesses among the people, and the messenger serves as a witness among you. We changed the direction of your original Qiblah only to distinguish those among you who readily follow the messenger from those who would turn back on their heels. It was a difficult test, but not for those who are guided by GOD. GOD never puts your worship to waste. GOD is Compassionate towards the people, Most Merciful.
12144 We have seen you turning your face about the sky (searching for the right direction). We now assign a Qiblah that is pleasing to you. Henceforth, you shall turn your face towards the Sacred Masjid. Wherever you may be, all of you shall turn your faces towards it. Those who received the previous scripture know that this is the truth from their Lord. GOD is never unaware of anything they do.
22148 Each of you chooses the direction to follow; you shall race towards righteousness. Wherever you may be, GOD will summon you all. GOD is Omnipotent.
12149 Wherever you go, you shall turn your face (during Salat) towards the Sacred Masjid. This is the truth from your Lord. GOD is never unaware of anything you all do.
12153 O you who believe, seek help through steadfastness and the Contact Prayers (Salat). GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere.
12154 Do not say of those who are killed in the cause of GOD, "They are dead." They are alive at their Lord, but you do not perceive.
12156 When an affliction befalls them, they say, "We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning."
22158 The knolls of Safa and Marwah are among the rites decreed by GOD. Anyone who observes Hajj or `Umrah commits no error by traversing the distance between them. If one volunteers more righteous works, then GOD is Appreciative, Omniscient.
12159 Those who conceal our revelations and guidance, after proclaiming them for the people in the scripture, are condemned by GOD; they are condemned by all the condemners.
12161 Those who disbelieve and die as disbelievers, have incurred the condemnation of GOD, the angels, and all the people (on the Day of Judgment).
12164 In the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the ships that roam the ocean for the benefit of the people, the water that GOD sends down from the sky to revive dead land and to spread in it all kinds of creatures, the manipulation of the winds, and the clouds that are placed between the sky and the earth, there are sufficient proofs for people who understand.
52165 Yet, some people set up idols to rival GOD, and love them as if they are GOD. Those who believe love GOD the most. If only the transgressors could see themselves when they see the retribution! They will realize then that all power belongs to GOD alone, and that GOD's retribution is awesome.
12167 Those who followed will say, "If we can get another chance, we will disown them, as they have disowned us now." GOD thus shows them the consequences of their works as nothing but remorse; they will never exit Hell.
12169 He only commands you to commit evil and vice, and to say about GOD what you do not know.
12170 When they are told, "Follow what GOD has revealed herein," they say, "We follow only what we found our parents doing." What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided?
12172 O you who believe, eat from the good things we provided for you, and be thankful to GOD, if you do worship Him alone.
22173 He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
22174 Those who conceal GOD's revelations in the scripture, in exchange for a cheap material gain, eat but fire into their bellies. GOD will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. They have incurred a painful retribution.
12176 This is because GOD has revealed this scripture, bearing the truth, and those who dispute the scripture are the most ardent opponents.
12177 Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves; and they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat); and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful; these are the righteous.
12181 If anyone alters a will he had heard, the sin of altering befalls those responsible for such altering. GOD is Hearer, Knower.
12182 If one sees gross injustice or bias on the part of a testator, and takes corrective action to restore justice to the will, he commits no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
22185 Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation.
42187 Permitted for you is sexual intercourse with your wives during the nights of fasting. They are the keepers of your secrets, and you are the keepers of their secrets. GOD knew that you used to betray your souls, and He has redeemed you, and has pardoned you. Henceforth, you may have intercourse with them, seeking what GOD has permitted for you. You may eat and drink until the white thread of light becomes distinguishable from the dark thread of night at dawn. Then, you shall fast until sunset. Sexual intercourse is prohibited if you decide to retreat to the masjid (during the last ten days of Ramadan). These are GOD's laws; you shall not transgress them. GOD thus clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may attain salvation.
12189 They ask you about the phases of the moon! Say, "They provide a timing device for the people, and determine the time of Hajj." It is not righteous to beat around the bush; righteousness is attained by upholding the commandments and by being straightforward. You shall observe GOD, that you may succeed.
22190 You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.
12192 If they refrain, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
12193 You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship GOD freely. If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors.
22194 During the Sacred Months, aggression may be met by an equivalent response. If they attack you, you may retaliate by inflicting an equitable retribution. You shall observe GOD and know that GOD is with the righteous.
22195 You shall spend in the cause of GOD; do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. You shall be charitable; GOD loves the charitable.
32196 You shall observe the complete rites of Hajj and`Umrah for GOD. If you are prevented, you shall send an offering, and do not resume cutting your hair until your offering has reached its destination. If you are ill, or suffering a head injury (and you must cut your hair), you shall expiate by fasting, or giving to charity, or some other form of worship. During the normal Hajj, if you break the state of Ihraam (sanctity) between `Umrah and Hajj, you shall expiate by offering an animal sacrifice. If you cannot afford it, you shall fast three days during Hajj and seven when you return home - this completes ten - provided you do not live at the Sacred Masjid. You shall observe GOD, and know that GOD is strict in enforcing retribution.
12197 Hajj shall be observed in the specified months. Whoever sets out to observe Hajj shall refrain from sexual intercourse, misconduct, and arguments throughout Hajj. Whatever good you do, GOD is fully aware thereof. As you prepare your provisions for the journey, the best provision is righteousness. You shall observe Me, O you who possess intelligence.
12198 You commit no error by seeking provisions from your Lord (through commerce). When you file from `Arafaat, you shall commemorate GOD at the Sacred Location (of Muzdalifah). You shall commemorate Him for guiding you; before this, you had gone astray.
22199 You shall file together, with the rest of the people who file, and ask GOD for forgiveness. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
12200 Once you complete your rites, you shall continue to commemorate GOD as you commemorate your own parents, or even better. Some people would say, "Our Lord, give us of this world," while having no share in the Hereafter.
12202 Each of these will receive the share they have earned. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.
22203 You shall commemorate GOD for a number of days (in Mena); whoever hastens to do this in two days commits no sin, and whoever stays longer commits no sin, so long as righteousness is maintained. You shall observe GOD, and know that before Him you will be gathered.
12204 Among the people, one may impress you with his utterances concerning this life, and may even call upon GOD to witness his innermost thoughts, while he is a most ardent opponent.
12205 As soon as he leaves, he roams the earth corruptingly, destroying properties and lives. GOD does not love corruption.
12206 When he is told, "Observe GOD," he becomes arrogantly indignant. Consequently, his only destiny is Hell; what a miserable abode.
22207 Then there are those who dedicate their lives to serving GOD; GOD is compassionate towards such worshipers.
12209 If you backslide, after the clear proofs have come to you, then know that GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
22210 Are they waiting until GOD Himself comes to them in dense clouds, together with the angels? When this happens, the whole matter will be terminated, and to GOD everything will be returned.
22211 Ask the Children of Israel how many profound miracles have we shown them! For those who disregard the blessings bestowed upon them by GOD, GOD is most strict in retribution.
12212 This worldly life is adorned in the eyes of the disbelievers, and they ridicule those who believe. However, the righteous will be far above them on the Day of Resurrection. GOD blesses whomever He wills, without limits.
32213 The people used to be one community when GOD sent the prophets as bearers of good news, as well as warners. He sent down with them the scripture, bearing the truth, to judge among the people in their disputes. Ironically, those who received the scripture were the ones who rejected any new scripture, despite clear proofs given to them. This is due to jealousy on their part. GOD guides those who believe to the truth that is disputed by all others, in accordance with His will. GOD guides whoever wills in a straight path.
22214 Do you expect to enter Paradise without being tested like those before you? They were tested with hardship and adversity, and were shaken up, until the messenger and those who believed with him said, "Where is GOD's victory?" GOD's victory is near.
12215 They ask you about giving: say, "The charity you give shall go to the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien." Any good you do, GOD is fully aware thereof.
12216 Fighting may be imposed on you, even though you dislike it. But you may dislike something which is good for you, and you may like something which is bad for you. GOD knows while you do not know.
22217 They ask you about the Sacred Months and fighting therein: say, "Fighting therein is a sacrilege. However, repelling from the path of GOD and disbelieving in Him and in the sanctity of the Sacred Masjid, and evicting its people, are greater sacrileges in the sight of GOD. Oppression is worse than murder." They will always fight you to revert you from your religion, if they can. Those among you who revert from their religion, and die as disbelievers, have nullified their works in this life and the Hereafter. These are the dwellers of Hell, wherein they abide forever.
32218 Those who believe, and those who emigrate and strive in the cause of GOD, have deserved GOD's mercy. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
12219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling: say, "In them there is a gross sin, and some benefits for the people. But their sinfulness far outweighs their benefit." They also ask you what to give to charity: say, "The excess." GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect,
32220 upon this life and the Hereafter. And they ask you about the orphans: say, "Bringing them up as righteous persons is the best you can do for them. If you mix their property with yours, you shall treat them as family members." GOD knows the righteous and the wicked. Had GOD willed, He could have imposed harsher rules upon you. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
12221 Do not marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed.
22222 They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by GOD. GOD loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean."
12223 Your women are the bearers of your seed. Thus, you may enjoy this privilege however you like, so long as you maintain righteousness. You shall observe GOD, and know that you will meet Him. Give good news to the believers.
22224 Do not subject GOD's name to your casual swearing, that you may appear righteous, pious, or to attain credibility among the people. GOD is Hearer, Knower.
22225 GOD does not hold you responsible for the mere utterance of oaths; He holds you responsible for your innermost intentions. GOD is Forgiver, Clement.
12226 Those who intend to divorce their wives shall wait four months (cooling off); if they change their minds and reconcile, then GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.
12227 If they go through with the divorce, then GOD is Hearer, Knower.
32228 The divorced women shall wait three menstruations (before marrying another man). It is not lawful for them to conceal what GOD creates in their wombs, if they believe in GOD and the Last Day. (In case of pregnancy,) the husband's wishes shall supersede the wife's wishes, if he wants to remarry her. The women have rights, as well as obligations, equitably. Thus, the man's wishes prevail (in case of pregnancy). GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
42229 Divorce may be retracted twice. The divorced woman shall be allowed to live in the same home amicably, or leave it amicably. It is not lawful for the husband to take back anything he had given her. However, the couple may fear that they may transgress GOD's law. If there is fear that they may transgress GOD's law, they commit no error if the wife willingly gives back whatever she chooses. These are GOD's laws; do not transgress them. Those who transgress GOD's laws are the unjust.
22230 If he divorces her (for the third time), it is unlawful for him to remarry her, unless she marries another man, then he divorces her. The first husband can then remarry her, so long as they observe GOD's laws. These are GOD's laws; He explains them for people who know.
42231 If you divorce the women, once they fulfill their interim (three menstruations), you shall allow them to live in the same home amicably, or let them leave amicably. Do not force them to stay against their will, as a revenge. Anyone who does this wrongs his own soul. Do not take GOD's revelations in vain. Remember GOD's blessings upon you, and that He sent down to you the scripture and wisdom to enlighten you. You shall observe GOD, and know that GOD is aware of all things.
22232 If you divorce the women, once they fulfill their interim, do not prevent them from remarrying their husbands, if they reconcile amicably. This shall be heeded by those among you who believe in GOD and the Last Day. This is purer for you, and more righteous. GOD knows, while you do not know.
22233 Divorced mothers shall nurse their infants two full years, if the father so wishes. The father shall provide the mother's food and clothing equitably. No one shall be burdened beyond his ability. No mother shall be harmed on account of her infant, nor shall the father be harmed because of his infant. (If the father dies), his inheritor shall assume these responsibilities. If the infant's parents mutually agree to part, after due consultation, they commit no error by doing so. You commit no error by hiring nursing mothers, so long as you pay them equitably. You shall observe GOD, and know that GOD is Seer of everything you do.
12234 Those who die and leave wives, their widows shall wait four months and ten days (before they remarry). Once they fulfill their interim, you commit no error by letting them do whatever righteous matters they wish to do. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
32235 You commit no sin by announcing your engagement to the women, or keeping it secret. GOD knows that you will think about them. Do not meet them secretly, unless you have something righteous to discuss. Do not consummate the marriage until their interim is fulfilled. You should know that GOD knows your innermost thoughts, and observe Him. You should know that GOD is Forgiver, Clement.
12237 If you divorce them before touching them, but after you had set the dowry for them, the compensation shall be half the dowry, unless they voluntarily forfeit their rights, or the party responsible for causing the divorce chooses to forfeit the dowry. To forfeit is closer to righteousness. You shall maintain the amicable relations among you. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
12238 You shall consistently observe the Contact Prayers, especially the middle prayer, and devote yourselves totally to GOD.
12239 Under unusual circumstances, you may pray while walking or riding. Once you are safe, you shall commemorate GOD as He taught you what you never knew.
12240 Those who die and leave wives, a will shall provide their wives with support for a year, provided they stay within the same household. If they leave, you commit no sin by letting them do whatever they wish, so long as righteousness is maintained. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
12242 GOD thus explains His revelations for you, that you may understand.
22243 Have you noted those who fled their homes - though they were in the thousands - fearing death? GOD said to them, "Die," then revived them. GOD showers His grace upon the people, but most people are unappreciative.
22244 You shall fight in the cause of GOD, and know that GOD is Hearer, Knower.
22245 Who would lend GOD a loan of righteousness, to have it repaid to them multiplied manifold? GOD is the One who provides and withholds, and to Him you will be returned.
32246 Have you noted the leaders of Israel after Moses? They said to their prophet, "If you appoint a king to lead us, we will fight in the cause of GOD." He said, "Is it your intention that, if fighting is decreed for you, you will not fight?" They said, "Why should we not fight in the cause of GOD, when we have been deprived of our homes, and our children?" Yet, when fighting was decreed for them, they turned away, except a few. GOD is aware of the transgressors.
42247 Their prophet said to them, "GOD has appointed Taloot (Saul) to be your king." They said, "How can he have kingship over us when we are more worthy of kingship than he; he is not even rich?" He said, "GOD has chosen him over you, and has blessed him with an abundance in knowledge and in body." GOD grants His kingship to whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.
42249 When Saul took command of the troops, he said, "GOD is putting you to the test by means of a stream. Anyone who drinks from it does not belong with me - only those who do not taste it belong with me - unless it is just a single sip." They drank from it, except a few of them. When he crossed it with those who believed, they said, "Now we lack the strength to face Goliath and his troops." Those who were conscious of meeting GOD said, "Many a small army defeated a large army by GOD's leave. GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere."
42251 They defeated them by GOD's leave, and David killed Goliath. GOD gave him kingship and wisdom, and taught him as He willed. If it were not for GOD's support of some people against others, there would be chaos on earth. But GOD showers His grace upon the people.
12252 These are GOD's revelations. We recite them through you, truthfully, for you are one of the messengers.
42253 These messengers; we blessed some of them more than others. For example, GOD spoke to one, and we raised some of them to higher ranks. And we gave Jesus, son of Mary, profound miracles and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Had GOD willed, their followers would not have fought with each other, after the clear proofs had come to them. Instead, they disputed among themselves; some of them believed, and some disbelieved. Had GOD willed, they would not have fought. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.
12255 GOD: there is no other god besides Him, the Living, the Eternal. Never a moment of unawareness or slumber overtakes Him. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Who could intercede with Him, except in accordance with His will? He knows their past, and their future. No one attains any knowledge, except as He wills. His dominion encompasses the heavens and the earth, and ruling them never burdens Him. He is the Most High, the Great.
22256 There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
12257 GOD is Lord of those who believe; He leads them out of darkness into the light. As for those who disbelieve, their lords are their idols; they lead them out of the light into darkness - these will be the dwellers of Hell; they abide in it forever.
32258 Have you noted the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord, though GOD had given him kingship? Abraham said, "My Lord grants life and death." He said, "I grant life and death." Abraham said, "GOD brings the sun from the east, can you bring it from the west?" The disbeliever was stumped. GOD does not guide the wicked.
32259 Consider the one who passed by a ghost town and wondered, "How can GOD revive this after it had died?" GOD then put him to death for a hundred years, then resurrected him. He said, "How long have you stayed here?" He said, "I have been here a day, or part of the day." He said, "No! You have been here a hundred years. Yet, look at your food and drink; they did not spoil. Look at your donkey - we thus render you a lesson for the people. Now, note how we construct the bones, then cover them with flesh." When he realized what had happened, he said, "Now I know that GOD is Omnipotent."
12260 Abraham said, "My Lord, show me how You revive the dead." He said, "Do you not believe?" He said, "Yes, but I wish to reassure my heart." He said, "Take four birds, study their marks, place a piece of each bird on top of a hill, then call them to you. They will come to you in a hurry. You should know that GOD is Almighty, Most Wise."
32261 The example of those who spend their monies in the cause of GOD is that of a grain that produces seven spikes, with a hundred grains in each spike. GOD multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.
12262 Those who spend their money in the cause of GOD, then do not follow their charity with insult or harm, will receive their recompense from their Lord; they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
12263 Kind words and compassion are better than a charity that is followed by insult. GOD is Rich, Clement.
22264 O you who believe, do not nullify your charities by inflicting reproach and insult, like one who spends his money to show off, while disbelieving in GOD and the Last Day. His example is like a rock covered with a thin layer of soil; as soon as heavy rain falls, it washes off the soil, leaving it a useless rock. They gain nothing from their efforts. GOD does not guide disbelieving people.
22265 The example of those who give their money seeking GOD's pleasure, out of sincere conviction, is that of a garden on high fertile soil; when heavy rain falls, it gives twice as much crop. If heavy rain is not available, a drizzle will suffice. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
12266 Does any of you wish to own a garden of palm trees and grapes, with flowing streams and generous crops, then, just as he grows old, and while his children are still dependent on him, a holocaust strikes and burns up his garden? GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you, that you may reflect.
12267 O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the good things you earn, and from what we have produced for you from the earth. Do not pick out the bad therein to give away, when you yourselves do not accept it unless your eyes are closed. You should know that GOD is Rich, Praiseworthy.
22268 The devil promises you poverty and commands you to commit evil, while GOD promises you forgiveness from Him and grace. GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.
12270 Any charity you give, or a charitable pledge you fulfill, GOD is fully aware thereof. As for the wicked, they will have no helpers.
12271 If you declare your charities, they are still good. But if you keep them anonymous, and give them to the poor, it is better for you, and remits more of your sins. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
22272 You are not responsible for guiding anyone. GOD is the only one who guides whoever chooses (to be guided). Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of GOD. Any charity you give will be repaid to you, without the least injustice.
22273 Charity shall go to the poor who are suffering in the cause of GOD, and cannot emigrate. The unaware may think that they are rich, due to their dignity. But you can recognize them by certain signs; they never beg from the people persistently. Whatever charity you give, GOD is fully aware thereof.
22275 Those who charge usury are in the same position as those controlled by the devil's influence. This is because they claim that usury is the same as commerce. However, GOD permits commerce, and prohibits usury. Thus, whoever heeds this commandment from his Lord, and refrains from usury, he may keep his past earnings, and his judgment rests with GOD. As for those who persist in usury, they incur Hell, wherein they abide forever.
22276 GOD condemns usury, and blesses charities. GOD dislikes every disbeliever, guilty.
12278 O you who believe, you shall observe GOD and refrain from all kinds of usury, if you are believers.
12279 If you do not, then expect a war from GOD and His messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capitals, without inflicting injustice, or incurring injustice.
12281 Beware of the day when you are returned to GOD, and every soul is paid for everything it had done, without the least injustice.
62282 O you who believe, when you transact a loan for any period, you shall write it down. An impartial scribe shall do the writing. No scribe shall refuse to perform this service, according to GOD's teachings. He shall write, while the debtor dictates the terms. He shall observe GOD his Lord and never cheat. If the debtor is mentally incapable, or helpless, or cannot dictate, his guardian shall dictate equitably. Two men shall serve as witnesses; if not two men, then a man and two women whose testimony is acceptable to all. Thus, if one woman becomes biased, the other will remind her. It is the obligation of the witnesses to testify when called upon to do so. Do not tire of writing the details, no matter how long, including the time of repayment. This is equitable in the sight of GOD, assures better witnessing, and eliminates any doubts you may have. Business transactions that you execute on the spot need not be recorded, but have them witnessed. No scribe or witness shall be harmed on account of his services. If you harm them, it would be wickedness on your part. You shall observe GOD, and GOD will teach you. GOD is Omniscient.
22283 If you are traveling, and no scribe is available, a bond shall be posted to guarantee repayment. If one is trusted in this manner, he shall return the bond when due, and he shall observe GOD his Lord. Do not withhold any testimony by concealing what you had witnessed. Anyone who withholds a testimony is sinful at heart. GOD is fully aware of everything you do.
32284 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Whether you declare your innermost thoughts, or keep them hidden, GOD holds you responsible for them. He forgives whomever He wills, and punishes whomever He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.
12285 The messenger has believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. They believe in GOD, His angels, His scripture, and His messengers: "We make no distinction among any of His messengers." They say, "We hear, and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord. To You is the ultimate destiny."
12286 GOD never burdens a soul beyond its means: to its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. "Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make mistakes. Our Lord, and protect us from blaspheming against You, like those before us have done. Our Lord, protect us from sinning until it becomes too late for us to repent. Pardon us and forgive us. You are our Lord and Master. Grant us victory over the disbelieving people."
In sura 2: "GOD" occurs 282 time(s), and in 172 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 29336
Sura 3
132 GOD: there is no god except He; the Living, the Eternal.
234 before that, to guide the people, and He sent down the statute book. Those who disbelieve in GOD's revelations incur severe retribution. GOD is Almighty, Avenger.
135 Nothing is hidden from GOD, on earth, or in the heaven.
137 He sent down to you this scripture, containing straightforward verses - which constitute the essence of the scripture - as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this - all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.
139 "Our Lord, You will surely gather the people on a day that is inevitable. GOD never breaks a promise."
1310 Those who disbelieve will never be helped by their money, nor by their children, against GOD. They will be fuel for Hell.
2311 Like Pharaoh's people and those before them, they rejected our revelations and, consequently, GOD punished them for their sins. GOD is strict in enforcing retribution.
2313 An example has been set for you by the two armies who clashed - one army was fighting in the cause of GOD, while the other was disbelieving. They saw with their own eyes that they were twice as many. GOD supports with His victory whomever He wills. This should provide an assurance for those who possess vision.
1314 Adorned for the people are the worldly pleasures, such as the women, having children, piles upon piles of gold and silver, trained horses, livestock, and crops. These are the materials of this world. A far better abode is reserved at GOD.
2315 Say, "Let me inform you of a much better deal: for those who lead a righteous life, reserved at their Lord, are gardens with flowing streams, and pure spouses, and joy in GOD's blessings." GOD is Seer of His worshipers.
1318 GOD bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute god; there is no god but He, the Almighty, Most Wise.
3319 The only religion approved by GOD is "Submission." Ironically, those who have received the scripture are the ones who dispute this fact, despite the knowledge they have received, due to jealousy. For such rejectors of GOD's revelations, GOD is most strict in reckoning.
2320 If they argue with you, then say, "I have simply submitted myself to GOD; I and those who follow me." You shall proclaim to those who received the scripture, as well as those who did not, "Would you submit?" If they submit, then they have been guided, but if they turn away, your sole mission is to deliver this message. GOD is Seer of all people.
1321 Those who have rejected GOD's revelations, and killed the prophets unjustly, and killed those who advocated justice among the people, promise them a painful retribution.
1323 Have you noted those who were given part of the scripture, and how they are invited to uphold this scripture of GOD, and apply it to their own lives, then some of them turn away in aversion?
3328 The believers never ally themselves with the disbelievers, instead of the believers. Whoever does this is exiled from GOD. Exempted are those who are forced to do this to avoid persecution. GOD alerts you that you shall reverence Him alone. To GOD is the ultimate destiny.
2329 Say, "Whether you conceal your innermost thought, or declare it, GOD is fully aware thereof." He is fully aware of everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omnipotent.
2330 The day will come when each soul will find all the good works it had done brought forth. As for the evil works, it will wish that they were far, far removed. GOD alerts you that you shall reverence Him alone. GOD is Compassionate towards the people.
3331 Proclaim: "If you love GOD, you should follow me." GOD will then love you, and forgive your sins. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2332 Proclaim: "You shall obey GOD and the messenger." If they turn away, GOD does not love the disbelievers.
1333 GOD has chosen Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Amram (as messengers) to the people.
1334 They belong in the same progeny. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
1336 When she gave birth to her, she said, "My Lord, I have given birth to a girl" - GOD was fully aware of what she bore - "The male is not the same as the female. I have named her Mary, and I invoke Your protection for her and her descendants from the rejected devil."
2337 Her Lord accepted her a gracious acceptance, and brought her up a gracious upbringing, under the guardianship of Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah entered her sanctuary he found provisions with her. He would ask, "Mary, where did you get this from?" She would say, "It is from GOD. GOD provides for whomever He chooses, without limits."
2339 The angels called him when he was praying in the sanctuary: "GOD gives you good news of John; a believer in the word of GOD, honorable, moral, and a righteous prophet."
1340 He said, "How can I have a boy, when I am so old, and my wife is sterile?" He said, "GOD does whatever He wills."
1342 The angels said, "O Mary, GOD has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you from all the women.
1345 The angels said, "O Mary, GOD gives you good news: a Word from Him whose name is `The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary. He will be prominent in this life and in the Hereafter, and one of those closest to Me.'
1347 She said, "My Lord, how can I have a son, when no man has touched me?" He said, "GOD thus creates whatever He wills. To have anything done, He simply says to it, `Be,' and it is.
2349 As a messenger to the Children of Israel: "I come to you with a sign from your Lord - I create for you from clay the shape of a bird, then I blow into it, and it becomes a live bird by GOD's leave. I restore vision to the blind, heal the leprous, and I revive the dead by GOD's leave. I can tell you what you eat, and what you store in your homes. This should be a proof for you, if you are believers.
1350 "I confirm previous scripture - the Torah - and I revoke certain prohibitions imposed upon you. I come to you with sufficient proof from your Lord. Therefore, you shall observe GOD, and obey me.
1351 "GOD is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."
3352 When Jesus sensed their disbelief, he said, "Who are my supporters towards GOD?" The disciples said, "We are GOD's supporters; we believe in GOD, and bear witness that we are submitters."
2354 They plotted and schemed, but so did GOD, and GOD is the best schemer.
1355 Thus, GOD said, "O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you, then I will judge among you regarding your disputes.
1357 As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, He will fully recompense them. GOD does not love the unjust.
1359 The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was.
1361 If anyone argues with you, despite the knowledge you have received, then say, "Let us summon our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us invoke GOD's curse upon the liars."
2362 Absolutely, this is the narration of the truth. Absolutely, there is no god except GOD. Absolutely, GOD is the Almighty, Most Wise.
1363 If they turn away, then GOD is fully aware of the evildoers.
2364 Say, "O followers of the scripture, let us come to a logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not worship except GOD; that we never set up any idols besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside GOD." If they turn away, say, "Bear witness that we are submitters."
1366 You have argued about things you knew; why do you argue about things you do not know? GOD knows, while you do not know.
1368 The people most worthy of Abraham are those who followed him, and this prophet, and those who believe. GOD is the Lord and Master of the believers.
1370 O followers of the scripture, why do you reject these revelations of GOD though you bear witness (that this is the truth)?
3373 "And do not believe except as those who follow your religion." Say, "The true guidance is GOD's guidance." If they claim that they have the same guidance, or argue with you about your Lord, say, "All grace is in GOD's hand; He bestows it upon whomever He wills." GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.
1374 He specifies His mercy for whomever He wills; GOD possesses unlimited grace.
1375 Some followers of the scripture can be trusted with a whole lot, and they will give it back to you. Others among them cannot be trusted with a single dinar; they will not repay you unless you keep after them. That is because they say, "We do not have to be honest when dealing with the gentiles!" Thus, they attribute lies to GOD, knowingly.
1376 Indeed, those who fulfill their obligations and lead a righteous life, GOD loves the righteous.
2377 As for those who trade away GOD's covenant, and their obligations, for a cheap price, they receive no share in the Hereafter. GOD will not speak to them, nor look at them, on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. They have incurred a painful retribution.
3378 Among them are those who twist their tongues to imitate the scripture, that you may think it is from the scripture, when it is not from the scripture, and they claim that it is from GOD, when it is not from GOD. Thus, they utter lies and attribute them to GOD, knowingly.
2379 Never would a human being whom GOD blessed with the scripture and prophethood say to the people, "Idolize me beside GOD." Instead, (he would say), "Devote yourselves absolutely to your Lord alone," according to the scripture you preach and the teachings you learn.
1381 GOD took a covenant from the prophets, saying, "I will give you the scripture and wisdom. Afterwards, a messenger will come to confirm all existing scriptures. You shall believe in him and support him." He said, "Do you agree with this, and pledge to fulfill this covenant?" They said, "We agree." He said, "You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you."
1383 Are they seeking other than GOD's religion, when everything in the heavens and the earth has submitted to Him, willingly and unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned?
1384 Say, "We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters."
2386 Why should GOD guide people who disbelieved after believing, and after witnessing that the messenger is truth, and after solid proofs have been given to them? GOD does not guide the wicked.
1387 These have incurred condemnation by GOD, and the angels, and all the people.
1389 Exempted are those who repent thereafter, and reform. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
1392 You cannot attain righteousness until you give to charity from the possessions you love. Whatever you give to charity, GOD is fully aware thereof.
1394 Those who fabricate false prohibitions after this, and attribute them to GOD, are truly wicked.
1395 Say, "GOD has proclaimed the truth: You shall follow Abraham's religion - monotheism. He never was an idolater."
2397 In it are clear signs: the station of Abraham. Anyone who enters it shall be granted safe passage. The people owe it to GOD that they shall observe Hajj to this shrine, when they can afford it. As for those who disbelieve, GOD does not need anyone.
2398 Say, "O followers of the scripture, why do you reject these revelations of GOD, when GOD is witnessing everything you do?"
2399 Say, "O followers of the scripture, why do you repel from the path of GOD those who wish to believe, and seek to distort it, even though you are witnesses?" GOD is never unaware of anything you do.
23101 How can you disbelieve, when these revelations of GOD have been recited to you, and His messenger has come to you? Whoever holds fast to GOD will be guided in the right path.
13102 O you who believe, you shall observe GOD as He should be observed, and do not die except as Submitters.
33103 You shall hold fast to the rope of GOD, all of you, and do not be divided. Recall GOD's blessings upon you - you used to be enemies and He reconciled your hearts. By His grace, you became brethren. You were at the brink of a pit of fire, and He saved you therefrom. GOD thus explains His revelations for you, that you may be guided.
13107 As for those whose faces are brightened, they will rejoice in GOD's mercy; they abide therein forever.
23108 These are GOD's revelations; we recite them to you, truthfully. GOD does not wish any hardship for the people.
23109 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth, and all matters are controlled by GOD.
13110 You are the best community ever raised among the people: you advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and you believe in GOD. If the followers of the scripture believed, it would be better for them. Some of them do believe, but the majority of them are wicked.
33112 They shall be humiliated whenever you encounter them, unless they uphold GOD's covenant, as well as their peace covenants with you. They have incurred wrath from GOD, and, consequently, they are committed to disgrace. This is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and killed the prophets unjustly. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed.
13113 They are not all the same; among the followers of the scripture, there are those who are righteous. They recite GOD's revelations through the night, and they fall prostrate.
13114 They believe in GOD and the Last Day, they advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and they hasten to do righteous works. These are the righteous.
13115 Any good they do will not go unrewarded. GOD is fully aware of the righteous.
13116 Those who disbelieved can never be helped by their money or their children against GOD. They have incurred Hell, wherein they abide forever.
13117 The example of their accomplishments in this life is like a violent wind that hits the harvest of people who have wronged their souls, and wipes it out. GOD never wronged them; it is they who wronged themselves.
13119 Here you are loving them, while they do not love you, and you believe in all the scripture. When they meet you they say, "We believe," but as soon as they leave, they bite their fingers out of rage towards you. Say, "Die in your rage." GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
13120 When anything good comes your way they hurt, and when something bad happens to you they rejoice. If you steadfastly persevere, and maintain righteousness, their schemes will never hurt you. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.
13121 Recall that you (Muhammad) were among your people when you set out to assign to the believers their positions for battle. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
23122 Two groups among you almost failed, but GOD was their Lord. In GOD the believers shall trust.
23123 GOD has granted you victory at Badr, despite your weakness. Therefore, you shall observe GOD, to show your appreciation.
23126 GOD thus informs you, in order to give you good news, and to assure your hearts. Victory comes only from GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.
23129 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. He forgives whomever He wills, and punishes whomever He wills. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
13130 O you who believe, you shall not take usury, compounded over and over. Observe GOD, that you may succeed.
13132 You shall obey GOD and the messenger, that you may attain mercy.
13134 who give to charity during the good times, as well as the bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD loves the charitable.
23135 If they fall in sin or wrong their souls, they remember GOD and ask forgiveness for their sins - and who forgives the sins except GOD - and they do not persist in sins, knowingly.
23140 If you suffer hardship, the enemy also suffers the same hardship. We alternate the days of victory and defeat among the people. GOD thus distinguishes the true believers, and blesses some of you with martyrdom. GOD dislikes injustice.
13141 GOD thus toughens those who believe and humiliates the disbelievers.
13142 Do you expect to enter Paradise without GOD distinguishing those among you who strive, and without distinguishing those who are steadfast?
23144 Muhammad was no more than a messenger like the messengers before him. Should he die or get killed, would you turn back on your heels? Anyone who turns back on his heels, does not hurt GOD in the least. GOD rewards those who are appreciative.
13145 No one dies except by GOD's leave, at a predetermined time. Whoever seeks the vanities of this world, we give him therefrom, and whoever seeks the rewards of the Hereafter, we bless him therein. We reward those who are appreciative.
23146 Many a prophet had godly people fight along with him, without ever wavering under pressure in the cause of GOD, nor did they hesitate or become discouraged. GOD loves the steadfast.
23148 Consequently, GOD granted them the rewards of this world, and the better rewards of the Hereafter. GOD loves the good doers.
13150 GOD alone is your Lord and Master, and He is the best supporter.
13151 We will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, since they set up besides GOD powerless idols. Their destiny is Hell; what a miserable abode for the transgressors!
23152 GOD has fulfilled His promise to you, and you defeated them by His leave. But then you wavered, disputed among yourselves, and disobeyed after He had shown you (the victory) you had longed for. But then, some of you became distracted by the spoils of this world, while others were rightly concerned with the Hereafter. He then diverted you from them to test you. He has pardoned you. GOD showers the believers with His grace.
13153 Recall that you rushed (after the spoils), paying no attention to anyone, even when the messenger was calling from behind you. Consequently, He substituted one misery for another, that you may not grieve over anything you had missed, or agonize over any hardship you had suffered. GOD is Cognizant of everything you do.
43154 After the setback, He sent down upon you peaceful slumber that pacified some of you. Others among you were selfishly concerned about themselves. They harbored thoughts about GOD that were not right - the same thoughts they had harbored during the days of ignorance. Thus, they said, "Is anything up to us?" Say, "Everything is up to GOD." They concealed inside themselves what they did not reveal to you. They said, "If it was up to us, none of us would have been killed in this battle." Say, "Had you stayed in your homes, those destined to be killed would have crawled into their death beds." GOD thus puts you to the test to bring out your true convictions, and to test what is in your hearts. GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
23155 Surely, those among you who turned back the day the two armies clashed have been duped by the devil. This reflects some of the (evil) works they had committed. GOD has pardoned them. GOD is Forgiver, Clement.
33156 O you who believe, do not be like those who disbelieved and said of their kinsmen who traveled or mobilized for war, "Had they stayed with us, they would not have died or gotten killed." GOD renders this a source of grief in their hearts. GOD controls life and death. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
23157 Whether you get killed or die in the cause of GOD, the forgiveness from GOD, and mercy are far better than anything they hoard.
13158 Whether you die or get killed, you will be summoned before GOD.
33159 It was mercy from GOD that you became compassionate towards them. Had you been harsh and mean-hearted, they would have abandoned you. Therefore, you shall pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them. Once you make a decision, carry out your plan, and trust in GOD. GOD loves those who trust in Him.
23160 If GOD supports you, none can defeat you. And if He abandons you, who else can support you? In GOD the believers shall trust.
23162 Is one who pursues GOD's pleasure the same as one who incurs wrath from GOD and his destiny is Hell, the most miserable abode?
23163 They certainly occupy different ranks at GOD. GOD is Seer of everything they do.
13164 GOD has blessed the believers by raising in their midst a messenger from among them, to recite for them His revelations, and to purify them, and to teach them the scripture and wisdom. Before this, they had gone totally astray.
13165 Now that you have suffered a setback, and even though you inflicted twice as much suffering (upon your enemy), you said, "Why did this happen to us?" Say, "This is a consequence of your own deeds." GOD is Omnipotent.
13166 What afflicted you the day the two armies clashed was in accordance with GOD's will, and to distinguish the believers.
23167 And to expose the hypocrites who were told, "Come fight in the cause of GOD, or contribute." They said, "If we knew how to fight, we would have joined you." They were closer to disbelief then than they were to belief. They uttered with their mouths what was not in their hearts. GOD knows what they conceal.
13169 Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of GOD are dead; they are alive at their Lord, enjoying His provisions.
13170 They are rejoicing in GOD's grace, and they have good news for their comrades who did not die with them, that they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
23171 They have good news of GOD's blessings and grace, and that GOD never fails to reward the believers.
13172 For those who respond to GOD and the messenger, despite the persecution they suffer, and maintain their good works, and lead a righteous life, a great reward.
13173 When the people say to them, "People have mobilized against you; you should fear them," this only strengthens their faith, and they say, "GOD suffices us; He is the best Protector."
33174 They have deserved GOD's blessings and grace. No harm ever touches them, for they have attained GOD's approval. GOD possesses infinite grace.
23176 Do not be saddened by those who hasten to disbelieve. They never hurt GOD in the least. Instead, GOD has willed that they will have no share in the Hereafter. They have incurred a terrible retribution.
13177 Those who choose disbelief, instead of belief, do not hurt GOD in the least; they have incurred a painful retribution.
43179 GOD is not to leave the believers as you are, without distinguishing the bad from the good. Nor does GOD inform you of the future, but GOD bestows such knowledge upon whomever He chooses from among His messengers. Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messengers. If you believe and lead a righteous life, you receive a great recompense.
33180 Let not those who withhold and hoard GOD's provisions think that this is good for them; it is bad for them. For they will carry their hoardings around their necks on the Day of Resurrection. GOD is the ultimate inheritor of the heavens and the earth. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
23181 GOD has heard the utterances of those who said, "GOD is poor, while we are rich." We will record everything they said, just as we recorded their killing of the prophets unjustly, and we will say, "Suffer the retribution of Hell.
13182 "This is the consequence of your own works." GOD is never unjust towards the people.
13183 It is they who said, "GOD has made a covenant with us that we shall not believe in any messenger, unless he produces an offering that gets consumed by fire." Say, "Messengers before me have come to you with clear proofs, including what you just demanded. Why then did you kill them, if you are truthful?"
13187 GOD took a covenant from those who received the scripture: "You shall proclaim it to the people, and never conceal it." But they disregarded it behind their backs, and traded it away for a cheap price. What a miserable trade.
23189 To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omnipotent.
13191 They remember GOD while standing, sitting, and on their sides, and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, You did not create all this in vain. Be You glorified. Save us from the retribution of Hell.
23195 Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another. Thus, those who immigrate, and get evicted from their homes, and are persecuted because of Me, and fight and get killed, I will surely remit their sins and admit them into gardens with flowing streams." Such is the reward from GOD. GOD possesses the ultimate reward.
23198 As for those who observe their Lord, they have deserved gardens with flowing streams; they abide therein forever. Such is the abode given to them by GOD. What GOD possesses is far better for the righteous.
43199 Surely, some followers of the previous scriptures do believe in GOD, and in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed to them. They reverence GOD, and they never trade away GOD's revelations for a cheap price. These will receive their recompense from their Lord. GOD is the most efficient in reckoning.
13200 O you who believe, you shall be steadfast, you shall persevere, you shall be united, you shall observe GOD, that you may succeed.
In sura 3: "GOD" occurs 209 time(s), and in 131 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 13354
Sura 4
241 O people, observe your Lord; the One who created you from one being, and created from it its mate, then spread from the two many men and women. You shall regard GOD, by whom you swear, and regard the parents. GOD is watching over you.
145 Do not give immature orphans the properties that GOD has entrusted with you as guardians. You shall provide for them therefrom, and clothe them, and treat them kindly.
146 You shall test the orphans when they reach puberty. As soon as you find them mature enough, give them their property. Do not consume it extravagantly in a hurry, before they grow up. The rich guardian shall not charge any wage, but the poor guardian may charge equitably. When you give them their properties, you shall have witnesses. GOD suffices as Reckoner.
149 Those who are concerned about their own children, in case they leave them behind, shall observe GOD and be equitable.
3411 GOD decrees a will for the benefit of your children; the male gets twice the share of the female. If the inheritors are only women, more than two, they get two-thirds of what is bequeathed. If only one daughter is left, she gets one-half. The parents of the deceased get one-sixth of the inheritance each, if the deceased has left any children. If he left no children, and his parents are the only inheritors, the mother gets one-third. If he has siblings, then the mother gets one-sixth. All this, after fulfilling any will the deceased has left, and after paying off all debts. When it comes to your parents and your children, you do not know which of them is really the best to you and the most beneficial. This is GOD's law. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
2412 You get half of what your wives leave behind, if they had no children. If they had children, you get one-fourth of what they leave. All this, after fulfilling any will they had left, and after paying off all debts. They get one-fourth of what you leave behind, if you had no children. If you had children, they get one-eighth of what you bequeath. All this, after fulfilling any will you had left, and after paying off all debts. If the deceased man or woman was a loner, and leaves two siblings, male or female, each of them gets one-sixth of the inheritance. If there are more siblings, then they equally share one-third of the inheritance. All this, after fulfilling any will, and after paying off all debts, so that no one is hurt. This is a will decreed by GOD. GOD is Omniscient, Clement.
2413 These are GOD's laws. Those who obey GOD and His messenger, He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. This is the greatest triumph.
1414 As for the one who disobeys GOD and His messenger, and transgresses His laws, He will admit him into Hell, wherein he abides forever. He has incurred a shameful retribution.
1415 Those who commit adultery among your women, you must have four witnesses against them, from among you. If they do bear witness, then you shall keep such women in their homes until they die, or until GOD creates an exit for them.
1416 The couple who commits adultery shall be punished. If they repent and reform, you shall leave them alone. GOD is Redeemer, Most Merciful.
3417 Repentance is acceptable by GOD from those who fall in sin out of ignorance, then repent immediately thereafter. GOD redeems them. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
1419 O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit what the women leave behind, against their will. You shall not force them to give up anything you had given them, unless they commit a proven adultery. You shall treat them nicely. If you dislike them, you may dislike something wherein GOD has placed a lot of good.
1423 Prohibited for you (in marriage) are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, the sisters of your fathers, the sisters of your mothers, the daughters of your brother, the daughters of your sister, your nursing mothers, the girls who nursed from the same woman as you, the mothers of your wives, the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated the marriage - if the marriage has not been consummated, you may marry the daughter. Also prohibited for you are the women who were married to your genetic sons. Also, you shall not be married to two sisters at the same time - but do not break up existing marriages. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2424 Also prohibited are the women who are already married, unless they flee their disbelieving husbands who are at war with you. These are GOD's commandments to you. All other categories are permitted for you in marriage, so long as you pay them their due dowries. You shall maintain your morality, by not committing adultery. Thus, whoever you like among them, you shall pay them the dowry decreed for them. You commit no error by mutually agreeing to any adjustments to the dowry. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
2425 Those among you who cannot afford to marry free believing women, may marry believing slave women. GOD knows best about your belief, and you are equal to one another, as far as belief is concerned. You shall obtain permission from their guardians before you marry them, and pay them their due dowry equitably. They shall maintain moral behavior, by not committing adultery, or having secret lovers. Once they are freed through marriage, if they commit adultery, their punishment shall be half of that for the free women. Marrying a slave shall be a last resort for those unable to wait. To be patient is better for you. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2426 GOD wills to explain things for you, and to guide you through past precedents, and to redeem you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
1427 GOD wishes to redeem you, while those who pursue their lusts wish that you deviate a great deviation.
1428 GOD wishes to lighten your burden, for the human being is created weak.
1429 O you who believe, do not consume each others' properties illicitly - only mutually acceptable transactions are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. GOD is Merciful towards you.
1430 Anyone who commits these transgressions, maliciously and deliberately, we will condemn him to Hell. This is easy for GOD to do.
3432 You shall not covet the qualities bestowed upon each other by GOD; the men enjoy certain qualities, and the women enjoy certain qualities. You may implore GOD to shower you with His grace. GOD is fully aware of all things.
1433 For each of you, we have designated shares from the inheritance left by the parents and the relatives. Also those related to you through marriage, you shall give them their due share. GOD witnesses all things.
3434 The men are made responsible for the women, and GOD has endowed them with certain qualities, and made them the bread earners. The righteous women will cheerfully accept this arrangement, since it is GOD's commandment, and honor their husbands during their absence. If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them. If they obey you, you are not permitted to transgress against them. GOD is Most High, Supreme.
2435 If a couple fears separation, you shall appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family; if they decide to reconcile, GOD will help them get together. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.
2436 You shall worship GOD alone - do not associate anything with Him. You shall regard the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor, the related neighbor, the unrelated neighbor, the close associate, the traveling alien, and your servants. GOD does not like the arrogant show-offs.
1437 The ones who are stingy, exhort the people to be stingy, and conceal what GOD has bestowed upon them from His bounties. We have prepared for the disbelievers a shameful retribution.
1438 They give money to charity only to show off, while disbelieving in GOD and the Last Day. If one's companion is the devil, that is the worst companion.
3439 Why do they not believe in GOD and the Last Day, and give from GOD's provisions to them? GOD is fully aware of them.
1440 GOD does not inflict an atom's weight of injustice. On the contrary, He multiplies the reward manifold for the righteous work, and grants from Him a great recompense.
1442 On that day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger will wish that they were level with the ground; not a single utterance will they be able to hide from GOD.
1443 O you who believe, do not observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) while intoxicated, so that you know what you are saying. Nor after sexual orgasm without bathing, unless you are on the road, traveling; if you are ill or traveling, or you had urinary or fecal-related excretion (such as gas), or contacted the women (sexually), and you cannot find water, you shall observe Tayammum (dry ablution) by touching clean dry soil, then wiping your faces and hands therewith. GOD is Pardoner, Forgiver.
3445 GOD knows best who your enemies are. GOD is the only Lord and Master. GOD is the only Supporter.
1446 Among those who are Jewish, some distort the words beyond the truth, and they say, "We hear, but we disobey," and "Your words are falling on deaf ears," and "Raa'ena (be our shepherd)," as they twist their tongues to mock the religion. Had they said, "We hear, and we obey," and "We hear you," and "Unzurna (watch over us)," it would have been better for them, and more righteous. Instead, they have incurred condemnation from GOD due to their disbelief. Consequently, the majority of them cannot believe.
1447 O you who received the scripture, you shall believe in what we reveal herein, confirming what you have, before we banish certain faces to exile, or condemn them as we condemned those who desecrated the Sabbath. GOD's command is done.
2448 GOD does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.
1449 Have you noted those who exalt themselves? Instead, GOD is the One who exalts whomever He wills, without the least injustice.
1450 Note how they fabricate lies about GOD; what a gross offense this is!
2452 It is they who incurred GOD's condemnation, and whomever GOD condemns, you will not find any helper for him.
1454 Are they envious of the people because GOD has showered them with His blessings? We have given Abraham's family the scripture, and wisdom; we granted them a great authority.
1456 Surely, those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will condemn them to the hellfire. Whenever their skins are burnt, we will give them new skins. Thus, they will suffer continuously. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
3458 GOD commands you to give back anything the people have entrusted to you. If you judge among the people, you shall judge equitably. The best enlightenment indeed is what GOD recommends for you. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
3459 O you who believe, you shall obey GOD, and you shall obey the messenger, and those in charge among you. If you dispute in any matter, you shall refer it to GOD and the messenger, if you do believe in GOD and the Last Day. This is better for you, and provides you with the best solution.
1461 When they are told, "Come to what GOD has revealed, and to the messenger," you see the hypocrites shunning you completely.
1462 How will it be when a disaster hits them, as a consequence of their own works? They will come to you then and swear by GOD: "Our intentions were good and righteous!"
1463 GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. You shall ignore them, enlighten them, and give them good advice that may save their souls.
3464 We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed in accordance with GOD's will. Had they, when they wronged their souls, come to you and prayed to GOD for forgiveness, and the messenger prayed for their forgiveness, they would have found GOD Redeemer, Most Merciful.
2469 Those who obey GOD and the messenger belong with those blessed by GOD - the prophets, the saints, the martyrs, and the righteous. These are the best company.
2470 Such is the blessing from GOD; GOD is the best Knower.
1472 Surely, there are those among you who would drag their feet, then, if a setback afflicts you, they would say, "GOD has blessed me that I was not martyred with them."
1473 But if you attain a blessing from GOD, they would say, as if no friendship ever existed between you and them, "I wish I was with them, so I could share in such a great victory."
2474 Those who readily fight in the cause of GOD are those who forsake this world in favor of the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of GOD, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great recompense.
1475 Why should you not fight in the cause of GOD when weak men, women, and children are imploring: "Our Lord, deliver us from this community whose people are oppressive, and be You our Lord and Master."
1476 Those who believe are fighting for the cause of GOD, while those who disbelieve are fighting for the cause of tyranny. Therefore, you shall fight the devil's allies; the devil's power is nil.
1477 Have you noted those who were told, "You do not have to fight; all you need to do is observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat)," then, when fighting was decreed for them, they feared the people as much as they feared GOD, or even more? They said, "Our Lord, why did You force this fighting on us? If only You respite us for awhile!" Say, "The materials of this world are nil, while the Hereafter is far better for the righteous, and you never suffer the slightest injustice."
2478 Wherever you are, death will catch up with you, even if you live in formidable castles. When something good happens to them, they say, "This is from GOD," and when something bad afflicts them, they blame you. Say, "Everything comes from GOD." Why do these people misunderstand almost everything?
2479 Anything good that happens to you is from GOD, and anything bad that happens to you is from you. We have sent you as a messenger to the people, and GOD suffices as witness.
1480 Whoever obeys the messenger is obeying GOD. As for those who turn away, we did not send you as their guardian.
3481 They pledge obedience, but as soon as they leave you, some of them harbor intentions contrary to what they say. GOD records their innermost intentions. You shall disregard them, and put your trust in GOD. GOD suffices as an advocate.
1482 Why do they not study the Quran carefully? If it were from other than GOD, they would have found in it numerous contradictions.
1483 When a rumor that affects security comes their way, they spread it. Had they referred it to the messenger, and those in charge among them, those who understand these matters would have informed them. If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy, you would have followed the devil, except a few.
3484 You shall fight for the cause of GOD; you are responsible only for your own soul, and exhort the believers to do the same. GOD will neutralize the power of those who disbelieve. GOD is much more powerful, and much more effective.
1485 Whoever mediates a good deed receives a share of the credit thereof, and whoever mediates an evil work, incurs a share thereof. GOD controls all things.
1486 When greeted with a greeting, you shall respond with a better greeting or at least an equal one. GOD reckons all things.
2487 GOD: there is no god except He. He will surely summon you on the Day of Resurrection - the inevitable day. Whose narration is more truthful than GOD's?
3488 Why should you divide yourselves into two groups regarding hypocrites (among you)? GOD is the one who condemned them because of their own behavior. Do you want to guide those who are sent astray by GOD? Whomever GOD sends astray, you can never find a way to guide them.
1489 They wish that you disbelieve as they have disbelieved, then you become equal. Do not consider them friends, unless they mobilize along with you in the cause of GOD. If they turn against you, you shall fight them, and you may kill them when you encounter them in war. You shall not accept them as friends, or allies.
2490 Exempted are those who join people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, and those who come to you wishing not to fight you, nor fight their relatives. Had GOD willed, He could have permitted them to fight against you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them.
2492 No believer shall kill another believer, unless it is an accident. If one kills a believer by accident, he shall atone by freeing a believing slave, and paying a compensation to the victim's family, unless they forfeit such a compensation as a charity. If the victim belonged to people who are at war with you, though he was a believer, you shall atone by freeing a believing slave. If he belonged to people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, you shall pay the compensation in addition to freeing a believing slave. If you cannot find a slave to free, you shall atone by fasting two consecutive months, in order to be redeemed by GOD. GOD is Knower, Most Wise.
1493 Anyone who kills a believer on purpose, his retribution is Hell, wherein he abides forever, GOD is angry with him, and condemns him, and has prepared for him a terrible retribution.
4494 O you who believe, if you strike in the cause of GOD, you shall be absolutely sure. Do not say to one who offers you peace, "You are not a believer," seeking the spoils of this world. For GOD possesses infinite spoils. Remember that you used to be like them, and GOD blessed you. Therefore, you shall be absolutely sure (before you strike). GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
4495 Not equal are the sedentary among the believers who are not handicapped, and those who strive in the cause of GOD with their money and their lives. GOD exalts the strivers with their money and their lives above the sedentary. For both, GOD promises salvation, but GOD exalts the strivers over the sedentary with a great recompense.
1496 The higher ranks come from Him, as well as forgiveness and mercy. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
1497 Those whose lives are terminated by the angels, while in a state of wronging their souls, the angels will ask them, "What was the matter with you?" They will say, "We were oppressed on earth." They will say, "Was GOD's earth not spacious enough for you to emigrate therein?" For these, the final abode is Hell, and a miserable destiny.
2499 These may be pardoned by GOD. GOD is Pardoner, Forgiver.
44100 Anyone who emigrates in the cause of GOD will find on earth great bounties and richness. Anyone who gives up his home, emigrating to GOD and His messenger, then death catches up with him, his recompense is reserved with GOD. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
14102 When you are with them, and lead the Contact Prayer (Salat) for them, let some of you stand guard; let them hold their weapons, and let them stand behind you as you prostrate. Then, let the other group that has not prayed take their turn praying with you, while the others stand guard and hold their weapons. Those who disbelieved wish to see you neglect your weapons and your equipment, in order to attack you once and for all. You commit no error, if you are hampered by rain or injury, by putting down your weapons, so long as you remain alert. GOD has prepared for the disbelievers a shameful retribution.
14103 Once you complete your Contact Prayer (Salat), you shall remember GOD while standing, sitting, or lying down. Once the war is over, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat); the Contact Prayers (Salat) are decreed for the believers at specific times.
24104 Do not waver in pursuing the enemy. If you suffer, they also suffer. However, you expect from GOD what they never expect. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
14105 We have sent down to you the scripture, truthfully, in order to judge among the people in accordance with what GOD has shown you. You shall not side with the betrayers.
24106 You shall implore GOD for forgiveness. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
14107 Do not argue on behalf of those who have wronged their own souls; GOD does not love any betrayer, guilty.
24108 They hide from the people, and do not care to hide from GOD, though He is with them as they harbor ideas He dislikes. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.
14109 Here you are arguing on their behalf in this world; who is going to argue with GOD on their behalf on the Day of Resurrection? Who is going to be their advocate?
24110 Anyone who commits evil, or wrongs his soul, then implores GOD for forgiveness, will find GOD Forgiving, Most Merciful.
14111 Anyone who earns a sin, earns it to the detriment of his own soul. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
34113 If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy, some of them would have misled you. They only mislead themselves, and they can never harm you in the least. GOD has sent down to you the scripture and wisdom, and He has taught you what you never knew. Indeed, GOD's blessings upon you have been great.
14114 There is nothing good about their private conferences, except for those who advocate charity, or righteous works, or making peace among the people. Anyone who does this, in response to GOD's teachings, we will grant him a great recompense.
24116 GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death), and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside GOD has strayed far astray.
14118 GOD has condemned him, and he said, "I will surely recruit a definite share of Your worshipers.
24119 "I will mislead them, I will entice them, I will command them to (forbid the eating of certain meats by) marking the ears of livestock, and I will command them to distort the creation of GOD." Anyone who accepts the devil as a lord, instead of GOD, has incurred a profound loss.
24122 As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will admit them into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they live forever. Such is the truthful promise of GOD. Whose utterances are more truthful than GOD's?
14123 It is not in accordance with your wishes, or the wishes of the people of the scripture: anyone who commits evil pays for it, and will have no helper or supporter against GOD.
24125 Who is better guided in his religion than one who submits totally to GOD, leads a righteous life, according to the creed of Abraham: monotheism? GOD has chosen Abraham as a beloved friend.
24126 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is in full control of all things.
24127 They consult you concerning women: say, "GOD enlightens you regarding them, as recited for you in the scripture. You shall restore the rights of orphaned girls whom you cheat out of their due dowries when you wish to marry them: you shall not take advantage of them. The rights of orphaned boys must also be protected as well. You shall treat the orphans equitably. Whatever good you do, GOD is fully aware thereof."
14128 If a woman senses oppression or desertion from her husband, the couple shall try to reconcile their differences, for conciliation is best for them. Selfishness is a human trait, and if you do good and lead a righteous life, GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
14129 You can never be equitable in dealing with more than one wife, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, do not be so biased as to leave one of them hanging (neither enjoying marriage, nor left to marry someone else). If you correct this situation and maintain righteousness, GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
24130 If the couple must decide to part, GOD will provide for each of them from His bounties. GOD is Bounteous, Most Wise.
44131 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and we have enjoined on those who received the scripture before you, and enjoined on you, that you shall reverence GOD. If you disbelieve, then to GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy.
24132 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and GOD is the only Protector.
14133 If He wills, He can annihilate you, O people, and substitute others in your place. GOD is certainly able to do this.
24134 Anyone who seeks the materials of this world should know that GOD possesses both the materials of this world and the Hereafter. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
34135 O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe GOD, when you serve as witnesses, even against yourselves, or your parents, or your relatives. Whether the accused is rich or poor, GOD takes care of both. Therefore, do not be biased by your personal wishes. If you deviate or disregard (this commandment), then GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
24136 O you who believe, you shall believe in GOD and His messenger, and the scripture He has revealed through His messenger, and the scripture He has revealed before that. Anyone who refuses to believe in GOD, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers, and the Last Day, has indeed strayed far astray.
14137 Surely, those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then plunge deeper into disbelief, GOD will not forgive them, nor will He guide them in any way.
14139 They are the ones who ally themselves with disbelievers instead of believers. Are they seeking dignity with them? All dignity belongs with GOD alone.
24140 He has instructed you in the scripture that: if you hear GOD's revelations being mocked and ridiculed, you shall not sit with them, unless they delve into another subject. Otherwise, you will be as guilty as they are. GOD will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers together in Hell.
34141 They watch you and wait; if you attain victory from GOD, they say (to you), "Were we not with you?" But if the disbelievers get a turn, they say (to them), "Did we not side with you, and protect you from the believers?" GOD will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection. GOD will never permit the disbelievers to prevail over the believers.
24142 The hypocrites think that they are deceiving GOD, but He is the One who leads them on. When they get up for the Contact Prayer (Salat), they get up lazily. That is because they only show off in front of the people, and rarely do they think of GOD.
14143 They waver in between, neither belonging to this group, nor that group. Whomever GOD sends astray, you will never find a way to guide him.
14144 O you who believe, you shall not ally yourselves with the disbelievers, instead of the believers. Do you wish to provide GOD with a clear proof against you?
34146 Only those who repent, reform, hold fast to GOD, and devote their religion absolutely to GOD alone, will be counted with the believers. GOD will bless the believers with a great recompense.
24147 What will GOD gain from punishing you, if you became appreciative and believed? GOD is Appreciative, Omniscient.
24148 GOD does not like the utterance of bad language, unless one is treated with gross injustice. GOD is Hearer, Knower.
14149 If you work righteousness - either declared or concealed - or pardon a transgression, GOD is Pardoner, Omnipotent.
24150 Those who disbelieve in GOD and His messengers, and seek to make distinction among GOD and His messengers, and say, "We believe in some and reject some," and wish to follow a path in between;
24152 As for those who believe in GOD and His messengers, and make no distinction among them, He will grant them their recompense. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
14153 The people of the scripture challenge you to bring down to them a book from the sky! They have asked Moses for more than that, saying, "Show us GOD, physically." Consequently, the lightning struck them, as a consequence of their audacity. Additionally, they worshiped the calf, after all the miracles they had seen. Yet, we pardoned all this. We supported Moses with profound miracles.
24155 (They incurred condemnation) for violating their covenant, rejecting GOD's revelations, killing the prophets unjustly, and for saying, "Our minds are made up!" In fact, GOD is the One who sealed their minds, due to their disbelief, and this is why they fail to believe, except rarely.
14157 And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of GOD. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him - they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.
24158 Instead, GOD raised him to Him; GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
14160 Due to their transgressions, we prohibited for the Jews good foods that used to be lawful for them; also for consistently repelling from the path of GOD.
14162 As for those among them who are well founded in knowledge, and the believers, they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you. They are observers of the Contact Prayers (Salat), and givers of the obligatory charity (Zakat); they are believers in GOD and the Last Day. We grant these a great recompense.
14164 Messengers we have told you about, and messengers we never told you about. And GOD spoke to Moses directly.
24165 Messengers to deliver good news, as well as warnings. Thus, the people will have no excuse when they face GOD, after all these messengers have come to them. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
24166 But GOD bears witness concerning what He has revealed to you; He has revealed it with His knowledge. And the angels bear witness as well, but GOD suffices as witness.
14167 Surely, those who disbelieve and repel from the way of GOD have strayed far astray.
14168 Those who disbelieve and transgress, GOD will not forgive them, nor will He guide them in any way;
14169 except the way to Hell, wherein they abide forever. This is easy for GOD to do.
24170 O people, the messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord. Therefore, you shall believe for your own good. If you disbelieve, then to GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
54171 O people of the scripture, do not transgress the limits of your religion, and do not say about GOD except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was a messenger of GOD, and His word that He had sent to Mary, and a revelation from Him. Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messengers. You shall not say, "Trinity." You shall refrain from this for your own good. GOD is only one god. Be He glorified; He is much too glorious to have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. GOD suffices as Lord and Master.
14172 The Messiah would never disdain from being a servant of GOD, nor would the closest angels. Those who disdain from worshiping Him, and are too arrogant to submit, He will summon them all before Him.
14173 As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, He will fully recompense them, and shower them with His grace. As for those who disdain and turn arrogant, He will commit them to painful retribution. They will find no lord beside GOD, nor a savior.
14175 Those who believe in GOD, and hold fast to Him, He will admit them into mercy from Him, and grace, and will guide them to Him in a straight path.
34176 They consult you; say, "GOD advises you concerning the single person. If one dies and leaves no children, and he had a sister, she gets half the inheritance. If she dies first, he inherits from her, if she left no children. If there were two sisters, they get two-thirds of the inheritance. If the siblings are men and women, the male gets twice the share of the female." GOD thus clarifies for you, lest you go astray. GOD is fully aware of all things.
In sura 4: "GOD" occurs 229 time(s), and in 135 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 12332
Sura 5
151 O you who believe, you shall fulfill your covenants. Permitted for you to eat are the livestock, except those specifically prohibited herein. You shall not permit hunting throughout Hajj pilgrimage. GOD decrees whatever He wills.
352 O you who believe, do not violate the rites instituted by GOD, nor the Sacred Months, nor the animals to be offered, nor the garlands marking them, nor the people who head for the Sacred Shrine (Ka`bah) seeking blessings from their Lord and approval. Once you complete the pilgrimage, you may hunt. Do not be provoked into aggression by your hatred of people who once prevented you from going to the Sacred Masjid. You shall cooperate in matters of righteousness and piety; do not cooperate in matters that are sinful and evil. You shall observe GOD. GOD is strict in enforcing retribution.
253 Prohibited for you are animals that die of themselves, blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. (Animals that die of themselves include those) strangled, struck with an object, fallen from a height, gored, attacked by a wild animal - unless you save your animal before it dies - and animals sacrificed on altars. Also prohibited is dividing the meat through a game of chance; this is an abomination. Today, the disbelievers have given up concerning (the eradication of) your religion; do not fear them and fear Me instead. Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. If one is forced by famine (to eat prohibited food), without being deliberately sinful, then GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.
454 They consult you concerning what is lawful for them; say, "Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you." You train them according to GOD's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention GOD's name thereupon. You shall observe GOD. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.
156 O you who believe, when you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), you shall: (1) wash your faces, (2) wash your arms to the elbows, (3) wipe your heads, and (4) wash your feet to the ankles. If you were unclean due to sexual orgasm, you shall bathe. If you are ill, or traveling, or had any digestive excretion (urinary, fecal, or gas), or had (sexual) contact with the women, and you cannot find water, you shall observe the dry ablution (Tayammum) by touching clean dry soil, then rubbing your faces and hands. GOD does not wish to make the religion difficult for you; He wishes to cleanse you and to perfect His blessing upon you, that you may be appreciative.
357 Remember GOD's blessing upon you, and His covenant that He covenanted with you: you said, "We hear and we obey." You shall observe GOD; GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
358 O you who believe, you shall be absolutely equitable, and observe GOD, when you serve as witnesses. Do not be provoked by your conflicts with some people into committing injustice. You shall be absolutely equitable, for it is more righteous. You shall observe GOD. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
159 GOD promises those who believe and lead a righteous life forgiveness and a great recompense.
3511 O you who believe, remember GOD's blessings upon you; when some people extended their hands to aggress against you, He protected you and withheld their hands. You shall observe GOD; in GOD the believers shall trust.
3512 GOD had taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we raised among them twelve patriarchs. And GOD said, "I am with you, so long as you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and believe in My messengers and respect them, and continue to lend GOD a loan of righteousness. I will then remit your sins, and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. Anyone who disbelieves after this, has indeed strayed off the right path."
1513 It was a consequence of their violating the covenant that we condemned them, and we caused their hearts to become hardened. Consequently, they took the words out of context, and disregarded some of the commandments given to them. You will continue to witness betrayal from them, excepting a few of them. You shall pardon them, and disregard them. GOD loves those who are benevolent.
1514 Also from those who said, "We are Christian," we took their covenant. But they disregarded some of the commandments given to them. Consequently, we condemned them to animosity and hatred among themselves, until the Day of Resurrection. GOD will then inform them of everything they had done.
1515 O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you to proclaim for you many things you have concealed in the scripture, and to pardon many other transgressions you have committed. A beacon has come to you from GOD, and a profound scripture.
1516 With it, GOD guides those who seek His approval. He guides them to the paths of peace, leads them out of darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them in a straight path.
4517 Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is the Messiah, the son of Mary. Say, "Who could oppose GOD if He willed to annihilate the Messiah, son of Mary, and his mother, and everyone on earth?" To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them. He creates whatever He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.
2518 The Jews and the Christians said, "We are GOD's children and His beloved." Say, "Why then does He punish you for your sins? You are just humans like the other humans He created." He forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills. To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, and to Him is the final destiny.
1519 O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you, to explain things to you, after a period of time without messengers, lest you say, "We did not receive any preacher or warner." A preacher and warner has now come to you. GOD is Omnipotent.
1520 Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, remember GOD's blessings upon you: He appointed prophets from among you, made you kings, and granted you what He never granted any other people.
1521 "O my people, enter the holy land that GOD has decreed for you, and do not rebel, lest you become losers."
2523 Two men who were reverent and blessed by GOD said, "Just enter the gate. If you just enter it, you will surely prevail. You must trust in GOD, if you are believers."
1527 Recite for them the true history of Adam's two sons. They made an offering, and it was accepted from one of them, but not from the other. He said, "I will surely kill you." He said, "GOD accepts only from the righteous.
1528 "If you extend your hand to kill me, I am not extending my hand to kill you. For I reverence GOD, Lord of the universe.
1531 GOD then sent a raven to scratch the soil, to teach him how to bury his brother's corpse. He said, "Woe to me; I failed to be as intelligent as this raven, and bury my brother's corpse." He became ridden with remorse.
1533 The just retribution for those who fight GOD and His messenger, and commit horrendous crimes, is to be killed, or crucified, or to have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or to be banished from the land. This is to humiliate them in this life, then they suffer a far worse retribution in the Hereafter.
1534 Exempted are those who repent before you overcome them. You should know that GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
1535 O you who believe, you shall reverence GOD and seek the ways and means to Him, and strive in His cause, that you may succeed.
2538 The thief, male or female, you shall mark their hands as a punishment for their crime, and to serve as an example from GOD. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
2539 If one repents after committing this crime, and reforms, GOD redeems him. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2540 Do you not know that GOD possesses the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth? He punishes whomever He wills, and forgives whomever He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.
3541 O you messenger, do not be saddened by those who hasten to disbelieve among those who say, "We believe," with their mouths, while their hearts do not believe. Among the Jews, some listened to lies. They listened to people who never met you, and who distorted the words out of context, then said, "If you are given this, accept it, but if you are given anything different, beware." Whomever GOD wills to divert, you can do nothing to help him against GOD. GOD does not wish to cleanse their hearts. They have incurred humiliation in this world, and in the Hereafter, they will suffer a terrible retribution.
1542 They are upholders of lies, and eaters of illicit earnings. If they come to you to judge among them, you may judge among them, or you may disregard them. If you choose to disregard them, they cannot harm you in the least. But if you judge among them, you shall judge equitably. GOD loves those who are equitable.
1543 Why do they ask you to judge among them, when they have the Torah, containing GOD's law, and they chose to disregard it? They are not believers.
2544 We have sent down the Torah, containing guidance and light. Ruling in accordance with it were the Jewish prophets, as well as the rabbis and the priests, as dictated to them in GOD's scripture, and as witnessed by them. Therefore, do not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me instead. And do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD's revelations are the disbelievers.
1545 And we decreed for them in it that: the life for the life, the eye for the eye, the nose for the nose, the ear for the ear, the tooth for the tooth, and an equivalent injury for any injury. If one forfeits what is due to him as a charity, it will atone for his sins. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD's revelations are the unjust.
2547 The people of the Gospel shall rule in accordance with GOD's revelations therein. Those who do not rule in accordance with GOD's revelations are the wicked.
3548 Then we revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations, and do not follow their wishes if they differ from the truth that came to you. For each of you, we have decreed laws and different rites. Had GOD willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He thus puts you to the test through the revelations He has given each of you. You shall compete in righteousness. To GOD is your final destiny - all of you - then He will inform you of everything you had disputed.
3549 You shall rule among them in accordance with GOD's revelations to you. Do not follow their wishes, and beware lest they divert you from some of GOD's revelations to you. If they turn away, then know that GOD wills to punish them for some of their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked.
1550 Is it the law of the days of ignorance that they seek to uphold? Whose law is better than GOD's for those who have attained certainty?
1551 O you who believe, do not take certain Jews and Christians as allies; these are allies of one another. Those among you who ally themselves with these belong with them. GOD does not guide the transgressors.
1552 You will see those who harbor doubt in their hearts hasten to join them, saying, "We fear lest we may be defeated." May GOD bring victory, or a command from Him, that causes them to regret their secret thoughts.
1553 The believers will then say, "Are these the same people who swore by GOD solemnly that they were with you?" Their works have been nullified; they are the losers.
4554 O you who believe, if you revert from your religion, then GOD will substitute in your place people whom He loves and who love Him. They will be kind with the believers, stern with the disbelievers, and will strive in the cause of GOD without fear of any blame. Such is GOD's blessing; He bestows it upon whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Omniscient.
1555 Your real allies are GOD and His messenger, and the believers who observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they bow down.
2556 Those who ally themselves with GOD and His messenger, and those who believed, belong in the party of GOD; absolutely, they are the victors.
1557 O you who believe, do not befriend those among the recipients of previous scripture who mock and ridicule your religion, nor shall you befriend the disbelievers. You shall reverence GOD, if you are really believers.
1559 Say, "O people of the scripture, do you not hate us because we believe in GOD, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed before us, and because most of you are not righteous?"
2560 Say, "Let me tell you who are worse in the sight of GOD: those who are condemned by GOD after incurring His wrath until He made them (as despicable as) monkeys and pigs, and the idol worshipers. These are far worse, and farther from the right path."
1561 When they come to you, they say, "We believe," even though they were full of disbelief when they entered, and they are full of disbelief when they leave. GOD is fully aware of everything they conceal.
3564 The Jews even said, "GOD's hand is tied down!" It is their hands that are tied down. They are condemned for uttering such a blasphemy. Instead, His hands are wide open, spending as He wills. For certain, your Lord's revelations to you will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Consequently, we have committed them to animosity and hatred among themselves until the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they ignite the flames of war, GOD puts them out. They roam the earth wickedly, and GOD dislikes the evildoers.
2567 O you messenger, deliver what is revealed to you from your Lord - until you do, you have not delivered His message - and GOD will protect you from the people. GOD does not guide the disbelieving people.
1569 Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, and the Christians; any of them who (1) believe in GOD and (2) believe in the Last Day, and (3) lead a righteous life, have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
2571 They thought that they would not be tested, so they turned blind and deaf, then GOD redeemed them, but then many of them turned blind and deaf again. GOD is Seer of everything they do.
4572 Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, "O Children of Israel, you shall worship GOD; my Lord and your Lord." Anyone who sets up any idol beside GOD, GOD has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers.
1573 Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is a third of a trinity. There is no god except the one god. Unless they refrain from saying this, those who disbelieve among them will incur a painful retribution.
2574 Would they not repent to GOD, and ask His forgiveness? GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2576 Say, "Would you worship beside GOD powerless idols who can neither harm you, nor benefit you? GOD is Hearer, Omniscient."
1580 You would see many of them allying themselves with those who disbelieve. Miserable indeed is what their hands have sent forth on behalf of their souls. GOD is angry with them and, consequently, they will abide forever in retribution.
1581 Had they believed in GOD, and the prophet, and in what was revealed to him herein, they would not have befriended them. But many of them are evil.
1584 "Why should we not believe in GOD, and in the truth that has come to us, and hope that our Lord may admit us with the righteous people?"
1585 GOD has rewarded them for saying this; He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever. Such is the reward for the righteous.
2587 O you who believe, do not prohibit good things that are made lawful by GOD, and do not aggress; GOD dislikes the aggressors.
2588 And eat from the good and lawful things that GOD has provided for you. You shall reverence GOD, in whom you are believers.
2589 GOD does not hold you responsible for the mere utterance of oaths; He holds you responsible for your actual intentions. If you violate an oath, you shall atone by feeding ten poor people from the same food you offer to your own family, or clothing them, or by freeing a slave. If you cannot afford this, then you shall fast three days. This is the atonement for violating the oaths that you swore to keep. You shall fulfill your oaths. GOD thus explains His revelations to you, that you may be appreciative.
1591 The devil wants to provoke animosity and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to distract you from remembering GOD, and from observing the Contact Prayers (Salat). Will you then refrain?
1592 You shall obey GOD, and you shall obey the messenger, and beware. If you turn away, then know that the sole duty of our messenger is to deliver the message efficiently.
1593 Those who believe and lead a righteous life bear no guilt by eating any food, so long as they observe the commandments, believe and lead a righteous life, then maintain their piety and faith, and continue to observe piety and righteousness. GOD loves the righteous.
2594 O you who believe, GOD will test you with some game within reach of your hands and your arrows (during pilgrimage). GOD thus distinguishes those among you who observe Him in their privacy. Those who transgress after this have incurred a painful retribution.
3595 O you who believe, do not kill any game during pilgrimage. Anyone who kills any game on purpose, his fine shall be a number of livestock animals that is equivalent to the game animals he killed. The judgment shall be set by two equitable people among you. They shall make sure that the offerings reach the Ka`bah. Otherwise, he may expiate by feeding poor people, or by an equivalent fast to atone for his offense. GOD has pardoned past offenses. But if anyone returns to such an offense, GOD will avenge it. GOD is Almighty, Avenger.
1596 All fish of the sea are made lawful for you to eat. During pilgrimage, this may provide for you during your journey. You shall not hunt throughout the pilgrimage. You shall reverence GOD, before whom you will be summoned.
3597 GOD has appointed the Ka`bah, the Sacred Masjid, to be a sanctuary for the people, and also the Sacred Months, the offerings (to the Sacred Masjid), and the garlands marking them. You should know that GOD knows everything in the heavens and the earth, and that GOD is Omniscient.
2598 Know that GOD is strict in enforcing retribution, and that GOD is Forgiving, Most Merciful.
1599 The sole duty of the messenger is to deliver the message, and GOD knows everything you declare and everything you conceal.
15100 Proclaim: "The bad and the good are not the same, even if the abundance of the bad may impress you. You shall reverence GOD, (even if you are in the minority) O you who possess intelligence, that you may succeed."
25101 O you who believe, do not ask about matters which, if revealed to you prematurely, would hurt you. If you ask about them in light of the Quran, they will become obvious to you. GOD has deliberately overlooked them. GOD is Forgiver, Clement.
25103 GOD did not prohibit livestock that begets certain combinations of males and females, nor livestock liberated by an oath, nor the one that begets two males in a row, nor the bull that fathers ten. It is the disbelievers who invented such lies about GOD. Most of them do not understand.
15104 When they are told, "Come to what GOD has revealed, and to the messenger," they say, "What we found our parents doing is sufficient for us." What if their parents knew nothing, and were not guided?
15105 O you who believe, you should worry only about your own necks. If the others go astray, they cannot hurt you, as long as you are guided. To GOD is your ultimate destiny, all of you, then He will inform you of everything you had done.
25106 O you who believe, witnessing a will when one of you is dying shall be done by two equitable people among you. If you are traveling, then two others may do the witnessing. After observing the Contact Prayer (Salat), let the witnesses swear by GOD, to alleviate your doubts: "We will not use this to attain personal gains, even if the testator is related to us. Nor will we conceal GOD's testimony. Otherwise, we would be sinners."
15107 If the witnesses are found to be guilty of bias, then two others shall be asked to take their places. Choose two persons who were victimized by the first witnesses, and let them swear by GOD: "Our testimony is more truthful than theirs; we will not be biased. Otherwise, we will be transgressors."
25108 This is more apt to encourage an honest testimony on their part, fearing that their oath may be disregarded like that of the previous witnesses. You shall observe GOD and listen. GOD does not guide the wicked.
15109 The day will come when GOD will summon the messengers and ask them, "How was the response to you?" They will say, "We have no knowledge. You are the Knower of all secrets."
15110 GOD will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary, remember My blessings upon you and your mother. I supported you with the Holy Spirit, to enable you to speak to the people from the crib, as well as an adult. I taught you the scripture, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. Recall that you created from clay the shape of a bird by My leave, then blew into it, and it became a live bird by My leave. You healed the blind and the leprous by My leave, and revived the dead by My leave. Recall that I protected you from the Children of Israel who wanted to hurt you, despite the profound miracles you had shown them. The disbelievers among them said, `This is obviously magic.'
15112 Recall that the disciples said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord send down to us a feast from the sky?" He said, "You should reverence GOD, if you are believers."
15115 GOD said, "I am sending it down. Anyone among you who disbelieves after this, I will punish him as I never punished anyone else."
25116 GOD will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, `Make me and my mother idols beside GOD?' " He will say, "Be You glorified. I could not utter what was not right. Had I said it, You already would have known it. You know my thoughts, and I do not know Your thoughts. You know all the secrets.
15117 "I told them only what You commanded me to say, that: `You shall worship GOD, my Lord and your Lord.' I was a witness among them for as long as I lived with them. When You terminated my life on earth, You became the Watcher over them. You witness all things.
25119 GOD will proclaim, "This is a day when the truthful will be saved by their truthfulness." They have deserved gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever. GOD is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. This is the greatest triumph.
15120 To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything in them, and He is Omnipotent.
In sura 5: "GOD" occurs 147 time(s), and in 88 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 5278
Sura 6
161 Praise be to GOD, who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet, those who disbelieve in their Lord continue to deviate.
163 He is the one GOD in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secrets and your declarations, and He knows everything you earn.
1612 Say, "To whom belongs everything in the heavens and the earth?" Say, "To GOD." He has decreed that mercy is His attribute. He will surely summon you all on the Day of Resurrection, which is inevitable. The ones who lose their souls are those who disbelieve.
1614 Say, "Shall I accept other than GOD as a Lord and Master, when He is the Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and He feeds but is not fed?" Say, "I am commanded to be the most devoted submitter, and, `Do not be an idol worshiper.' "
1617 If GOD touches you with adversity, none can relieve it except He. And if He touches you with a blessing, He is Omnipotent.
2619 Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?" Say, "GOD's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside GOD." Say, "I do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry."
1621 Who is more evil than one who lies about GOD, or rejects His revelations? The transgressors never succeed.
1623 Their disastrous response will be, "By GOD our Lord, we never were idol worshipers."
1631 Losers indeed are those who disbelieve in meeting GOD, until the Hour comes to them suddenly, then say, "We deeply regret wasting our lives in this world." They will carry loads of their sins on their backs; what a miserable load!
1633 We know that you may be saddened by what they say. You should know that it is not you that they reject; it is GOD's revelations that the wicked disregard.
1634 Messengers before you have been rejected, and they steadfastly persevered in the face of rejection. They were persecuted until our victory came to them. Such is GOD's system that will never change. The history of My messengers thus sets the precedents for you.
1635 If their rejection gets to be too much for you, you should know that even if you dug a tunnel through the earth, or climbed a ladder into the sky, and produced a miracle for them (they still would not believe). Had GOD willed, He could have guided them, unanimously. Therefore, do not behave like the ignorant ones.
1636 The only ones to respond are those who listen. GOD resurrects the dead; they ultimately return to Him.
1637 They said, "If only a certain sign could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "GOD is able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know."
1639 Those who reject our proofs are deaf and dumb, in total darkness. Whomever GOD wills, He sends astray, and whomever He wills, He leads in a straight path.
2640 Say, "What if GOD's retribution came to you, or the Hour came to you: would you implore other than GOD, if you are truthful?"
1645 The wicked are thus annihilated. Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
2646 Say, "What if GOD took away your hearing and your eyesight, and sealed your minds; which god, other than GOD, can restore these for you?" Note how we explain the revelations, and note how they still deviate!
1647 Say, "What if GOD's retribution came to you suddenly, or after an announcement, is it not the wicked who incur annihilation?"
1650 Say, "I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of GOD. Nor do I know the future. Nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I simply follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Do you not reflect?"
2653 We thus test the people by each other, to let them say (mockingly), "Are these the people among us who are blessed by GOD?" Is GOD not aware of the appreciative ones?
1656 Say, "I am forbidden from worshiping what you worship besides GOD." Say, "I will not follow your opinions. Otherwise, I will go astray, and not be guided."
1657 Say, "I have solid proof from my Lord, and you have rejected it. I do not control the retribution you challenge me to bring. Judgment belongs with GOD alone. He narrates the truth, and He is the best judge."
1658 Say, "If I controlled the retribution you challenge me to bring, the whole matter would have been terminated long ago. GOD knows best who the wicked are."
1662 Then everyone is returned to GOD, their rightful Lord and Master. Absolutely, He is the ultimate judge; He is the most accurate reckoner.
1664 Say, "GOD does save you this time, and other times as well, then you still set up idols besides Him."
1670 You shall disregard those who take their religion in vain, as if it is a social function, and are totally absorbed in this worldly life. Remind with this (Quran), lest a soul may suffer the consequences of its evil earnings. It has none beside GOD as a Lord and Master, nor an intercessor. If it could offer any kind of ransom, it would not be accepted. They suffer the consequences of the evil works they earn; they have incurred hellish drinks, and a painful retribution because of their disbelief.
3671 Say, "Shall we implore, beside GOD, what possesses no power to benefit us or hurt us, and turn back on our heels after GOD has guided us? In that case, we would join those possessed by the devils, and rendered utterly confused, while their friends try to save them: `Stay with us on the right path.' " Say, "GOD's guidance is the right guidance. We are commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe.
1680 His people argued with him. He said, "Do you argue with me about GOD, after He has guided me? I have no fear of the idols you set up. Nothing can happen to me, unless my Lord wills it. My Lord's knowledge encompasses all things. Would you not take heed?
1681 "Why should I fear your idols? It is you who should be afraid, since you worship instead of GOD idols that are utterly powerless to help you. Which side is more deserving of security, if you know?"
1688 Such is GOD's guidance, with which He guides whomever He chooses from among His servants. Had any of them fallen into idolatry, their works would have been nullified.
1690 These are the ones guided by GOD; you shall be guided in their footsteps. Say, "I do not ask you for any wage. This is but a message for all the people."
3691 They never valued GOD as He should be valued. Thus, they said, "GOD does not reveal anything to any human being." Say, "Who then revealed the scripture that Moses brought, with light and guidance for the people?" You put it down on paper to proclaim it, while concealing a lot of it. You were taught what you never knew - you and your parents. Say, "GOD (is the One who revealed it)," then leave them in their heedlessness, playing.
3693 Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies and attributes them to GOD, or says, "I have received divine inspiration," when no such inspiration was given to him, or says, "I can write the same as GOD's revelations?" If only you could see the transgressors at the time of death! The angels extend their hands to them, saying, "Let go of your souls. Today, you have incurred a shameful retribution for saying about GOD other than the truth, and for being too arrogant to accept His revelations.
2695 GOD is the One who causes the grains and the seeds to crack and germinate. He produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living. Such is GOD; how could you deviate!
16100 Yet, they set up beside GOD idols from among the jinns, though He is the One who created them. They even attribute to Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Be He glorified. He is the Most High, far above their claims.
16102 Such is GOD your Lord, there is no god except He, the Creator of all things. You shall worship Him alone. He is in control of all things.
16107 Had GOD willed, they would not have worshiped idols. We did not appoint you as their guardian, nor are you their advocate.
26108 Do not curse the idols they set up beside GOD, lest they blaspheme and curse GOD, out of ignorance. We have adorned the works of every group in their eyes. Ultimately, they return to their Lord, then He informs them of everything they had done.
26109 They swore by GOD, solemnly, that if a miracle came to them, they would surely believe. Say, "Miracles come only from GOD." For all you know, if a miracle did come to them, they would continue to disbelieve.
16111 Even if we sent down the angels to them; even if the dead spoke to them; even if we summoned every miracle before them; they cannot believe unless GOD wills it. Indeed, most of them are ignorant.
16114 Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.
16116 If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of GOD. They follow only conjecture; they only guess.
16118 You shall eat from that upon which GOD's name has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His revelations.
16119 Why should you not eat from that upon which GOD's name has been mentioned? He has detailed for you what is prohibited for you, unless you are forced. Indeed, many people mislead others with their personal opinions, without knowledge. Your Lord is fully aware of the transgressors.
16121 Do not eat from that upon which the name of GOD has not been mentioned, for it is an abomination. The devils inspire their allies to argue with you; if you obey them, you will be idol worshipers.
36124 When a powerful proof comes to them, they say, "We will not believe, unless we are given what is given to GOD's messengers!" GOD knows exactly who is best qualified to deliver His message. Such criminals will suffer debasement at GOD, and terrible retribution as a consequence of their evil scheming.
26125 Whomever GOD wills to guide, He renders his chest wide open to Submission. And whomever He wills to send astray, He renders his chest intolerant and straitened, like one who climbs towards the sky. GOD thus places a curse upon those who refuse to believe.
16128 The day will come when He summons all of them (and says): "O you jinns, you have claimed multitudes of humans." Their human companions will say, "Our Lord, we enjoyed each others' company until we wasted the life span You had set for us." He will say, "Hell is your destiny." They abide therein forever, in accordance with GOD's will. Your Lord is Wise, Omniscient.
46136 They even set aside a share of GOD's provisions of crops and livestock, saying, "This share belongs to GOD," according to their claims, "and this share belongs to our idols." However, what was set aside for their idols never reached GOD, while the share they set aside for GOD invariably went to their idols. Miserable indeed is their judgment.
16137 Thus were the idol worshipers duped by their idols, to the extent of killing their own children. In fact, their idols inflict great pain upon them, and confuse their religion for them. Had GOD willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.
16138 They said, "These are livestock and crops that are prohibited; no one shall eat them except whomever we permit," so they claimed. They also prohibited the riding of certain livestock. Even the livestock they ate, they never pronounced GOD's name as they sacrificed them. Such are innovations attributed to Him. He will surely requite them for their innovations.
26140 Losers indeed are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what GOD has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to GOD. They have gone astray; they are not guided.
16142 Some livestock supply you with transportation, as well as bedding materials. Eat from GOD's provisions to you, and do not follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.
36144 Regarding the two kinds of camels, and the two kinds of cattle, say, "Is it the two males that He prohibited, or the two females, or the contents of the wombs of the two females? Were you witnesses when GOD decreed such prohibitions for you? Who is more evil than those who invent such lies and attribute them to GOD? They thus mislead the people without knowledge. GOD does not guide such evil people."
16145 Say, "I do not find in the revelations given to me any food that is prohibited for any eater except: (1) carrion, (2) running blood, (3) the meat of pigs, for it is contaminated, and (4) the meat of animals blasphemously dedicated to other than GOD." If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then your Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
16148 The idol worshipers say, "Had GOD willed, we would not practice idolatry, nor would our parents, nor would we prohibit anything." Thus did those before them disbelieve, until they incurred our retribution. Say, "Do you have any proven knowledge that you can show us? You follow nothing but conjecture; you only guess."
16149 Say, "GOD possesses the most powerful argument; if He wills He can guide all of you."
16150 Say, "Bring your witnesses who would testify that GOD has prohibited this or that." If they testify, do not testify with them. Nor shall you follow the opinions of those who reject our revelations, and those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, and those who stray away from their Lord.
16151 Say, "Come let me tell you what your Lord has really prohibited for you: You shall not set up idols besides Him. You shall honor your parents. You shall not kill your children from fear of poverty - we provide for you and for them. You shall not commit gross sins, obvious or hidden. You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."
16152 You shall not touch the orphans' money except in the most righteous manner, until they reach maturity. You shall give full weight and full measure when you trade, equitably. We do not burden any soul beyond its means. You shall be absolutely just when you bear witness, even against your relatives. You shall fulfill your covenant with GOD. These are His commandments to you, that you may take heed.
16157 Nor can you say, "If only a scripture could come down to us, we would be better guided than they." A proven scripture has now come to you from your Lord, and a beacon, and a mercy. Now, who is more evil than one who rejects these proofs from GOD, and disregards them? We will commit those who disregard our proofs to the worst retribution for their heedlessness.
16159 Those who divide themselves into sects do not belong with you. Their judgment rests with GOD, then He will inform them of everything they had done.
16162 Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to GOD alone, the Lord of the universe.
16164 Say, "Shall I seek other than GOD as a lord, when He is the Lord of all things? No soul benefits except from its own works, and none bears the burden of another. Ultimately, you return to your Lord, then He informs you regarding all your disputes."
In sura 6: "GOD" occurs 87 time(s), and in 65 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 5668
Sura 7
1726 O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of GOD's signs, that they may take heed.
3728 They commit a gross sin, then say, "We found our parents doing this, and GOD has commanded us to do it." Say, "GOD never advocates sin. Are you saying about GOD what you do not know?"
1730 Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of GOD, yet they believe that they are guided.
1732 Say, "Who prohibited the nice things GOD has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say, "Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know.
2733 Say, "My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up beside GOD powerless idols, and to say about GOD what you do not know."
2737 Who is more evil than those who invent lies about GOD, or reject His revelations? These will get their share, in accordance with the scripture, then, when our messengers come to terminate their lives, they will say, "Where are the idols you used to implore beside GOD?" They will say, "They have abandoned us." They will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers.
2743 We will remove all jealousy from their hearts. Rivers will flow beneath them, and they will say, "GOD be praised for guiding us. We could not possibly be guided, if it were not that GOD has guided us. The messengers of our Lord did bring the truth." They will be called: "This is your Paradise. You have inherited it, in return for your works."
1744 The dwellers of Paradise will call the dwellers of Hell: "We have found our Lord's promise to be the truth; have you found your Lord's promise to be the truth?" They will say, "Yes." An announcer between them will announce: "GOD's condemnation has befallen the transgressors;
1745 "who repel from the path of GOD, and strive to make it crooked, and, with regard to the Hereafter, they are disbelievers."
1749 "Are those the people you swore that GOD will never touch them with mercy?" (The people in the Purgatory will then be told,) "Enter Paradise; you have nothing to fear, nor will you grieve."
2750 The dwellers of Hell will call on the dwellers of Paradise: "Let some of your water, or some of GOD's provisions to you flow towards us." They will say, "GOD has forbidden them for the disbelievers."
2754 Your Lord is the one GOD, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. The night overtakes the day, as it pursues it persistently, and the sun, the moon, and the stars are committed to serve by His command. Absolutely, He controls all creation and all commands. Most Exalted is GOD, Lord of the universe.
1756 Do not corrupt the earth after it has been set straight, and worship Him out of reverence, and out of hope. Surely, GOD's mercy is attainable by the righteous.
1759 We sent Noah to his people, saying, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. I fear for you the retribution of an awesome day."
1762 "I deliver to you the messages of my Lord, and I advise you, and I know from GOD what you do not know.
1765 To `Aad we sent their brother Hood. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. Would you then observe righteousness?"
1769 "Is it too much of a wonder that a message should come to you from your Lord, through a man like you, to warn you? Recall that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and multiplied your number. Remember GOD's blessings, that you may succeed."
1770 They said, "Did you come to make us worship GOD alone, and abandon what our parents used to worship? We challenge you to bring the doom you threaten us with, if you are truthful."
1771 He said, "You have incurred condemnation and wrath from your Lord. Do you argue with me in defense of innovations you have fabricated - you and your parents - which were never authorized by GOD? Therefore, wait and I will wait along with you."
3773 To Thamoud we sent their brother Saaleh. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. Proof has been provided for you from your Lord: here is GOD's camel, to serve as a sign for you. Let her eat from GOD's land, and do not touch her with any harm, lest you incur a painful retribution.
1774 "Recall that He made you inheritors after `Aad, and established you on earth, building mansions in its valleys, and carving homes from its mountains. You shall remember GOD's blessings, and do not roam the earth corruptingly."
1785 To Midyan we sent their brother Shu`aib. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. Proof has come to you from your Lord. You shall give full weight and full measure when you trade. Do not cheat the people out of their rights. Do not corrupt the earth after it has been set straight. This is better for you, if you are believers.
1786 "Refrain from blocking every path, seeking to repel those who believe from the path of GOD, and do not make it crooked. Remember that you used to be few and He multiplied your number. Recall the consequences for the wicked.
1787 "Now that some of you have believed in what I was sent with, and some have disbelieved, wait until GOD issues His judgment between us; He is the best judge."
4789 "We would be blaspheming against GOD if we reverted to your religion after GOD has saved us from it. How could we revert back to it against the will of GOD our Lord? Our Lord's knowledge encompasses all things. We have put our trust in GOD. Our Lord, grant us a decisive victory over our people. You are the best supporter."
2799 Have they taken GOD's plans for granted? None takes GOD's plans for granted except the losers.
17101 We narrate to you the history of those communities: their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had rejected before. GOD thus seals the hearts of the disbelievers.
17105 "It is incumbent upon me that I do not say about GOD except the truth. I come to you with a sign from your Lord; let the Children of Israel go."
27128 Moses said to his people, "Seek GOD's help, and steadfastly persevere. The earth belongs to GOD, and He grants it to whomever He chooses from among His servants. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous."
17131 When good omens came their way, they said, "We have deserved this," but when a hardship afflicted them, they blamed Moses and those with him. In fact, their omens are decided only by GOD, but most of them do not know.
17140 "Shall I seek for you other than GOD to be your god, when He has blessed you more than anyone else in the world?"
37158 Say, "O people, I am GOD's messenger to all of you. To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except He. He controls life and death." Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messenger, the gentile prophet, who believes in GOD and His words. Follow him, that you may be guided.
17164 Recall that a group of them said, "Why should you preach to people whom GOD will surely annihilate or punish severely?" They answered, "Apologize to your Lord," that they might be saved.
17169 Subsequent to them, He substituted new generations who inherited the scripture. But they opted for the worldly life instead, saying, "We will be forgiven." But then they continued to opt for the materials of this world. Did they not make a covenant to uphold the scripture, and not to say about GOD except the truth? Did they not study the scripture? Certainly, the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who maintain righteousness. Do you not understand?
17178 Whomever GOD guides is the truly guided one, and whomever He commits to straying, these are the losers.
17180 To GOD belongs the most beautiful names; call upon Him therewith, and disregard those who distort His names. They will be requited for their sins.
17185 Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things GOD has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near? Which Hadith, beside this, do they believe in?
17186 Whomever GOD commits to straying, there is no way for anyone to guide him. He leaves them in their sins, blundering.
17187 They ask you about the end of the world (the Hour), and when it will come to pass. Say, "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord. Only He reveals its time. Heavy it is, in the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you except suddenly." They ask you as if you are in control thereof. Say, "The knowledge thereof is with GOD," but most people do not know.
17188 Say, "I have no power to benefit myself, or harm myself. Only what GOD wills happens to me. If I knew the future, I would have increased my wealth, and no harm would have afflicted me. I am no more than a warner, and a bearer of good news for those who believe."
17189 He created you from one person (Adam). Subsequently, He gives every man a mate to find tranquility with her. She then carries a light load that she can hardly notice. As the load gets heavier, they implore GOD their Lord: "If You give us a good baby, we will be appreciative."
17190 But when He gives them a good baby, they turn His gift into an idol that rivals Him. GOD be exalted, far above any partnership.
17194 The idols you invoke besides GOD are creatures like you. Go ahead and call upon them; let them respond to you, if you are right.
17196 "GOD is my only Lord and Master; the One who revealed this scripture. He protects the righteous.
17200 When the devil whispers to you any whisper, seek refuge in GOD; He is Hearer, Omniscient.
In sura 7: "GOD" occurs 61 time(s), and in 45 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 4685
Sura 8
381 They consult you about the spoils of war. Say, "The spoils of war belong to GOD and the messenger." You shall observe GOD, exhort one another to be righteous, and obey GOD and His messenger, if you are believers.
182 The true believers are those whose hearts tremble when GOD is mentioned, and when His revelations are recited to them, their faith is strengthened, and they trust in their Lord.
287 Recall that GOD promised you victory over a certain group, but you still wanted to face the weaker group. It was GOD's plan to establish the truth with His words, and to defeat the disbelievers.
3810 GOD gave you this good news to strengthen your hearts. Victory comes only from GOD. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
3813 This is what they have justly incurred by fighting GOD and His messenger. For those who fight against GOD and His messenger, GOD's retribution is severe.
1816 Anyone who turns back on that day, except to carry out a battle plan, or to join his group, has incurred wrath from GOD, and his abode is Hell; what a miserable destiny!
3817 It was not you who killed them; GOD is the One who killed them. It was not you who threw when you threw; GOD is the One who threw. But He thus gives the believers a chance to earn a lot of credit. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
1818 Additionally, GOD thus nullifies the schemes of the disbelievers.
1819 You sought victory (O disbelievers), and victory did come; it belonged to the believers. If you refrain (from aggression) it would be better for you, but if you return, so will we. Your armies will never help you, no matter how great. For GOD is on the side of the believers.
1820 O you who believe, obey GOD and His messenger, and do not disregard him while you hear.
1822 The worst creatures in the sight of GOD are the deaf and dumb, who do not understand.
1823 Had GOD known of any good in them, He would have made them hearers. Even if He made them hearers, they still would turn away in aversion.
2824 O you who believe, you shall respond to GOD and to the messenger when he invites you to what gives you life. You should know that GOD is closer to you than your heart, and that before Him you will be summoned.
1825 Beware of a retribution that may not be limited to the evildoers among you. You should know that GOD's retribution is severe.
1827 O you who believe, do not betray GOD and the messenger, and do not betray those who trust you, now that you know.
1828 You should know that your money and your children are a test, and that GOD possesses a great recompense.
2829 O you who believe, if you reverence GOD, He will enlighten you, remit your sins, and forgive you. GOD possesses infinite grace.
2830 The disbelievers plot and scheme to neutralize you, or kill you, or banish you. However, they plot and scheme, but so does GOD. GOD is the best schemer.
2833 However, GOD is not to punish them while you are in their midst; GOD is not to punish them while they are seeking forgiveness.
1834 Have they not deserved GOD's retribution, by repelling others from the Sacred Masjid, even though they are not the custodians thereof? The true custodians thereof are the righteous, but most of them do not know.
1836 Those who disbelieve spend their money to repel others from the way of GOD. They will spend it, then it will turn into sorrow and remorse for them. Ultimately, they will be defeated, and all disbelievers will be summoned to Hell.
1837 GOD will sift away the bad from the good, then pile the bad on top of each other, all in one pile, then throw it in Hell. Such are the losers.
2839 You shall fight them to ward off oppression, and to practice your religion devoted to GOD alone. If they refrain from aggression, then GOD is fully Seer of everything they do.
1840 If they turn away, then you should know that GOD is your Lord and Master; the best Lord and Master, the best supporter.
3841 You should know that if you gain any spoils in war, one-fifth shall go to GOD and the messenger, to be given to the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien. You will do this if you believe in GOD and in what we revealed to our servant on the day of decision, the day the two armies clashed. GOD is Omnipotent.
2842 Recall that you were on this side of the valley, while they were on the other side. Then their caravan had to move to lower ground. Had you planned it this way, you could not have done it. But GOD was to carry out a predetermined matter, whereby those destined to be annihilated were annihilated for an obvious reason, and those destined to be saved were saved for an obvious reason. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
2843 GOD made them appear in your dream (O Muhammad) fewer in number. Had He made them appear more numerous, you would have failed, and you would have disputed among yourselves. But GOD saved the situation. He is Knower of the innermost thoughts.
2844 And when the time came and you faced them, He made them appear fewer in your eyes, and made you appear fewer in their eyes as well. For GOD willed to carry out a certain plan. All decisions are made by GOD.
1845 O you who believe, when you encounter an army, you shall hold fast and commemorate GOD frequently, that you may succeed.
2846 You shall obey GOD and His messenger, and do not dispute among yourselves, lest you fail and scatter your strength. You shall steadfastly persevere. GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere.
2847 Do not be like those who left their homes grudgingly, only to show off, and in fact discouraged others from following the path of GOD. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.
2848 The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and said, "You cannot be defeated by any people today," and "I will be fighting along with you." But as soon as the two armies faced each other, he turned back on his heels and fled, saying, "I disown you. I see what you do not see. I am afraid of GOD. GOD's retribution is awesome."
2849 The hypocrites and those who harbored doubt in their hearts said, "These people are deceived by their religion." However, if one puts his trust in GOD, then GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
1851 "This is a consequence of what your hands have sent forth. GOD is never unjust towards the creatures."
3852 This is the same fate as that of Pharaoh's people and those who disbelieved before them. They rejected GOD's revelations, and GOD punished them for their sins. GOD is powerful, and His retribution is severe.
2853 GOD does not change a blessing He has bestowed upon any people unless they themselves decide to change. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
1855 The worst creatures in the sight of GOD are those who disbelieved; they cannot believe.
1858 When you are betrayed by a group of people, you shall mobilize against them in the same manner. GOD does not love the betrayers.
3860 You shall prepare for them all the power you can muster, and all the equipment you can mobilize, that you may frighten the enemies of GOD, your enemies, as well as others who are not known to you; GOD knows them. Whatever you spend in the cause of GOD will be repaid to you generously, without the least injustice.
1861 If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
1862 If they want to deceive you, then GOD will suffice you. He will help you with His support, and with the believers.
1863 He has reconciled the hearts (of the believers). Had you spent all the money on earth, you could not reconcile their hearts. But GOD did reconcile them. He is Almighty, Most Wise.
1864 O you prophet, sufficient for you is GOD and the believers who have followed you.
3866 Now (that many new people have joined you) GOD has made it easier for you, for He knows that you are not as strong as you used to be. Henceforth, a hundred steadfast believers can defeat two hundred, and a thousand of you can defeat two thousand by GOD's leave. GOD is with those who steadfastly persevere.
2867 No prophet shall acquire captives, unless he participates in the fighting. You people are seeking the materials of this world, while GOD advocates the Hereafter. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
1868 If it were not for a predetermined decree from GOD, you would have suffered, on account of what you took, a terrible retribution.
2869 Therefore, eat from the spoils you have earned, that which is lawful and good, and observe GOD. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2870 O you prophet, tell the prisoners of war in your hands, "If GOD knew of anything good in your hearts, He would have given you better than anything you have lost, and would have forgiven you. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful."
2871 And if they want to betray you, they have already betrayed GOD. This is why He made them the losers. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
2872 Surely, those who believed, and emigrated, and strove with their money and their lives in the cause of GOD, as well as those who hosted them and gave them refuge, and supported them, they are allies of one another. As for those who believe, but do not emigrate with you, you do not owe them any support, until they do emigrate. However, if they need your help, as brethren in faith, you shall help them, except against people with whom you have signed a peace treaty. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
1874 Those who believed and emigrated, and strove in the cause of GOD, as well as those who hosted them and gave them refuge, and supported them, these are the true believers. They have deserved forgiveness and a generous recompense.
2875 Those who believed afterwards, and emigrated, and strove with you, they belong with you. Those who are related to each other shall be the first to support each other, in accordance with GOD's commandments. GOD is fully aware of all things.
In sura 8: "GOD" occurs 88 time(s), and in 52 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 2166
Sura 9
191 An ultimatum is herein issued from GOD and His messenger to the idol worshipers who enter into a treaty with you.
292 Therefore, roam the earth freely for four months, and know that you cannot escape from GOD, and that GOD humiliates the disbelievers.
393 A proclamation is herein issued from GOD and His messenger to all the people on the great day of pilgrimage, that GOD has disowned the idol worshipers, and so did His messenger. Thus, if you repent, it would be better for you. But if you turn away, then know that you can never escape from GOD. Promise those who disbelieve a painful retribution.
194 If the idol worshipers sign a peace treaty with you, and do not violate it, nor band together with others against you, you shall fulfill your treaty with them until the expiration date. GOD loves the righteous.
195 Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
196 If one of the idol worshipers sought safe passage with you, you shall grant him safe passage, so that he can hear the word of GOD, then send him back to his place of security. That is because they are people who do not know.
297 How can the idol worshipers demand any pledge from GOD and from His messenger? Exempted are those who have signed a peace treaty with you at the Sacred Masjid. If they honor and uphold such a treaty, you shall uphold it as well. GOD loves the righteous.
199 They traded away GOD's revelations for a cheap price. Consequently, they repulsed the people from His path. Miserable indeed is what they did!
1913 Would you not fight people who violated their treaties, tried to banish the messenger, and they are the ones who started the war in the first place? Are you afraid of them? GOD is the One you are supposed to fear, if you are believers.
1914 You shall fight them, for GOD will punish them at your hands, humiliate them, grant you victory over them, and cool the chests of the believers.
2915 He will also remove the rage from the believers' hearts. GOD redeems whomever He wills. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
3916 Did you think that you will be left alone without GOD distinguishing those among you who strive, and never ally themselves with GOD's enemies, or the enemies of His messenger, or the enemies of the believers? GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
1917 The idol worshipers are not to frequent the masjids of GOD, while confessing their disbelief. These have nullified their works, and they will abide forever in Hell.
3918 The only people to frequent GOD's masjids are those who believe in GOD and the Last Day, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and do not fear except GOD. These will surely be among the guided ones.
4919 Have you considered the watering of the pilgrims and caring for the Sacred Masjid a substitute for believing in GOD and the Last Day, and striving in the cause of GOD? They are not equal in the sight of GOD. GOD does not guide the wicked people.
2920 Those who believe, and emigrate, and strive in the cause of GOD with their money and their lives, are far greater in rank in the sight of GOD. These are the winners.
1922 Eternally they abide therein. GOD possesses a great recompense.
3924 Proclaim: "If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than GOD and His messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until GOD brings His judgment." GOD does not guide the wicked people.
1925 GOD has granted you victory in many situations. But on the day of Hunayn, you became too proud of your great number. Consequently, it did not help you at all, and the spacious earth became so straitened around you, that you turned around and fled.
1926 Then GOD sent down contentment upon His messenger and upon the believers. And He sent down invisible soldiers; He thus punished those who disbelieved. This is the requital for the disbelievers.
2927 Ultimately, GOD redeems whomever He wills. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2928 O you who believe, the idol worshipers are polluted; they shall not be permitted to approach the Sacred Masjid after this year. If you fear loss of income, GOD will shower you with His provisions, in accordance with His will. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
2929 You shall fight back against those who do not believe in GOD, nor in the Last Day, nor do they prohibit what GOD and His messenger have prohibited, nor do they abide by the religion of truth - among those who received the scripture - until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly.
3930 The Jews said, "Ezra is the son of GOD," while the Christians said, "Jesus is the son of GOD!" These are blasphemies uttered by their mouths. They thus match the blasphemies of those who have disbelieved in the past. GOD condemns them. They have surely deviated.
1931 They have set up their religious leaders and scholars as lords, instead of GOD. Others deified the Messiah, son of Mary. They were all commanded to worship only one god. There is no god except He. Be He glorified, high above having any partners.
2932 They want to put out GOD's light with their mouths, but GOD insists upon perfecting His light, in spite of the disbelievers.
2934 O you who believe, many religious leaders and preachers take the people's money illicitly, and repel from the path of GOD. Those who hoard the gold and silver, and do not spend them in the cause of GOD, promise them a painful retribution.
3936 The count of months, as far as GOD is concerned, is twelve. This has been GOD's law, since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are sacred. This is the perfect religion; you shall not wrong your souls (by fighting) during the Sacred Months. However, you may declare all-out war against the idol worshipers (even during the Sacred Months), when they declare all-out war against you, and know that GOD is on the side of the righteous.
3937 Altering the Sacred Months is a sign of excessive disbelief; it augments the straying of those who have disbelieved. They alternate the Sacred Months and the regular months, while preserving the number of months consecrated by GOD. They thus violate what GOD has consecrated. Their evil works are adorned in their eyes. GOD does not guide the disbelieving people.
1938 O you who believe, when you are told, "Mobilize in the cause of GOD," why do you become heavily attached to the ground? Have you chosen this worldly life in place of the Hereafter? The materials of this world, compared to the Hereafter, are nil.
1939 Unless you mobilize, He will commit you to painful retribution and substitute other people in your place; you can never hurt Him in the least. GOD is Omnipotent.
5940 If you fail to support him (the messenger), GOD has already supported him. Thus, when the disbelievers chased him, and he was one of two in the cave, he said to his friend, "Do not worry; GOD is with us." GOD then sent down contentment and security upon him, and supported him with invisible soldiers. He made the word of the disbelievers lowly. GOD's word reigns supreme. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
1941 You shall readily mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your money and your lives in the cause of GOD. This is better for you, if you only knew.
2942 If there were a quick material gain, and a short journey, they would have followed you. But the striving is just too much for them. They will swear by GOD: "If we could, we would have mobilized with you." They thus hurt themselves, and GOD knows that they are liars.
1943 GOD has pardoned you: why did you give them permission (to stay behind), before you could distinguish those who are truthful from the liars?
2944 Those who truly believe in GOD and the Last Day do not ask your permission to evade the opportunity to strive with their money and their lives. GOD is fully aware of the righteous.
1945 The only people who wish to be excused are those who do not really believe in GOD and the Last Day. Their hearts are full of doubt, and their doubts cause them to waver.
1946 Had they really wanted to mobilize, they would have prepared for it thoroughly. But GOD disliked their participation, so He discouraged them; they were told, "Stay behind with those who are staying behind."
1947 Had they mobilized with you, they would have created confusion, and would have caused disputes and divisions among you. Some of you were apt to listen to them. GOD is fully aware of the transgressors.
1948 They sought to spread confusion among you in the past, and confounded matters for you. However, the truth ultimately prevails, and GOD's plan is carried out, in spite of them.
2951 Say, "Nothing happens to us, except what GOD has decreed for us. He is our Lord and Master. In GOD the believers shall trust."
1952 Say, "You can only expect for us one of two good things (victory or martyrdom), while we expect for you condemnation from GOD and retribution from Him, or at our hands. Therefore, wait, and we will wait along with you."
1954 What prevented the acceptance of their spending is that they disbelieved in GOD and His messenger, and when they observed the Contact Prayers (Salat), they observed them lazily, and when they gave to charity, they did so grudgingly.
1955 Do not be impressed by their money, or their children. GOD causes these to be sources of retribution for them in this life, and (when they die) their souls depart while they are disbelievers.
1956 They swear by GOD that they belong with you, while they do not belong with you; they are divisive people.
4959 They should be satisfied with what GOD and His messenger have given them. They should have said, "GOD suffices us. GOD will provide for us from His bounties, and so will His messenger. We are seeking only GOD."
3960 Charities shall go to the poor, the needy, the workers who collect them, the new converts, to free the slaves, to those burdened by sudden expenses, in the cause of GOD, and to the traveling alien. Such is GOD's commandment. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
2961 Some of them hurt the prophet by saying, "He is all ears!" Say, "It is better for you that he listens to you. He believes in GOD, and trusts the believers. He is a mercy for those among you who believe." Those who hurt GOD's messenger have incurred a painful retribution.
2962 They swear by GOD to you, to please you, when GOD and His messenger are more worthy of pleasing, if they are really believers.
1963 Did they not know that anyone who opposes GOD and His messenger has incurred the fire of Hell forever? This is the worst humiliation.
1964 The hypocrites worry that a sura may be revealed exposing what is inside their hearts. Say, "Go ahead and mock. GOD will expose exactly what you are afraid of."
1965 If you ask them, they would say, "We were only mocking and kidding." Say, "Do you realize that you are mocking GOD, and His revelations, and His messenger?"
1967 The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women belong with each other - they advocate evil and prohibit righteousness, and they are stingy. They forgot GOD, so He forgot them. The hypocrites are truly wicked.
2968 GOD promises the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, as well as the disbelievers, the fire of Hell, wherein they abide forever. It suffices them. GOD has condemned them; they have incurred an everlasting retribution.
1970 Have they not learned anything from the previous generations; the people of Noah, `Aad, Thamood, the people of Abraham, the dwellers of Midyan, and the evildoers (of Sodom and Gomorrah)? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs. GOD never wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.
3971 The believing men and women are allies of one another. They advocate righteousness and forbid evil, they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they obey GOD and His messenger. These will be showered by GOD's mercy. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
2972 GOD promises the believing men and the believing women gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever, and magnificent mansions in the gardens of Eden. And GOD's blessings and approval are even greater. This is the greatest triumph.
3974 They swear by GOD that they never said it, although they have uttered the word of disbelief; they have disbelieved after becoming submitters. In fact, they gave up what they never had. They have rebelled even though GOD and His messenger have showered them with His grace and provisions. If they repent, it would be best for them. But if they turn away, GOD will commit them to painful retribution in this life and in the Hereafter. They will find no one on earth to be their lord and master.
1975 Some of them even pledged: "If GOD showered us with His grace, we would be charitable, and would lead a righteous life."
1977 Consequently, He plagued them with hypocrisy in their hearts, till the day they meet Him. This is because they broke their promises to GOD, and because of their lying.
2978 Do they not realize that GOD knows their secrets, and their conspiracies, and that GOD is the Knower of all secrets?
1979 Those who criticize the generous believers for giving too much, and ridicule the poor believers for giving too little, GOD despises them. They have incurred a painful retribution.
3980 Whether you ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them - even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times - GOD will not forgive them. This is because they disbelieve in GOD and His messenger. GOD does not guide the wicked people.
2981 The sedentary rejoiced in their staying behind the messenger of GOD, and hated to strive with their money and their lives in the cause of GOD. They said, "Let us not mobilize in this heat!" Say, "The fire of Hell is much hotter," if they could only comprehend.
1983 If GOD returns you to a situation where they ask your permission to mobilize with you, you shall say, "You will never again mobilize with me, nor will you ever fight with me against any enemy. For you have chosen to be with the sedentary in the first place. Therefore, you must stay with the sedentary."
1984 You shall not observe the funeral prayer for any of them when he dies, nor shall you stand at his grave. They have disbelieved in GOD and His messenger, and died in a state of wickedness.
1985 Do not be impressed by their money or their children; GOD causes these to be sources of misery for them in this world, and their souls depart as disbelievers.
1986 When a sura is revealed, stating: "Believe in GOD, and strive with His messenger," even the strong among them say, "Let us stay behind!"
1989 GOD has prepared for them gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. This is the greatest triumph.
1990 The Arabs made up excuses, and came to you seeking permission to stay behind. This is indicative of their rejection of GOD and His messenger - they stay behind. Indeed, those who disbelieve among them have incurred a painful retribution.
2991 Not to be blamed are those who are weak, or ill, or do not find anything to offer, so long as they remain devoted to GOD and His messenger. The righteous among them shall not be blamed. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
1993 The blame is on those who ask your permission to stay behind, even though they have no excuse. They have chosen to be with the sedentary. Consequently, GOD has sealed their hearts, and thus, they do not attain any knowledge.
2994 They apologize to you when you return to them (from battle). Say, "Do not apologize; we no longer trust you. GOD has informed us about you." GOD will see your works, and so will the messenger, then you will be returned to the Knower of all secrets and declarations, then He will inform you of everything you had done.
1995 They will swear by GOD to you, when you return to them, that you may disregard them. Do disregard them. They are polluted, and their destiny is Hell, as a requital for the sins they have earned.
1996 They swear to you, that you may pardon them. Even if you pardon them, GOD does not pardon such wicked people.
2997 The Arabs are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and the most likely to ignore the laws that GOD has revealed to His messenger. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
1998 Some Arabs consider their spending (in the cause of God) to be a loss, and even wait in anticipation that a disaster may hit you. It is they who will incur the worst disaster. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
4999 Other Arabs do believe in GOD and the Last Day, and consider their spending to be a means towards GOD, and a means of supporting the messenger. Indeed, it will bring them nearer; GOD will admit them into His mercy. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
19100 As for the early vanguards who immigrated (Muhajerin), and the supporters who gave them refuge (Ansar) and those who followed them in righteousness, GOD is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared for them gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. This is the greatest triumph.
29102 There are others who have confessed their sins; they have mixed good deeds with bad deeds. GOD will redeem them, for GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
19103 Take from their money a charity to purify them and sanctify them. And encourage them, for your encouragement reassures them. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
29104 Do they not realize that GOD accepts the repentance of His worshipers, and takes the charities, and that GOD is the Redeemer, Most Merciful?
19105 Say, "Work righteousness; GOD will see your work, and so will His messenger and the believers. Ultimately, you will be returned to the Knower of all secrets and declarations, then He will inform you of everything you had done."
29106 Others are waiting for GOD's decision; He may punish them, or He may redeem them. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
29107 There are those who abuse the masjid by practicing idol worship, dividing the believers, and providing comfort to those who oppose GOD and His messenger. They solemnly swear: "Our intentions are honorable!" GOD bears witness that they are liars.
19108 You shall never pray in such a masjid. A masjid that is established on the basis of righteousness from the first day is more worthy of your praying therein. In it, there are people who love to be purified. GOD loves those who purify themselves.
29109 Is one who establishes his building on the basis of reverencing GOD and to gain His approval better, or one who establishes his building on the brink of a crumbling cliff, that falls down with him into the fire of Hell? GOD does not guide the transgressing people.
19110 Such a building that they have established remains a source of doubt in their hearts, until their hearts are stilled. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
39111 GOD has bought from the believers their lives and their money in exchange for Paradise. Thus, they fight in the cause of GOD, willing to kill and get killed. Such is His truthful pledge in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran - and who fulfills His pledge better than GOD? You shall rejoice in making such an exchange. This is the greatest triumph.
19112 They are the repenters, the worshipers, the praisers, the meditators, the bowing and prostrating, the advocators of righteousness and forbidders of evil, and the keepers of GOD's laws. Give good news to such believers.
19114 The only reason Abraham asked forgiveness for his father was that he had promised him to do so. But as soon as he realized that he was an enemy of GOD, he disowned him. Abraham was extremely kind, clement.
29115 GOD does not send any people astray, after He had guided them, without first pointing out for them what to expect. GOD is fully aware of all things.
29116 To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He controls life and death. You have none beside GOD as a Lord and Master.
19117 GOD has redeemed the prophet, and the immigrants (Muhajireen) and the supporters who hosted them and gave them refuge (Ansar), who followed him during the difficult times. That is when the hearts of some of them almost wavered. But He has redeemed them, for He is Compassionate towards them, Most Merciful.
29118 Also (redeemed were) the three who stayed behind. The spacious earth became so straitened for them, that they almost gave up all hope for themselves. Finally, they realized that there was no escape from GOD, except to Him. He then redeemed them that they may repent. GOD is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.
19119 O you who believe, you shall reverence GOD, and be among the truthful.
39120 Neither the dwellers of the city, nor the Arabs around them, shall seek to stay behind the messenger of GOD (when he mobilizes for war). Nor shall they give priority to their own affairs over supporting him. This is because they do not suffer any thirst, or any effort, or hunger in the cause of GOD, or take a single step that enrages the disbelievers, or inflict any hardship upon the enemy, without having it written down for them as a credit. GOD never fails to recompense those who work righteousness.
19121 Nor do they incur any expense, small or large, nor do they cross any valley, without having the credit written down for them. GOD will surely reward them generously for their works.
19123 O you who believe, you shall fight the disbelievers who attack you - let them find you stern - and know that GOD is with the righteous.
19127 Whenever a sura was revealed, some of them would look at each other as if to say: "Does anyone see you?" Then they left. Thus, GOD has diverted their hearts, for they are people who do not comprehend.
In sura 9: "GOD" occurs 168 time(s), and in 100 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 6364
Sura 10
2103 Your only Lord is GOD; the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. He controls all matters. There is no intercessor, except in accordance with His will. Such is GOD your Lord. You shall worship Him. Would you not take heed?
1104 To Him is your ultimate return, all of you. This is GOD's truthful promise. He initiates the creation, then repeats it, in order to reward those who believe and lead a righteous life, equitably. As for those who disbelieve, they incur hellish drinks, and a painful retribution for their disbelieving.
1105 He is the One who rendered the sun radiant, and the moon a light, and He designed its phases that you may learn to count the years and to calculate. GOD did not create all this, except for a specific purpose. He explains the revelations for people who know.
1106 Surely, in the alternation of night and day, and what GOD created in the heavens and the earth, there are proofs for people who are righteous.
11010 Their prayer therein is: "Be You glorified, our god," their greeting therein is, "Peace," and their ultimate prayer is: "Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe."
11011 If GOD hastened the retribution incurred by the people, the way they demand provisions, they would have been annihilated long ago. However, we leave those who do not believe in meeting us in their transgressions, blundering.
11016 Say, "Had GOD willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would you have known anything about it. I have lived among you a whole life before this (and you have known me as a sane, truthful person). Do you not understand?"
11017 Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about GOD, or rejects His revelations. Certainly, the transgressors never succeed.
31018 They worship beside GOD idols that possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and they say, "These are our intercessors at GOD!" Say, "Are you informing GOD of something He does not know in the heavens or the earth?" Be He glorified. He is the Most High; far above needing partners.
11020 They say, "How come no miracle came down to him from his Lord?" Say, "The future belongs to GOD; so wait, and I am waiting along with you."
11021 When we bestow mercy upon the people, after adversity had afflicted them, they immediately scheme against our revelations! Say, "GOD's scheming is far more effective. For our messengers are recording everything you scheme."
11022 He is the One who moves you across the land and sea. You get onto the ships, and they sail smoothly in a nice breeze. Then, while rejoicing therein, violent wind blows, and the waves surround them from every side. This is when they implore GOD, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone: "If You only save us this time, we will be eternally appreciative."
11025 GOD invites to the abode of peace, and guides whoever wills (to be guided) in a straight path.
11027 As for those who earned sins, their requital is equivalent to their sin. Humiliation is their lot, and no one beside GOD can protect them. Their faces will seem overwhelmed by masses of dark night. They will be the dwellers of Hell; they abide therein forever.
11029 "GOD suffices as a witness between us and you, that we were completely unaware of your worshiping us."
11030 That is when each soul will examine everything it had done. They will be returned to GOD, their rightful Lord and Master, and the idols they had fabricated will disown them.
11031 Say, "Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Who controls all the hearing and the eyesight? Who produces the living from the dead, and the dead from the living? Who is in control of all things?" They would say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you not observe the commandments?"
11032 Such is GOD, your rightful Lord. What is there after the truth, except falsehood? How could you disregard all this?
11034 Say, "Can any of your idols initiate creation, then repeat it?" Say, "GOD initiates the creation, then repeats it."
11035 Say, "Does any of your idols guide to the truth?" Say, "GOD guides to the truth. Is one who guides to the truth more worthy of being followed, or one who does not guide, and needs guidance for himself? What is wrong with your judgment?"
11036 Most of them follow nothing but conjecture, and conjecture is no substitute for the truth. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.
11037 This Quran could not possibly be authored by other than GOD. It confirms all previous messages, and provides a fully detailed scripture. It is infallible, for it comes from the Lord of the universe.
11038 If they say, "He fabricated it," say, "Then produce one sura like these, and invite whomever you wish, other than GOD, if you are truthful."
11044 GOD never wrongs the people; it is the people who wrong their own souls.
11045 On the day when He summons all of them, they will feel as if they lasted in this world one hour of the day, during which they met. Losers indeed are those who disbelieved in meeting GOD; and chose to be misguided.
11046 Whether we show you some (of the retribution) we promise them, or terminate your life before that, to us is their ultimate return. GOD witnesses everything they do.
11049 Say, "I possess no power to harm myself, or benefit myself; only what GOD wills takes place." Each community has a predetermined life span. Once their interim comes to an end, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it.
21055 Absolutely, to GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Absolutely, GOD's promise is truth, but most of them do not know.
11058 Say, "With GOD's grace and with His mercy they shall rejoice." This is far better than any wealth they can accumulate.
31059 Say, "Did you note how GOD sends down to you all kinds of provisions, then you render some of them unlawful, and some lawful?" Say, "Did GOD give you permission to do this? Or, do you fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD?"
21060 Does it ever occur to those who fabricate lies about GOD that they will have to face Him on the Day of Resurrection? Certainly, GOD showers the people with His grace, but most of them are unappreciative.
11062 Absolutely, GOD's allies have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
11064 For them, joy and happiness in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. This is GOD's unchangeable law. Such is the greatest triumph.
11065 Do not be saddened by their utterances. All power belongs to GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
21066 Absolutely, to GOD belongs everyone in the heavens and everyone on earth. Those who set up idols beside GOD are really following nothing. They only think that they are following something. They only guess.
21068 They said, "GOD has begotten a son!" Be He glorified. He is the Most Rich. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. You have no proof to support such a blasphemy. Are you saying about GOD what you do not know?
11069 Proclaim: "Those who fabricate lies about GOD will never succeed."
21071 Recite for them the history of Noah. He said to his people, "O my people, if you find my position and my reminding you of GOD's revelations too much for you, then I put my trust in GOD. You should get together with your leaders, agree on a final decision among yourselves, then let me know it without delay.
11072 "If you turn away, then I have not asked you for any wage. My wage comes from GOD. I have been commanded to be a submitter."
21081 When they threw, Moses said, "What you have produced is magic, and GOD will make it fail. GOD does not support the transgressors' work."
11082 GOD establishes the truth with His words, despite the criminals.
11084 Moses said, "O my people, if you have really believed in GOD, then put your trust in Him, if you are really submitters."
11085 They said, "We trust in GOD. Our Lord, save us from the persecution of these oppressive people.
11095 Nor shall you join those who rejected GOD's revelations, lest you be with the losers.
110100 No soul can believe except in accordance with GOD's will. For He places a curse upon those who refuse to understand.
210104 Say, "O people, if you have any doubt regarding my religion, I do not worship what you worship beside GOD. I worship GOD alone; the One who will terminate your lives. I am commanded to be a believer."
110106 "You shall not worship beside GOD what possesses no power to benefit you or harm you. If you do, you will be a transgressor."
110107 If GOD touches you with a hardship, none can relieve it except He. And when He blesses you, no force can prevent His grace. He bestows it upon whomever He chooses from among His servants. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful.
110109 Follow what is revealed to you, and be patient until GOD issues His judgment; He is the best judge.
In sura 10: "GOD" occurs 61 time(s), and in 49 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 2413
Sura 11
1112 Proclaiming: "You shall not worship except GOD. I come to you from Him as a warner, as well as a bearer of good news.
1114 To GOD is your ultimate return, and He is Omnipotent.
1116 There is not a creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by GOD. And He knows its course and its final destiny. All are recorded in a profound record.
11112 You may wish to disregard some of that which is revealed to you, and you may be annoyed by it. Also, they may say, "How come no treasure comes down to him, or an angel?" You are only a warner; GOD controls all things.
11113 If they say, "He fabricated (the Quran)," tell them, "Then produce ten suras like these, fabricated, and invite whomever you can, other than GOD, if you are truthful."
11114 If they fail to meet your challenge, then know that this is revealed with GOD's knowledge, and that there is no god except He. Will you then submit?
21118 Who are more evil than those who fabricate lies about GOD? They will be presented before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied about their Lord. GOD's condemnation has befallen the transgressors."
11119 They repel from the way of GOD and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.
11120 These will never escape, nor will they find any lords or masters to help them against GOD. Retribution will be doubled for them. They have failed to hear, and they have failed to see.
11126 "You shall not worship except GOD. I fear for you the retribution of a painful day."
11129 "O my people, I do not ask you for any money; my wage comes only from GOD. I am not dismissing those who believed; they will meet their Lord (and He alone will judge them). I see that you are ignorant people.
11130 "O my people, who can support me against GOD, if I dismiss them? Would you not take heed?
31131 "I do not claim that I possess the treasures of GOD, nor do I know the future, nor do I claim to be an angel. Nor do I say to those despised by your eyes that GOD will not bestow any blessings upon them. GOD knows best what is in their innermost thoughts. (If I did this,) I would be a transgressor."
11133 He said, "GOD is the One who brings it to you, if He so wills, then you cannot escape.
11134 "Even if I advised you, my advice cannot benefit you if it is GOD's will to send you astray. He is your Lord, and to Him you will be returned."
11141 He said, "Come on board. In the name of GOD shall be its sailing, and its mooring. My Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful."
11143 He said, "I will take refuge on top of a hill, to protect me from the water." He said, "Nothing can protect anyone today from GOD's judgment; only those worthy of His mercy (will be saved)." The waves separated them, and he was among those who drowned.
11150 To `Aad we sent their brother Hood. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god besides Him. You are inventing.
11154 "We believe that some of our gods have afflicted you with a curse." He said, "I bear witness before GOD, and you bear witness as well, that I disown the idols you have set up -
11156 "I have put my trust in GOD, my Lord and your Lord. There is not a creature that He does not control. My Lord is on the right path.
11161 To Thamoud we sent their brother Saaleh. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. He initiated you from the earth, then settled you in it. You shall seek His forgiveness, then repent to Him. My Lord is always near, responsive."
11163 He said, "O my people, what if I have solid proof from my Lord, and mercy from Him? Who would support me against GOD, if I disobeyed Him? You can only augment my loss.
21164 "O my people, this is GOD's camel to serve as a proof for you. You shall let her eat from GOD's earth, and do not touch her with any harm, lest you incur an immediate retribution."
21173 They said,"Do you find it strange for GOD? GOD has bestowed His mercy and blessings upon you, O inhabitants of the shrine. He is Praiseworthy, Glorious."
11178 His people came rushing; they had grown accustomed to their sinful acts. He said, "O my people, it would be purer for you, if you take my daughters instead. You shall reverence GOD; do not embarrass me with my guests. Have you not one reasonable man among you?"
11184 To Midyan we sent their brother Shu`aib. He said, "O my people, worship GOD; you have no other god beside Him. Do not cheat when you measure or weigh. I see that you are prosperous, and I fear for you the retribution of an overwhelming day.
11186 "Whatever GOD provides for you, no matter how small, is far better for you, if you are really believers. I am not a guardian over you."
11188 He said, "O my people, what if I have solid proof from my Lord; what if He has provided me with a great blessing? It is not my wish to commit what I enjoin you from. I only wish to correct as many wrongs as I can. My guidance depends totally on GOD; I have put my trust in Him. To Him I have totally submitted.
11192 He said, "O my people, does my tribe command a greater respect than GOD? Is this why you have been heedless of Him? My Lord is fully aware of everything you do.
111101 We never wronged them; they wronged their own souls. Their gods, whom they invoked beside GOD, could not help them in the least when the judgment of your Lord came. In fact, they only ensured their doom.
111113 Do not lean towards those who have transgressed, lest you incur Hell, and find no allies to help you against GOD, then end up losers.
111115 You shall steadfastly persevere, for GOD never fails to recompense the righteous.
111123 To GOD belongs the future of the heavens and the earth, and all matters are controlled by Him. You shall worship Him and trust in Him. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do.
In sura 11: "GOD" occurs 38 time(s), and in 33 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1676
Sura 12
11218 They produced his shirt with fake blood on it. He said, "Indeed, you have conspired with each other to commit a certain scheme. All I can do is resort to a quiet patience. May GOD help me in the face of your conspiracy."
11219 A caravan passed by, and soon sent their waterer. He let down his bucket, then said, "How lucky! There is a boy here!" They took him along as merchandise, and GOD was fully aware of what they did.
11221 The one who bought him in Egypt said to his wife, "Take good care of him. Maybe he can help us, or maybe we can adopt him." We thus established Joseph on earth, and we taught him the interpretation of dreams. GOD's command is always done, but most people do not know.
11223 The lady of the house where he lived tried to seduce him. She closed the doors and said, "I am all yours." He said, "May GOD protect me. He is my Lord, who gave me a good home. The transgressors never succeed."
11231 When she heard of their gossip, she invited them, prepared for them a comfortable place, and gave each of them a knife. She then said to him, "Enter their room." When they saw him, they so admired him, that they cut their hands. They said, "Glory be to GOD, this is not a human being; this is an honorable angel."
11237 He said, "If any food is provided to you, I can inform you about it before you receive it. This is some of the knowledge bestowed upon me by my Lord. I have forsaken the religion of people who do not believe in GOD, and with regard to the Hereafter, they are really disbelievers.
21238 "And I followed instead the religion of my ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We never set up any idols beside GOD. Such is the blessing from GOD upon us and upon the people, but most people are unappreciative.
11239 "O my prison mates, are several gods better, or GOD alone, the One, the Supreme?
21240 "You do not worship beside Him except innovations that you have made up, you and your parents. GOD has never authorized such idols. All ruling belongs to GOD, and He has ruled that you shall not worship except Him. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.
11251 (The king) said (to the women), "What do you know about the incident when you tried to seduce Joseph?" They said, "GOD forbid; we did not know of anything evil committed by him." The wife of the governor said, "Now the truth has prevailed. I am the one who tried to seduce him, and he was the truthful one.
11252 "I hope that he will realize that I never betrayed him in his absence, for GOD does not bless the schemes of the betrayers.
11264 He said, "Shall I trust you with him, as I trusted you with his brother before that? GOD is the best Protector, and, of all the merciful ones, He is the Most Merciful."
21266 He said, "I will not send him with you, unless you give me a solemn pledge before GOD that you will bring him back, unless you are utterly overwhelmed." When they gave him their solemn pledge, he said, "GOD is witnessing everything we say."
21267 And he said, "O my sons, do not enter from one door; enter through separate doors. However, I cannot save you from anything that is predetermined by GOD. To GOD belongs all judgments. I trust in Him, and in Him shall all the trusters put their trust."
11268 When they went (to Joseph), they entered in accordance with their father's instructions. Although this could not change anything decreed by GOD, Jacob had a private reason for asking them to do this. For he possessed certain knowledge that we taught him, but most people do not know.
11273 They said, "By GOD, you know full well that we did not come here to commit evil, nor are we thieves."
11276 He then started by inspecting their containers, before getting to his brother's container, and he extracted it out of his brother's container. We thus perfected the scheme for Joseph; he could not have kept his brother if he applied the king's law. But that was the will of GOD. We exalt whomever we choose to higher ranks. Above every knowledgeable one, there is one who is even more knowledgeable.
11277 They said, "If he stole, so did a brother of his in the past." Joseph concealed his feelings in himself, and did not give them any clue. He said (to himself), "You are really bad. GOD is fully aware of your accusations."
11279 He said, "GOD forbid that we should take other than the one in whose possession we found our goods. Otherwise, we would be unjust."
21280 When they despaired of changing his mind, they conferred together. Their eldest said, "Do you realize that your father has taken a solemn pledge from you before GOD? In the past you lost Joseph. I am not leaving this place until my father gives me permission, or until GOD judges for me; He is the best Judge.
11283 He said, "Indeed, you have conspired to carry out a certain scheme. Quiet patience is my only recourse. May GOD bring them all back to me. He is the Omniscient, Most Wise."
11285 They said, "By GOD, you will keep on grieving over Joseph until you become ill, or until you die."
21286 He said, "I simply complain to GOD about my dilemma and grief, for I know from GOD what you do not know.
21287 "O my sons, go fetch Joseph and his brother, and never despair of GOD's grace. None despairs of GOD's grace except the disbelieving people."
11288 When they entered (Joseph's) quarters, they said, "O you noble one, we have suffered a lot of hardship, along with our family, and we have brought inferior goods. But we hope that you will give us full measure and be charitable to us. GOD rewards the charitable."
21290 They said, "You must be Joseph." He said, "I am Joseph, and here is my brother. GOD has blessed us. That is because if one leads a righteous life, and steadfastly perseveres, GOD never fails to reward the righteous."
21291 They said, "By GOD, GOD has truly preferred you over us. We were definitely wrong."
11292 He said, "There is no blame upon you today. May GOD forgive you. Of all the merciful ones, He is the Most Merciful.
11295 They said, "By GOD, you are still in your old confusion."
11296 When the bearer of good news arrived, he threw (the shirt) on his face, whereupon his vision was restored. He said, "Did I not tell you that I knew from GOD what you did not know?"
11299 When they entered Joseph's quarters, he embraced his parents, saying, "Welcome to Egypt. GOD willing, you will be safe here."
112106 The majority of those who believe in GOD do not do so without committing idol worship.
112107 Have they guaranteed that an overwhelming retribution from GOD will not strike them, or the Hour will not come to them suddenly, when they least expect it?
212108 Say, "This is my path: I invite to GOD, on the basis of a clear proof, and so do those who follow me. GOD be glorified. I am not an idol worshiper."
In sura 12: "GOD" occurs 44 time(s), and in 34 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 2332
Sura 13
1132 GOD is the One who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then assumed all authority. He committed the sun and the moon, each running (in its orbit) for a predetermined period. He controls all things, and explains the revelations, that you may attain certainty about meeting your Lord.
1138 GOD knows what every female bears, and what every womb releases, or gains. Everything He does is perfectly measured.
31311 Shifts (of angels) take turns, staying with each one of you - they are in front of you and behind you. They stay with you, and guard you in accordance with GOD's commands. Thus, GOD does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change. If GOD wills any hardship for any people, no force can stop it. For they have none beside Him as Lord and Master.
11313 The thunder praises His glory, and so do the angels, out of reverence for Him. He sends the lightning bolts, which strike in accordance with His will. Yet, they argue about GOD, though His power is awesome.
11315 To GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows in the mornings and the evenings.
31316 Say, "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?" Say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you set up besides Him masters who do not possess any power to benefit or harm even themselves?" Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Is darkness the same as the light?" Have they found idols besides GOD who created creations similar to His creations, to the point of not distinguishing the two creations? Say, "GOD is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Supreme."
21317 He sends down water from the sky, causing the valleys to overflow, then the rapids produce abundant foam. Similarly, when they use fire to refine metals for their jewelry or equipment, foam is produced. GOD thus cites analogies for the truth and falsehood. As for the foam, it goes to waste, while that which benefits the people stays close to the ground. GOD thus cites the analogies.
11320 They are the ones who fulfill their pledge to GOD, and do not violate the covenant.
11321 They join what GOD has commanded to be joined, reverence their Lord, and fear the dreadful reckoning.
21325 As for those who violate GOD's covenant after pledging to keep it, and sever what GOD has commanded to be joined, and commit evil, they have incurred condemnation; they have incurred the worst destiny.
11326 GOD is the One who increases the provision for whomever He wills, or withholds it. They have become preoccupied with this life; and this life, compared to the Hereafter, is nil.
11327 Those who disbelieve would say, "If only a miracle could come down to him from his Lord (we would believe)." Say, "GOD sends astray whomever He wills, and guides to Him only those who obey."
21328 They are the ones whose hearts rejoice in remembering GOD. Absolutely, by remembering GOD, the hearts rejoice.
41331 Even if a Quran caused mountains to move, or the earth to tear asunder, or the dead to speak (they will not believe). GOD controls all things. Is it not time for the believers to give up and realize that if GOD willed, He could have guided all the people? The disbelievers will continue to suffer disasters, as a consequence of their own works, or have disasters strike close to them, until GOD's promise is fulfilled. GOD will never change the predetermined destiny.
21333 Is there any equal to the One who controls every single soul? Yet, they set up idols to rival GOD. Say, "Name them. Are you informing Him of something on earth that He does not know? Or, are you fabricating empty statements?" Indeed, the schemes of those who disbelieve have been adorned in their eyes. They are thus diverted from the right path. Whomever GOD sends astray can never find a guiding teacher.
11334 They have incurred retribution in this life, and the retribution in the Hereafter is far worse. Nothing can protect them against GOD.
11336 Those who received the scripture rejoice in what was revealed to you; some others may reject parts of it. Say, "I am simply enjoined to worship GOD, and never associate any idols with Him. I invite to Him, and to Him is my ultimate destiny."
11337 We revealed these laws in Arabic, and if you ever acquiesce to their wishes, after this knowledge has come to you, you will have no ally, nor a protector, against GOD.
11338 We have sent messengers before you (O Rashad), and we made them husbands with wives and children. No messenger can produce a miracle without GOD's authorization, and in accordance with a specific, predetermined time.
11339 GOD erases whatever He wills, and fixes (whatever He wills). With Him is the original Master Record.
11341 Do they not see that every day on earth, brings them closer to the end, and that GOD decides their life span, irrevocably? He is the most efficient Reckoner.
11342 Others before them have schemed, but to GOD belongs the ultimate scheming. He knows what everyone is doing. The disbelievers will find out who the ultimate winners are.
11343 Those who disbelieved will say, "You are not a messenger!" Say, "GOD suffices as a witness between me and you, and those who possess knowledge of the scripture."
In sura 13: "GOD" occurs 34 time(s), and in 23 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 603
Sura 14
1142 (The path of) GOD; the One who possesses everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Woe to the disbelievers; they have incurred a terrible retribution.
1143 They are the ones who give priority to this life over the Hereafter, repel from the way of GOD, and seek to make it crooked; they have gone far astray.
1144 We did not send any messenger except (to preach) in the tongue of his people, in order to clarify things for them. GOD then sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.
1145 Thus, we sent Moses with our miracles, saying, "Lead your people out of darkness into the light, and remind them of the days of GOD." These are lessons for every steadfast, appreciative person.
1146 Recall that Moses said to his people, "Remember GOD's blessings upon you. He saved you from Pharaoh's people who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, slaughtering your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial from your Lord."
1148 Moses said, "If you disbelieve, along with all the people on earth, GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy."
1149 Have you not heard about those before you - the people of Noah, `Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them and known only to GOD? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they treated them with contempt and said, "We disbelieve in what you are sent with. We are skeptical about your message; full of doubt."
11410 Their messengers said, "Do you have doubts about GOD; the Initiator of the heavens and the earth? He invites you only to forgive your sins, and to give you another chance to redeem yourselves." They said, "You are no more than humans like us, who want to repel us from the way our parents used to worship. Show us some profound authority."
31411 Their messengers said to them, "We are no more than humans like you, but GOD blesses whomever He chooses from among His servants. We could not possibly show you any kind of authorization, except in accordance with GOD's will. In GOD the believers shall trust.
21412 "Why should we not trust in GOD, when He has guided us in our paths? We will steadfastly persevere in the face of your persecution. In GOD all the trusters shall trust."
11419 Do you not realize that GOD has created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose? If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute a new creation in your place.
11420 This is not too difficult for GOD.
31421 When they all stand before GOD, the followers will say to the leaders, "We used to follow you. Can you spare us even a little bit of GOD's retribution?" They will say, "Had GOD guided us, we would have guided you. Now it is too late, whether we grieve or resort to patience, there is no exit for us."
11422 And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, "GOD has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution."
11424 Do you not see that GOD has cited the example of the good word as a good tree whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches are high in the sky?
11425 It produces its crop every season, as designed by its Lord. GOD thus cites the examples for the people, that they may take heed.
31427 GOD strengthens those who believe with the proven word, in this life and in the Hereafter. And GOD sends the transgressors astray. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.
11428 Have you noted those who responded to GOD's blessings by disbelieving, and thus brought disaster upon their own families?
11430 They set up rivals to rank with GOD and to divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy for awhile; your final destiny is Hell."
11432 GOD is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and He sends down from the sky water to produce all kinds of fruit for your sustenance. He has committed the ships to serve you on the sea in accordance with His command. He has committed the rivers as well to serve you.
11434 And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count GOD's blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative.
11438 "Our Lord, You know whatever we conceal and whatever we declare - nothing is hidden from GOD on earth, nor in the heavens.
11439 "Praise be to GOD for granting me, despite my old age, Ismail and Isaac. My Lord answers the prayers.
11442 Do not ever think that GOD is unaware of what the transgressors are doing. He only respites them until a day where the eyes stare in horror.
11446 They schemed their schemes, and GOD is fully aware of their schemes. Indeed, their schemes were sufficient to erase mountains.
21447 Do not think that GOD will ever break His promise to His messengers. GOD is Almighty, Avenger.
11448 The day will come when this earth will be substituted with a new earth, and also the heavens, and everyone will be brought before GOD, the One, the Supreme.
21451 For GOD will pay each soul for whatever it earned; GOD is the most efficient reckoner.
In sura 14: "GOD" occurs 37 time(s), and in 28 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 663
Sura 15
11569 "Fear GOD, and do not shame me."
11596 who set up another god beside GOD. They will surely find out.
In sura 15: "GOD" occurs 2 time(s), and in 2 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 165
Sura 16
1161 GOD's command has already been issued (and everything has already been written), so do not rush it. Be He glorified; the Most High, far above any idols they set up.
1169 GOD points out the paths, including the wrong ones. If He willed, He could have guided all of you.
21618 If you count GOD's blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
11619 And GOD knows whatever you conceal and whatever you declare.
11620 As for the idols they set up beside GOD, they do not create anything; they themselves were created.
11623 Absolutely, GOD knows everything they conceal and everything they declare. He does not love those who are arrogant.
11626 Others like them have schemed in the past, and consequently, GOD destroyed their building at the foundation, causing the roof to fall on them. The retribution struck them when they least expected.
11628 The angels put them to death in a state of wronging their souls. That is when they finally submit, and say, "We did not do anything wrong!" Yes indeed. GOD is fully aware of everything you have done.
11631 The gardens of Eden are reserved for them, wherein rivers flow. They have anything they wish therein. GOD thus rewards the righteous.
11633 Are they waiting for the angels to come to them, or until your Lord's judgment comes to pass? Those before them did the same thing. GOD is not the One who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.
11635 The idol worshipers say, "Had GOD willed, we would not worship any idols besides Him, nor would our parents. Nor would we prohibit anything besides His prohibitions." Those before them have done the same. Can the messengers do anything but deliver the complete message?
21636 We have sent a messenger to every community, saying, "You shall worship GOD, and avoid idolatry." Subsequently, some were guided by GOD, while others were committed to straying. Roam the earth and note the consequences for the rejectors.
11637 No matter how hard you try to guide them, GOD does not guide the ones He had committed to straying. Thus, no one can help them.
21638 They swore solemnly by GOD: "GOD will not resurrect the dead." Absolutely, such is His inviolable promise, but most people do not know.
11641 Those who emigrated for the sake of GOD, because they were persecuted, we will surely make it up to them generously in this life, and the recompense of the Hereafter is even greater, if they only knew.
11645 Did those who scheme evil schemes guarantee that GOD will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the retribution will not come to them when they least expect it?
21648 Have they not seen all the things created by GOD? Their shadows surround them right and left, in total submission to GOD, and willingly.
11649 To GOD prostrates everything in the heavens and everything on earth - every creature - and so do the angels; without the least arrogance.
11651 GOD has proclaimed: "Do not worship two gods; there is only one god. You shall reverence Me alone."
11652 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth and therefore, the religion shall be devoted absolutely to Him alone. Would you worship other than GOD?
11653 Any blessing you enjoy is from GOD. Yet, whenever you incur any adversity you immediately complain to Him.
11656 They designate for the idols they set up out of ignorance, a share of the provisions we bestow upon them. By GOD, you will be held accountable for your innovations.
11657 They even assign daughters to GOD, be He glorified, while they prefer for themselves what they like.
11660 Those who do not believe in the Hereafter set the worst examples, while to GOD belongs the most sublime examples. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.
11661 If GOD punished the people for their transgressions, He would have annihilated every creature on earth. But He respites them for a specific, predetermined time. Once their interim ends, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it.
11662 They ascribe to GOD what they dislike for themselves, then utter the lie with their own tongues that they are righteous! Without any doubt, they have incurred Hell, for they have rebelled.
11663 By GOD, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution.
11665 GOD sends down from the sky water to revive the land after it had died. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who hear.
21670 GOD created you, then He terminates your lives. He lets some of you live to the oldest age, only to find out that there is a limit to the knowledge they can acquire. GOD is Omniscient, Omnipotent.
21671 GOD has provided for some of you more than others. Those who are given plenty would never give their properties to their subordinates to the extent of making them partners. Would they give up GOD's blessings?
21672 And GOD made for you spouses from among yourselves, and produced for you from your spouses children and grandchildren, and provided you with good provisions. Should they believe in falsehood, and turn unappreciative of GOD's blessings?
11673 Yet, they worship beside GOD what possesses no provisions for them in the heavens, nor on earth, nor can provide them with anything.
21674 Therefore, do not cite the examples for GOD; GOD knows while you do not know.
21675 GOD cites the example of a slave who is owned, and is totally powerless, compared to one whom we blessed with good provisions, from which he gives to charity secretly and publicly. Are they equal? Praise be to GOD, most of them do not know.
11676 And GOD cites the example of two men: one is dumb, lacks the ability to do anything, is totally dependent on his master - whichever way he directs him, he cannot produce anything good. Is he equal to one who rules with justice, and is guided in the right path?
21677 To GOD belongs the future of the heavens and the earth. As far as He is concerned, the end of the world (the Hour) is a blink of an eye away, or even closer. GOD is Omnipotent.
11678 GOD brought you out of your mothers' bellies knowing nothing, and He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains, that you may be appreciative.
11679 Do they not see the birds committed to fly in the atmosphere of the sky? None holds them up in the air except GOD. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who believe.
11680 And GOD provided for you stationary homes where you can live. And He provided for you portable homes made of the hides of livestock, so you can use them when you travel, and when you settle down. And from their wools, furs, and hair, you make furnishings and luxuries for awhile.
11681 And GOD provided for you shade through things which He created, and provided for you shelters in the mountains, and provided for you garments that protect you from heat, and garments that protect when you fight in wars. He thus perfects His blessings upon you, that you may submit.
11683 They fully recognize GOD's blessings, then deny them; the majority of them are disbelievers.
11687 They will totally submit to GOD on that day, and the idols they had invented will disown them.
11688 Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, we augment their retribution by adding more retribution, due to their transgressions.
11690 GOD advocates justice, charity, and regarding the relatives. And He forbids evil, vice, and transgression. He enlightens you, that you may take heed.
31691 You shall fulfill your covenant with GOD when you make such a covenant. You shall not violate the oaths after swearing (by God) to carry them out, for you have made GOD a guarantor for you. GOD knows everything you do.
11692 Do not be like the knitter who unravels her strong knitting into piles of flimsy yarn. This is your example if you abuse the oaths to take advantage of one another. Whether one group is larger than the other, GOD thus puts you to the test. He will surely show you on the Day of Resurrection everything you had disputed.
11693 Had GOD willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He sends astray whoever chooses to go astray, and He guides whoever wishes to be guided. You will surely be asked about everything you have done.
11694 Do not abuse the oaths among you, lest you slide back after having a strong foothold, then you incur misery. Such is the consequence of repelling from the path of GOD (by setting a bad example); you incur a terrible retribution.
21695 Do not sell your oaths short before GOD. What GOD possesses is far better for you, if you only knew.
11696 What you possess runs out, but what GOD possesses lasts forever. We will surely reward those who steadfastly persevere; we will recompense them for their righteous works.
11698 When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in GOD from Satan the rejected.
116101 When we substitute one revelation in place of another, and GOD is fully aware of what He reveals, they say, "You made this up!" Indeed, most of them do not know.
216104 Surely, those who do not believe in GOD's revelations, GOD does not guide them. They have incurred a painful retribution.
116105 The only ones who fabricate false doctrines are those who do not believe in GOD's revelations; they are the real liars.
216106 Those who disbelieve in GOD, after having acquired faith, and become fully content with disbelief, have incurred wrath from GOD. The only ones to be excused are those who are forced to profess disbelief, while their hearts are full of faith.
116107 This is because they have given priority to this life over the Hereafter, and GOD does not guide such disbelieving people.
116108 Those are the ones whom GOD has sealed their hearts, and their hearing, and their eyesight. Consequently, they remain unaware.
316112 GOD cites the example of a community that used to be secure and prosperous, with provisions coming to it from everywhere. But then, it turned unappreciative of GOD's blessings. Consequently, GOD caused them to taste the hardships of starvation and insecurity. Such is the requital for what they did.
216114 Therefore, you shall eat from GOD's provisions everything that is lawful and good, and be appreciative of GOD's blessings, if you do worship Him alone.
216115 He only prohibits for you dead animals, blood, the meat of pigs, and food which is dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
216116 You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is lawful, and this is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD will never succeed.
116120 Abraham was indeed an exemplary vanguard in his submission to GOD, a monotheist who never worshiped idols.
116127 You shall resort to patience - and your patience is attainable only with GOD's help. Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their schemes.
116128 GOD is with those who lead a righteous life, and those who are charitable.
In sura 16: "GOD" occurs 84 time(s), and in 64 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 4493
Sura 17
11722 You shall not set up any other god beside GOD, lest you end up despised and disgraced.
11733 You shall not kill any person - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. If one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed the limits in avenging the murder; he will be helped.
11739 This is some of the wisdom inspired to you by your Lord. You shall not set up another god beside GOD, lest you end up in Gehenna, blamed and defeated.
11792 "Or unless you cause masses from the sky, as you claimed, to fall on us. Or unless you bring GOD and the angels before our eyes.
11794 What prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them is their saying, "Did GOD send a human being as a messenger?"
11796 Say, "GOD suffices as a witness between me and you. He is fully Cognizant of His worshipers, Seer."
11797 Whomever GOD guides is the truly guided one. And whomever He sends astray, you will never find for them any lords and masters beside Him. We will summon them on the Day of Resurrection forcibly; blind, dumb, and deaf. Their destination is Hell; whenever it cools down, we will increase their fire.
11799 Could they not see that the GOD who created the heavens and the earth is able to create the same creations? (That) He has predetermined for them an irrevocable life span? Yet, the disbelievers insist upon disbelieving.
117110 Say, "Call Him GOD, or call Him the Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." You shall not utter your Contact Prayers (Salat) too loudly, nor secretly; use a moderate tone.
117111 And proclaim: "Praise be to GOD, who has never begotten a son, nor does He have a partner in His kingship, nor does He need any ally out of weakness," and magnify Him constantly.
In sura 17: "GOD" occurs 10 time(s), and in 10 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 793
Sura 18
1181 Praise GOD, who revealed to His servant this scripture, and made it flawless.
1184 And to warn those who said, "GOD has begotten a son!"
11815 "Here are our people setting up gods beside Him. If only they could provide any proof to support their stand! Who is more evil than the one who fabricates lies and attributes them to GOD?
11816 "Since you wish to avoid them, and their worshiping of other than GOD, let us take refuge in the cave. May your Lord shower you with His mercy and direct you to the right decision."
21817 You could see the sun when it rose coming from the right side of their cave, and when it set, it shone on them from the left, as they slept in the hollow thereof. This is one of GOD's portents. Whomever GOD guides is the truly guided one, and whomever He sends astray, you will not find for him a guiding teacher.
11821 We caused them to be discovered, to let everyone know that GOD's promise is true, and to remove all doubt concerning the end of the world. The people then disputed among themselves regarding them. Some said, "Let us build a building around them." Their Lord is the best knower about them. Those who prevailed said, "We will build a place of worship around them."
11824 without saying, "GOD willing." If you forget to do this, you must immediately remember your Lord and say, "May my Lord guide me to do better next time."
11826 Say, "GOD is the best knower of how long they stayed there." He knows all secrets in the heavens and the earth. By His grace you can see; by His grace you can hear. There is none beside Him as Lord and Master, and He never permits any partners to share in His kingship.
11838 "As for me, GOD is my Lord, and I will never set up any other god besides my Lord.
21839 "When you entered your garden, you should have said, `This is what GOD has given me (Maa Shaa Allah). No one possesses power except GOD (La Quwwata Ellaa Bellaah).' You may see that I possess less money and less children than you.
11843 No force on earth could have helped him against GOD, nor was it possible for him to receive any help.
11844 That is because the only true Lord and master is GOD; He provides the best recompense, and with Him is the best destiny.
11845 Cite for them the example of this life as water that we send down from the sky to produce plants of the earth, then they turn into hay that is blown away by the wind. GOD is able to do all things.
11869 He said, "You will find me, GOD willing, patient. I will not disobey any command you give me."
In sura 18: "GOD" occurs 16 time(s), and in 14 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 402
Sura 19
11930 (The infant spoke and) said, "I am a servant of GOD. He has given me the scripture, and has appointed me a prophet.
11935 It does not befit GOD that He begets a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be," and it is.
11936 He also proclaimed, "GOD is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."
11948 "I will abandon you and the gods you worship beside GOD. I will worship only my Lord. By imploring my Lord alone, I cannot go wrong."
11949 Because he abandoned them and the gods they worshiped beside GOD, we granted him Isaac and Jacob, and we made each of them a prophet.
11958 These are some of the prophets whom GOD blessed. They were chosen from among the descendants of Adam, and the descendants of those whom we carried with Noah, and the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom we guided and selected. When the revelations of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they fall prostrate, weeping.
11976 GOD augments the guidance of those who choose to be guided. For the good deeds are eternally rewarded by your Lord, and bring far better returns.
11981 They worship beside GOD other gods that (they think) may be of help to them.
In sura 19: "GOD" occurs 8 time(s), and in 8 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 413
Sura 20
1208 GOD: there is no other god besides Him. To Him belong the most beautiful names.
12014 "I am GOD; there is no other god beside Me. You shall worship Me alone, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) to remember Me.
12061 Moses said to them, "Woe to you. Do you fabricate lies to fight GOD and thus incur His retribution? Such fabricators will surely fail."
12073 "We have believed in our Lord, that He may forgive us our sins, and the magic that you forced us to perform. GOD is far better and Everlasting."
12098 Your only god is GOD; the One beside whom there is no other god. His knowledge encompasses all things.
120114 Most Exalted is GOD, the only true King. Do not rush into uttering the Quran before it is revealed to you, and say, "My Lord, increase my knowledge."
In sura 20: "GOD" occurs 6 time(s), and in 6 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 368
Sura 21
22122 If there were in them (the heavens and the earth) other gods beside GOD, there would have been chaos. Glory be to GOD; the Lord with absolute authority. He is high above their claims.
12157 "I swear by GOD, I have a plan to deal with your statues, as soon as you leave."
12166 He said, "Do you then worship beside GOD what possesses no power to benefit you or harm you?
12167 "You have incurred shame by worshiping idols beside GOD. Do you not understand?"
12198 You and the idols you worship besides GOD will be fuel for Hell; this is your inevitable destiny.
In sura 21: "GOD" occurs 6 time(s), and in 5 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 310
Sura 22
1222 The day you witness it, even a nursing mother will discard her infant, and a pregnant woman will abort her fetus. You will see the people staggering, as if they are intoxicated, even though they are not intoxicated. This is because GOD's retribution is so awesome.
1223 Among the people, there are those who argue about GOD without knowledge, and follow every rebellious devil.
1226 This proves that GOD is the Truth, and that He revives the dead, and that He is Omnipotent.
1227 And that the Hour is coming, no doubt about it, and that GOD resurrects those who are in the graves.
1228 Among the people there is the one who argues about GOD without knowledge, and without guidance, and without an enlightening scripture.
1229 Arrogantly he strives to divert the people from the path of GOD. He thus incurs humiliation in this life, and we commit him on the Day of Resurrection to the agony of burning.
12210 This is what your hands have sent ahead for you. GOD is never unjust towards the people.
12211 Among the people there is the one who worships GOD conditionally. If things go his way, he is content. But if some adversity befalls him, he makes an about-face. Thus, he loses both this life and the Hereafter. Such is the real loss.
12212 He idolizes beside GOD what possesses no power to harm him or benefit him; such is the real straying.
22214 GOD admits those who believe and lead a righteous life into gardens with flowing streams. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.
12215 If anyone thinks that GOD cannot support him in this life and in the Hereafter, let him turn completely to (his creator in) heaven, and sever (his dependence on anyone else). He will then see that this plan eliminates anything that bothers him.
12216 We have thus revealed clear revelations herein, then GOD guides whoever wills (to be guided).
22217 Those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, the Christians, the Zoroastrians, and the idol worshipers, GOD is the One who will judge among them on the Day of Resurrection. GOD witnesses all things.
32218 Do you not realize that to GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people? Many others among the people are committed to doom. Whomever GOD shames, none will honor him. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.
12223 GOD will admit those who believe and lead a righteous life into gardens with flowing streams. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and pearls, and their garments therein will be silk.
12225 Surely, those who disbelieve and repulse others from the path of GOD, and from the Sacred Masjid that we designated for all the people - be they natives or visitors - and seek to pollute it and corrupt it, we will afflict them with painful retribution.
12228 They may seek commercial benefits, and they shall commemorate GOD's name during the specified days for providing them with livestock. "Eat therefrom and feed the despondent and the poor."
12230 Those who reverence the rites decreed by GOD have deserved a good reward at their Lord. All livestock is made lawful for your food, except for those specifically prohibited for you. You shall avoid the abomination of idol worship, and avoid bearing false witness.
22231 You shall maintain your devotion absolutely to GOD alone. Anyone who sets up any idol beside GOD is like one who fell from the sky, then gets snatched up by vultures, or blown away by the wind into a deep ravine.
12232 Indeed, those who reverence the rites decreed by GOD demonstrate the righteousness of their hearts.
12234 For each congregation we have decreed rites whereby they commemorate the name of GOD for providing them with the livestock. Your god is one and the same god; you shall all submit to Him. Give good news to the obedient.
12235 They are the ones whose hearts tremble upon mentioning GOD, they steadfastly persevere during adversity, they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them, they give to charity.
22236 The animal offerings are among the rites decreed by GOD for your own good. You shall mention GOD's name on them while they are standing in line. Once they are offered for sacrifice, you shall eat therefrom and feed the poor and the needy. This is why we subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation.
22237 Neither their meat, nor their blood reaches GOD. What reaches Him is your righteousness. He has subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation by glorifying GOD for guiding you. Give good news to the charitable.
22238 GOD defends those who believe. GOD does not love any betrayer, unappreciative.
12239 Permission is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and GOD is certainly able to support them.
52240 They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is GOD." If it were not for GOD's supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and masjids - where the name of GOD is commemorated frequently - would have been destroyed. Absolutely, GOD supports those who support Him. GOD is Powerful, Almighty.
12241 They are those who, if we appointed them as rulers on earth, they would establish the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat), and would advocate righteousness and forbid evil. GOD is the ultimate ruler.
12247 They challenge you to bring retribution, and GOD never fails to fulfill His prophecy. A day of your Lord is like a thousand of your years.
32252 We did not send before you any messenger, nor a prophet, without having the devil interfere in his wishes. GOD then nullifies what the devil has done. GOD perfects His revelations. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
12254 Those who are blessed with knowledge will recognize the truth from your Lord, then believe in it, and their hearts will readily accept it. Most assuredly, GOD guides the believers in the right path.
12256 All sovereignty on that day belongs to GOD, and He will judge among them. As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they have deserved the gardens of bliss.
32258 Those who emigrate for the sake of GOD, then get killed, or die, GOD will surely shower them with good provisions. GOD is certainly the best Provider.
12259 Most assuredly, He will admit them an admittance that will please them. GOD is Omniscient, Clement.
22260 It is decreed that if one avenges an injustice that was inflicted upon him, equitably, then he is persecuted because of this, GOD will surely support him. GOD is Pardoner, Forgiving.
22261 It is a fact that GOD merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night, and that GOD is Hearer, Seer.
22262 It is a fact that GOD is the Truth, while the setting up of any idols beside Him constitutes a falsehood, and that GOD is the Most High, the Supreme.
22263 Do you not see that GOD sends down from the sky water that turns the land green? GOD is Sublime, Cognizant.
12264 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Absolutely, GOD is the Most Rich, Most Praiseworthy.
22265 Do you not see that GOD has committed in your service everything on earth? The ships run in the ocean by His command. He prevents the heavenly bodies from crashing onto the earth, except in accordance with His command. GOD is Most Kind towards the people, Most Merciful.
12268 If they argue with you, then say, "GOD is fully aware of everything you do."
12269 GOD will judge among you on the Day of Resurrection regarding all your disputes.
22270 Do you not realize that GOD knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? All this is recorded in a record. This is easy for GOD to do.
12271 Yet, they idolize beside GOD idols wherein He placed no power, and they know nothing about them. The transgressors have no helper.
12272 When our revelations are recited to them, clearly, you recognize wickedness on the faces of those who disbelieve. They almost attack those who recite our revelations to them. Say, "Shall I inform you of something much worse? Hell is promised by GOD for those who disbelieve; what a miserable destiny."
12273 O people, here is a parable that you must ponder carefully: the idols you set up beside GOD can never create a fly, even if they banded together to do so. Furthermore, if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it; weak is the pursuer and the pursued.
22274 They do not value GOD as He should be valued. GOD is the Most Powerful, the Almighty.
22275 GOD chooses from among the angels messengers, as well as from among the people. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
12276 He knows their past and their future. To GOD belongs the ultimate control of all matters.
22278 You shall strive for the cause of GOD as you should strive for His cause. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in practicing your religion - the religion of your father Abraham. He is the one who named you "Submitters" originally. Thus, the messenger shall serve as a witness among you, and you shall serve as witnesses among the people. Therefore, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and hold fast to GOD; He is your Lord, the best Lord and the best Supporter.
In sura 22: "GOD" occurs 75 time(s), and in 50 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 2044
Sura 23
12314 Then we developed the drop into a hanging (embryo), then developed the hanging (embryo) into a bite-size (fetus), then created the bite-size (fetus) into bones, then covered the bones with flesh. We thus produce a new creature. Most blessed is GOD, the best Creator.
12323 We sent Noah to his people, saying, "O my people, worship GOD. You have no other god beside Him. Would you not be righteous?"
12324 The leaders who disbelieved among his people said, "This is no more than a human like you, who wants to gain prominence among you. Had GOD willed, He could have sent down angels. We never heard of anything like this from our ancestors.
12328 "Once you are settled, together with those who are with you, on the watercraft, you shall say, `Praise GOD for saving us from the evil people.'
12332 We sent to them a messenger from among them, saying, "You shall worship GOD. You have no other god beside Him. Would you not be righteous?"
12338 "He is just a man who fabricated lies and attributed them to GOD. We will never believe him."
12385 They will say, "To GOD." Say, "Why then do you not take heed?"
12387 They will say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you not turn righteous?"
12389 They will say, "GOD." Say, "Where did you go wrong?"
22391 GOD has never begotten a son. Nor was there ever any other god beside Him. Otherwise, each god would have declared independence with his creations, and they would have competed with each other for dominance. GOD be glorified; far above their claims.
123116 Most exalted is GOD, the true Sovereign. There is no other god beside Him; the Most Honorable Lord, possessor of all authority.
123117 Anyone who idolizes beside GOD any other god, and without any kind of proof, his reckoning rests with his Lord. The disbelievers never succeed.
In sura 23: "GOD" occurs 13 time(s), and in 12 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 744
Sura 24
2242 The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out GOD's law, if you truly believe in GOD and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty.
1245 If they repent afterwards and reform, then GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.
1246 As for those who accuse their own spouses, without any other witnesses, then the testimony may be accepted if he swears by GOD four times that he is telling the truth.
1247 The fifth oath shall be to incur GOD's condemnation upon him, if he was lying.
1248 She shall be considered innocent if she swears by GOD four times that he is a liar.
1249 The fifth oath shall incur GOD's wrath upon her if he was telling the truth.
22410 This is GOD's grace and mercy towards you. GOD is Redeemer, Most Wise.
12413 Only if they produced four witnesses (you may believe them). If they fail to produce the witnesses, then they are, according to GOD, liars.
12414 If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy in this world and in the Hereafter, you would have suffered a great retribution because of this incident.
12415 You fabricated it with your own tongues, and the rest of you repeated it with your mouths without proof. You thought it was simple, when it was, according to GOD, gross.
12417 GOD admonishes you that you shall never do it again, if you are believers.
22418 GOD thus explains the revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Wise.
12419 Those who love to see immorality spread among the believers have incurred a painful retribution in this life and in the Hereafter. GOD knows, while you do not know.
22420 GOD showers you with His grace and mercy. GOD is Most Kind towards the believers, Most Merciful.
32421 O you who believe, do not follow the steps of Satan. Anyone who follows the steps of Satan should know that he advocates evil and vice. If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy, none of you would have been purified. But GOD purifies whomever He wills. GOD is Hearer, Knower.
32422 Those among you who are blessed with resources and wealth shall be charitable towards their relatives, the poor, and those who have immigrated for the sake of GOD. They shall treat them with kindness and tolerance; do you not love to attain GOD's forgiveness? GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
22425 On that day, GOD will requite them fully for their works, and they will find out that GOD is the Truth.
12428 If you find no one in them, do not enter them until you obtain permission. If you are told, "Go back," you must go back. This is purer for you. GOD is fully aware of everything you do.
12429 You commit no error by entering uninhabited homes wherein there is something that belongs to you. GOD knows everything you reveal, and everything you conceal.
12430 Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything they do.
12431 And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to GOD, O you believers, that you may succeed.
22432 You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. GOD will enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.
32433 Those who cannot afford to get married shall maintain morality until GOD provides for them from His grace. Those among your servants who wish to be freed in order to marry, you shall grant them their wish, once you realize that they are honest. And give them from GOD's money that He has bestowed upon you. You shall not force your girls to commit prostitution, seeking the materials of this world, if they wish to be chaste. If anyone forces them, then GOD, seeing that they are forced, is Forgiver, Merciful.
42435 GOD is the light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree, that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. GOD guides to His light whoever wills (to be guided). GOD thus cites the parables for the people. GOD is fully aware of all things.
12436 (God's guidance is found) in houses exalted by GOD, for His name is commemorated therein. Glorifying Him therein, day and night -
12437 People who are not distracted by business or trade from commemorating GOD; they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they are conscious of the day when the minds and the eyes will be horrified.
22438 GOD will certainly reward them for their good works, and will shower them with His grace. GOD provides for whomever He wills without limits.
22439 As for those who disbelieve, their works are like a mirage in the desert. A thirsty person thinks that it is water. But when he reaches it, he finds that it is nothing, and he finds GOD there instead, to requite him fully for his works. GOD is the most efficient reckoner.
12440 Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever GOD deprives of light, will have no light.
22441 Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies GOD, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.
22442 To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to GOD is the final destiny.
12443 Do you not realize that GOD drives the clouds, then gathers them together, then piles them on each other, then you see the rain coming out of them? He sends down from the sky loads of snow to cover whomever He wills, while diverting it from whomever He wills. The brightness of the snow almost blinds the eyes.
12444 GOD controls the night and day. This should be a lesson for those who possess eyes.
32445 And GOD created every living creature from water. Some of them walk on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. GOD creates whatever He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.
12446 We have sent down to you clarifying revelations, then GOD guides whoever wills (to be guided) in a straight path.
12447 They say, "We believe in GOD and in the messenger, and we obey," but then some of them slide back afterwards. These are not believers.
12448 When they are invited to GOD and His messenger to judge among them, some of them get upset.
12450 Is there a disease in their hearts? Are they doubtful? Are they afraid that GOD and His messenger may treat them unfairly? In fact, it is they who are unjust.
12451 The only utterance of the believers, whenever invited to GOD and His messenger to judge in their affairs, is to say, "We hear and we obey." These are the winners.
22452 Those who obey GOD and His messenger, and reverence GOD and observe Him, these are the triumphant ones.
22453 They swear by GOD, solemnly, that if you commanded them to mobilize, they would mobilize. Say, "Do not swear. Obedience is an obligation. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do."
12454 Say, "Obey GOD, and obey the messenger." If they refuse, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. If you obey him, you will be guided. The sole duty of the messenger is to deliver (the message).
12455 GOD promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked.
22458 O you who believe, permission must be requested by your servants and the children who have not attained puberty (before entering your rooms). This is to be done in three instances - before the Dawn Prayer, at noon when you change your clothes to rest, and after the Night Prayer. These are three private times for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to mingle with one another. GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
22459 Once the children reach puberty, they must ask permission (before entering) like those who became adults before them have asked permission (before entering). GOD thus clarifies His revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
12460 The elderly women who do not expect to get married commit nothing wrong by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not reveal too much of their bodies. To maintain modesty is better for them. GOD is Hearer, Knower.
22461 The blind is not to be blamed, the crippled is not to be blamed, nor is the handicapped to be blamed, just as you are not to be blamed for eating at your homes, or the homes of your fathers, or the homes of your mothers, or the homes of your brothers, or the homes of your sisters, or the homes of your fathers' brothers, or the homes of your fathers' sisters, or the homes of your mothers' brothers, or the homes of your mothers' sisters, or the homes that belong to you and you possess their keys, or the homes of your friends. You commit nothing wrong by eating together or as individuals. When you enter any home, you shall greet each other a greeting from GOD that is blessed and good. GOD thus explains the revelations for you, that you may understand.
42462 The true believers are those who believe in GOD and His messenger, and when they are with him in a community meeting, they do not leave him without permission. Those who ask permission are the ones who do believe in GOD and His messenger. If they ask your permission, in order to tend to some of their affairs, you may grant permission to whomever you wish, and ask GOD to forgive them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
12463 Do not treat the messenger's requests as you treat each others' requests. GOD is fully aware of those among you who sneak away using flimsy excuses. Let them beware - those who disobey his orders - for a disaster may strike them, or a severe retribution.
22464 Absolutely, to GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. He fully knows every condition you may be in. The day you are returned to Him, He will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of all things.
In sura 24: "GOD" occurs 80 time(s), and in 50 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1737
Sura 25
12517 On the day when He summons them, together with the idols they had set up beside GOD, He will say, "Have you misled these servants of Mine, or did they go astray on their own?"
12541 When they saw you, they always ridiculed you: "Is this the one chosen by GOD to be a messenger?
12555 Yet, they still set up beside GOD idols that cannot benefit them, nor harm them. Indeed, the disbeliever is an enemy of his Lord.
22568 They never implore beside GOD any other god, nor do they kill anyone - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. Nor do they commit adultery. Those who commit these offenses will have to pay.
22570 Exempted are those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life. GOD transforms their sins into credits. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
12571 Those who repent and lead a righteous life, GOD redeems them; a complete redemption.
In sura 25: "GOD" occurs 8 time(s), and in 6 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 322
Sura 26
12689 Only those who come to GOD with their whole heart (will be saved).
12693 "beside GOD? Can they help you now? Can they help themselves?"
12697 "By GOD, we were far astray.
126108 "You shall reverence GOD and obey me.
126110 "You shall reverence GOD and obey me."
126126 "You shall reverence GOD, and obey me.
126131 "You shall reverence GOD and obey me.
126144 "You shall reverence GOD, and obey me.
126150 "You shall reverence GOD, and obey me.
126163 "You shall reverence GOD, and obey me.
126179 "You shall reverence GOD, and obey me.
126213 Therefore, do not idolize beside GOD any other god, lest you incur the retribution.
126227 Exempted are those who believe, lead a righteous life, commemorate GOD frequently, and stand up for their rights. Surely, the transgressors will find out what their ultimate destiny is.
In sura 26: "GOD" occurs 13 time(s), and in 13 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1830
Sura 27
1278 When he came to it, he was called: "Blessed is the One (who is speaking from) within the fire, and those around it." Glory be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
1279 "O Moses, this is Me, GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.
12715 We endowed David and Solomon with knowledge, and they said, "Praise GOD for blessing us more than many of His believing servants."
12724 "I found her and her people prostrating before the sun, instead of GOD. The devil has adorned their works in their eyes, and has repulsed them from the path; consequently, they are not guided."
12725 They should have been prostrating before GOD, the One who manifests all the mysteries in the heavens and the earth, and the One who knows everything you conceal and everything you declare.
12726 GOD: there is no other god beside Him; the Lord with the great dominion.
12730 "It is from Solomon, and it is, `In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.'
12736 When the hoopoe returned to Solomon (he told him the news), and he responded (to Sheba's people): "Are you giving me money? What GOD has given me is far better than what He has given you. You are the ones to rejoice in such gifts."
12743 She had been diverted by worshiping idols instead of GOD; she belonged to disbelieving people.
12744 She was told, "Go inside the palace." When she saw its interior, she thought it was a pool of water, and she (pulled up her dress,) exposing her legs. He said, "This interior is now paved with crystal." She said, "My Lord, I have wronged my soul. I now submit with Solomon to GOD, Lord of the universe."
12745 We have sent to Thamoud their brother Saaleh, saying, "You shall worship GOD." But they turned into two feuding factions.
12746 He said, "O my people, why do you hasten to commit evil instead of good works? If only you implore GOD for forgiveness, you may attain mercy."
12747 They said, "We consider you a bad omen for us, you and those who joined you." He said, "Your omen is fully controlled by GOD. Indeed, you are deviant people."
12749 They said, "Let us swear by GOD that we kill him and his people, then tell his tribe, `We know nothing about their death. We are truthful.' "
22759 Say, "Praise be to GOD and peace be upon His servants whom He chose. Is GOD better, or the idols some people set up?"
12760 Who is the One who created the heavens and the earth? Who is the One who sends down to you from the sky water, whereby we produce gardens full of beauty - you could not possibly manufacture its trees? Is it another god with GOD? Indeed, they are people who have deviated.
12761 Who is the One who made the earth habitable, caused rivers to run through it, placed on it mountains, and created a barrier between the two waters? Is it another god with GOD? Indeed, most of them do not know.
12762 Who is the One who rescues those who become desperate and call upon Him, relieves adversity, and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is it another god with GOD? Rarely do you take heed.
22763 Who is the One who guides you in the darkness of land and sea? Who is the One who sends the winds with good news, signaling His mercy? Is it another god with GOD? Most exalted is GOD, above having any partner.
12764 Who is the One who initiates the creation, then repeats it? Who is the One who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Is it another god with GOD? Say, "Show me your proof, if you are truthful."
12765 Say, "No one in the heavens and the earth knows the future except GOD. They do not even perceive how or when they will be resurrected."
12779 Therefore, put your trust in GOD; you are following the manifest truth.
12787 On the day when the horn is blown, everyone in the heavens and the earth will be horrified, except those chosen by GOD. All will come before Him, forcibly.
12788 When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds. Such is the manufacture of GOD, who perfected everything. He is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
12793 And say, "Praise be to GOD; He will show you His proofs, until you recognize them. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do."
In sura 27: "GOD" occurs 27 time(s), and in 25 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1228
Sura 28
12813 Thus, we restored him to his mother, in order to please her, remove her worries, and to let her know that GOD's promise is the truth. However, most of them do not know.
12827 He said, "I wish to offer one of my two daughters for you to marry, in return for working for me for eight pilgrimages; if you make them ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, GOD willing, righteous."
12828 He said, "It is an agreement between me and you. Whichever period I fulfill, you will not be averse to either one. GOD is the guarantor of what we said."
12830 When he reached it, he was called from the edge of the right side of the valley, in the blessed spot where the burning bush was located: "O Moses, this is Me. GOD; Lord of the universe.
12849 Say, "Then produce a scripture from GOD with better guidance than the two, so I can follow it, if you are truthful."
22850 If they fail to respond to you, then know that they follow only their own opinions. Who is farther astray than those who follow their own opinions, without guidance from GOD? GOD does not guide such wicked people.
12856 You cannot guide the ones you love. GOD is the only One who guides in accordance with His will, and in accordance with His knowledge of those who deserve the guidance.
12860 Everything that is given to you is only the material of this life, and its vanity. What is with GOD is far better, and everlasting. Do you not understand?
12868 Your Lord is the One who creates whatever He wills, and chooses; no one else does any choosing. Glory be to GOD, the Most Exalted. He is far above needing partners.
12870 He is the one GOD; there is no other god beside Him. To Him belongs all praise in this first life, and in the Hereafter. All judgment belongs with Him, and to Him you will be returned.
22871 Say, "What if GOD made the night perpetual, until the Day of Resurrection? Which god, other than GOD, can provide you with light? Do you not hear?"
22872 Say, "What if GOD made the daylight perpetual, until the Day of Resurrection? Which god, other than GOD, can provide you with a night for your rest? Do you not see?"
12875 We will select from every community a witness, then say, "Present your proof." They will realize then that all truth belongs with GOD, while the idols they had fabricated will abandon them.
12876 Qaaroon (the slave driver) was one of Moses' people who betrayed them and oppressed them. We gave him so many treasures that the keys thereof were almost too heavy for the strongest band. His people said to him, "Do not be so arrogant; GOD does not love those who are arrogant.
32877 "Use the provisions bestowed upon you by GOD to seek the abode of the Hereafter, without neglecting your share in this world. Be charitable, as GOD has been charitable towards you. Do not keep on corrupting the earth. GOD does not love the corruptors."
12878 He said, "I attained all this because of my own cleverness." Did he not realize that GOD had annihilated before him generations that were much stronger than he, and greater in number? The (annihilated) transgressors were not asked about their crimes.
12880 As for those who were blessed with knowledge, they said, "Woe to you, GOD's recompense is far better for those who believe and lead a righteous life." None attains this except the steadfast.
12881 We then caused the earth to swallow him and his mansion. No army could have helped him against GOD; he was not destined to be a winner.
22882 Those who were envious of him the day before said, "Now we realize that GOD is the One who provides for whomever He chooses from among His servants, and withholds. If it were not for GOD's grace towards us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us too. We now realize that the disbelievers never succeed."
12887 Nor shall you be diverted from GOD's revelations, after they have come to you, and invite the others to your Lord. And do not ever fall into idol worship.
12888 You shall not worship beside GOD any other god. There is no other god beside Him. Everything perishes except His presence. To Him belongs all sovereignty, and to Him you will be returned.
In sura 28: "GOD" occurs 27 time(s), and in 21 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1318
Sura 29
1293 We have tested those before them, for GOD must distinguish those who are truthful, and He must expose the liars.
2295 Anyone hoping to meet GOD, (should know that) such a meeting with GOD will most assuredly come to pass. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
1296 Those who strive, strive for their own good. GOD is in no need of anyone.
42910 Among the people there are those who say, "We believe in GOD," but as soon as they suffer any hardship because of GOD, they equate the people's persecution with GOD's retribution. But if blessings from your Lord come your way, they say, "We were with you." Is GOD not fully aware of the people's innermost thoughts?
12911 GOD will most certainly distinguish those who believe, and He will most certainly expose the hypocrites.
12916 Abraham said to his people, "You shall worship GOD, and reverence Him. This is better for you, if you only knew.
32917 "What you worship instead of GOD are powerless idols; you have invented a lie." The idols you worship beside GOD do not possess any provisions for you. Therefore, you shall seek provisions only from GOD. You shall worship Him alone, and be appreciative of Him; to Him is your ultimate return.
22919 Have they not seen how GOD initiates the creation, then repeats it? This is easy for GOD to do.
22920 Say, "Roam the earth and find out the origin of life." For GOD will thus initiate the creation in the Hereafter. GOD is Omnipotent.
12922 None of you can escape from these facts, on earth or in the heaven, and you have none beside GOD as a Lord and Master.
12923 Those who disbelieve in GOD's revelations, and in meeting Him, have despaired from My mercy. They have incurred a painful retribution.
12924 The only response from his people was their saying, "Kill him, or burn him." But GOD saved him from the fire. This should provide lessons for people who believe.
12925 He said, "You worship beside GOD powerless idols due to peer pressure, just to preserve some friendship among you in this worldly life. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will disown one another, and curse one another. Your destiny is Hell, wherein you cannot help one another."
12929 "You practice sex with the men, you commit highway robbery, and you allow all kinds of vice in your society." The only response from his people was to say, "Bring to us GOD's retribution, if you are truthful."
12936 To Midyan we sent their brother Shu`aib. He said, "O my people, you shall worship GOD and seek the Last Day, and do not roam the earth corruptingly."
12940 All those disbelievers were doomed as a consequence of their sins. Some of them we annihilated by violent winds, some were annihilated by the quake, some we caused the earth to swallow, and some we drowned. GOD is not the One who wronged them; it is they who wronged their own souls.
12941 The allegory of those who accept other masters beside GOD is that of the spider and her home; the flimsiest of all homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.
12942 GOD knows full well that whatever they worship beside Him are really nothing. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.
12944 GOD created the heavens and the earth, truthfully. This provides a sufficient proof for the believers.
22945 You shall recite what is revealed to you of the scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice. But the remembrance of GOD (through Salat) is the most important objective. GOD knows everything you do.
12950 They said, "If only miracles could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "All miracles come only from GOD; I am no more than a manifest warner."
22952 Say, "GOD suffices as a witness between me and you. He knows everything in the heavens and the earth. Surely, those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in GOD are the real losers."
12960 Many a creature that does not carry its provision, GOD provides for it, as well as for you. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
12961 If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth, and put the sun and the moon in your service," they will say, "GOD." Why then did they deviate?
22962 GOD is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses from among His creatures, and withholds it. GOD is fully aware of all things.
22963 If you ask them, "Who sends down from the sky water, to revive dead land," they will say, "GOD." Say, "Praise GOD." Most of them do not understand.
12965 When they ride on a ship, they implore GOD, devoting their prayers to Him. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, they revert to idolatry.
12967 Have they not seen that we have established a Sacred Sanctuary that we made secure, while all around them the people are in constant danger? Would they still believe in falsehood, and reject GOD's blessings?
12968 Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies and attributes them to GOD, or rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is Hell not a just retribution for the disbelievers?
12969 As for those who strive in our cause, we will surely guide them in our paths. Most assuredly, GOD is with the pious.
In sura 29: "GOD" occurs 42 time(s), and in 30 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1095
Sura 30
1304 Within several years. Such is GOD's decision, both in the first prophecy, and the second. On that day, the believers shall rejoice.
1305 In GOD's victory. He grants victory to whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, Most Merciful.
2306 Such is GOD's promise - and GOD never breaks His promise - but most people do not know.
1308 Why do they not reflect on themselves? GOD did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, except for a specific purpose, and for a specific life span. However, most people, with regard to meeting their Lord, are disbelievers.
1309 Have they not roamed the earth and noted the consequences for those who preceded them? They used to be more powerful, more prosperous, and more productive on earth. Their messengers went to them with clear signs. Consequently, GOD was not the One who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.
13010 The consequences for those who committed evil had to be evil. That is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and ridiculed them.
13011 GOD is the One who initiates the creation and repeats it. Ultimately, you will be returned to Him.
13017 Therefore, you shall glorify GOD when you retire at night, and when you rise in the morning.
13029 Indeed, the transgressors have followed their own opinions, without knowledge. Who then can guide those who have been sent astray by GOD? No one can ever help them.
23030 Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by GOD. Such creation of GOD will never change. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.
13037 Do they not realize that GOD increases the provision for whomever He wills, or reduces it? These should be lessons for people who believe.
13038 Therefore, you shall give the relatives their rightful share (of charity), as well as the poor, and the traveling alien. This is better for those who sincerely seek GOD's pleasure; they are the winners.
23039 The usury that is practiced to increase some people's wealth, does not gain anything at GOD. But if you give to charity, seeking GOD's pleasure, these are the ones who receive their reward manifold.
13040 GOD is the One who created you. He is the One who provides for you. He is the One who puts you to death. He is the One who resurrects you. Can any of your idols do any of these things? Be He glorified. He is much too exalted to have any partners.
13043 Therefore, you shall devote yourself completely to this perfect religion, before a day comes which is made inevitable by GOD. On that day, they will be shocked.
13048 GOD is the One who sends the winds, to stir up clouds, to be spread throughout the sky in accordance with His will. He then piles the clouds up, then you see the rain coming down therefrom. When it falls on whomever He chooses from among His servants, they rejoice.
13050 You shall appreciate GOD's continuous mercy, and how He revives the land that has been dead. He will just as certainly resurrect the dead. He is Omnipotent.
13054 GOD is the One who created you weak, then granted you after the weakness strength, then substituted after the strength weakness and gray hair. He creates whatever He wills. He is the Omniscient, the Omnipotent.
13056 Those who are blessed with knowledge and faith will say, "You have lasted, according to GOD's decree, until the Day of Resurrection. Now, this is the Day of Resurrection, but you failed to recognize it."
13059 GOD thus seals the hearts of those who do not know.
13060 Therefore, you shall steadfastly persevere - for GOD's promise is the truth - and do not be intimidated by those who have not attained certainty.
In sura 30: "GOD" occurs 24 time(s), and in 21 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 653
Sura 31
1316 Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless Hadith, and thus divert others from the path of GOD without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.
1319 Eternally they abide therein. This is the truthful promise of GOD. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
13111 Such is the creation of GOD; show me what the idols you set up beside Him have created. Indeed, the transgressors are far astray.
23112 We have endowed Luqmaan with wisdom: "You shall be appreciative of GOD." Whoever is appreciative is appreciative for his own good. As for those who turn unappreciative, GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy.
13113 Recall that Luqmaan said to his son, as he enlightened him, "O my son, do not set up any idols beside GOD; idolatry is a gross injustice."
23116 "O my son, know that even something as tiny as a mustard seed, deep inside a rock, be it in the heavens or the earth, GOD will bring it. GOD is Sublime, Cognizant.
13118 "You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth proudly. GOD does not like the arrogant showoffs.
23120 Do you not see that GOD has committed in your service everything in the heavens and the earth, and has showered you with His blessings - obvious and hidden? Yet, some people argue about GOD without knowledge, without guidance, and without the enlightening scripture.
13121 When they are told, "Follow these revelations of GOD," they say, "No, we follow only what we found our parents doing." What if the devil is leading them to the agony of Hell?
23122 Those who submit completely to GOD, while leading a righteous life, have gotten hold of the strongest bond. For GOD is in full control of all things.
13123 As for those who disbelieve, do not be saddened by their disbelief. To us is their ultimate return, then we will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
23125 If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth," they will say, "GOD." Say, "Praise be to GOD." Yet, most of them do not know.
23126 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is the Most Rich, Most Praiseworthy.
23127 If all the trees on earth were made into pens, and the ocean supplied the ink, augmented by seven more oceans, the words of GOD would not run out. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
13128 The creation and resurrection of all of you is the same as that of one person. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
23129 Do you not realize that GOD merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night, and that He has committed the sun and the moon in your service, each running in its orbit for a specific life span, and that GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do?
23130 This proves that GOD is the truth, while any idol they set up beside Him is falsehood, and that GOD is the Most High, Most Great.
13131 Do you not see that the ships roam the sea, carrying GOD's provisions, to show you some of His proofs? Indeed, these should be sufficient proofs for everyone who is steadfast, appreciative.
13132 When violent waves surround them, they implore GOD, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, some of them revert. None discards our revelations except those who are betrayers, unappreciative.
23133 O people, you shall reverence your Lord, and fear a day when a father cannot help his own child, nor can a child help his father. Certainly, GOD's promise is truth. Therefore, do not be distracted by this life; do not be distracted from GOD by mere illusions.
23134 With GOD is the knowledge about the Hour (end of the world). He is the One who sends down the rain, and He knows the contents of the womb. No soul knows what will happen to it tomorrow, and no one knows in which land he or she will die. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.
In sura 31: "GOD" occurs 32 time(s), and in 21 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 466
Sura 32
1324 GOD is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and everything between them in six days, then assumed all authority. You have none beside Him as Lord, nor do you have an intercessor. Would you not take heed?
In sura 32: "GOD" occurs 1 time(s), and in 1 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 4
Sura 33
2331 O you prophet, you shall reverence GOD and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
1332 Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you all do.
2333 And put your trust in GOD. GOD suffices as an advocate.
2334 GOD did not give any man two hearts in his chest. Nor did He turn your wives whom you estrange (according to your custom) into your mothers. Nor did He turn your adopted children into genetic offspring. All these are mere utterances that you have invented. GOD speaks the truth, and He guides in the (right) path.
2335 You shall give your adopted children names that preserve their relationship to their genetic parents. This is more equitable in the sight of GOD. If you do not know their parents, then, as your brethren in religion, you shall treat them as members of your family. You do not commit a sin if you make a mistake in this respect; you are responsible for your purposeful intentions. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
1336 The prophet is closer to the believers than they are to each other, and his wives are like mothers to them. The relatives ought to take care of one another in accordance with GOD's scripture. Thus, the believers shall take care of their relatives who immigrate to them, provided they have taken care of their own families first. These are commandments of this scripture.
2339 O you who believe, remember GOD's blessing upon you; when soldiers attacked you, we sent upon them violent wind and invisible soldiers. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
13310 When they came from above you, and from beneath you, your eyes were terrified, your hearts ran out of patience, and you harbored unbefitting thoughts about GOD.
13312 The hypocrites and those with doubts in their hearts said, "What GOD and His messenger promised us was no more than an illusion!"
23315 They had pledged to GOD in the past that they would not turn around and flee; making a pledge with GOD involves a great responsibility.
23317 Say, "Who would protect you from GOD if He willed any adversity, or willed any blessing for you?" They can never find, beside GOD, any other Lord and Master.
13318 GOD is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." Rarely do they mobilize for defense.
23319 Also, they are too stingy when dealing with you. If anything threatens the community, you see their eyes rolling with fear, as if death had already come to them. Once the crisis is over, they whip you with sharp tongues. They are too stingy with their wealth. These are not believers, and, consequently, GOD has nullified their works. This is easy for GOD to do.
33321 The messenger of GOD has set up a good example for those among you who seek GOD and the Last Day, and constantly think about GOD.
23322 When the true believers saw the parties (ready to attack), they said, "This is what GOD and His messenger have promised us, and GOD and His messenger are truthful." This (dangerous situation) only strengthened their faith and augmented their submission.
13323 Among the believers there are people who fulfill their pledges with GOD. Some of them died, while others stand ready, never wavering.
23324 GOD will surely recompense the truthful for their truthfulness, and will punish the hypocrites, if He so wills, or redeem them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
33325 GOD repulsed those who disbelieved with their rage, and they left emptyhanded. GOD thus spared the believers any fighting. GOD is Powerful, Almighty.
13327 He made you inherit their land, their homes, their money, and lands you had never stepped on. GOD is in full control of all things.
23329 "But if you are seeking GOD and His messenger, and the abode of the Hereafter, then GOD has prepared for the righteous among you a great recompense."
13330 O wives of the prophet, if any of you commits a gross sin, the retribution will be doubled for her. This is easy for GOD to do.
13331 Any one of you who obeys GOD and His messenger, and leads a righteous life, we will grant her double the recompense, and we have prepared for her a generous provision.
23333 You shall settle down in your homes, and do not mingle with the people excessively, like you used to do in the old days of ignorance. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and obey GOD and His messenger. GOD wishes to remove all unholiness from you, O you who live around the Sacred Shrine, and to purify you completely.
23334 Remember what is being recited in your homes of GOD's revelations and the wisdom inherent therein. GOD is Sublime, Cognizant.
23335 The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense.
23336 No believing man or believing woman, if GOD and His messenger issue any command, has any choice regarding that command. Anyone who disobeys GOD and His messenger has gone far astray.
53337 Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by GOD, and blessed by you, "Keep your wife and reverence GOD," and you hid inside yourself what GOD wished to proclaim. Thus, you feared the people, when you were supposed to fear only GOD. When Zeid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in order to establish the precedent that a man may marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. GOD's commands shall be done.
33338 The prophet is not committing an error by doing anything that is made lawful by GOD. Such is GOD's system since the early generations. GOD's command is a sacred duty.
33339 Those who deliver GOD's messages, and who reverence Him alone, shall never fear anyone but GOD. GOD is the most efficient reckoner.
23340 Muhammad was not the father of any man among you. He was a messenger of GOD and the final prophet. GOD is fully aware of all things.
13341 O you who believe, you shall remember GOD frequently.
13346 Inviting to GOD, in accordance with His will, and a guiding beacon.
13347 Deliver good news to the believers, that they have deserved from GOD a great blessing.
23348 Do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, disregard their insults, and put your trust in GOD; GOD suffices as an advocate.
23350 O prophet, we made lawful for you your wives to whom you have paid their due dowry, or what you already have, as granted to you by GOD. Also lawful for you in marriage are the daughters of your father's brothers, the daughters of your father's sisters, the daughters of your mother's brothers, the daughters of your mother's sisters, who have emigrated with you. Also, if a believing woman gave herself to the prophet - by forfeiting the dowry - the prophet may marry her without a dowry, if he so wishes. However, her forfeiting of the dowry applies only to the prophet, and not to the other believers. We have already decreed their rights in regard to their spouses or what they already have. This is to spare you any embarrassment. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
23351 You may gently shun any one of them, and you may bring closer to you any one of them. If you reconcile with any one you had estranged, you commit no error. In this way, they will be pleased, will have no grief, and will be content with what you equitably offer to all of them. GOD knows what is in your hearts. GOD is Omniscient, Clement.
13352 Beyond the categories described to you, you are enjoined from marrying any other women, nor can you substitute a new wife (from the prohibited categories), no matter how much you admire their beauty. You must be content with those already made lawful to you. GOD is watchful over all things.
33353 O you who believe, do not enter the prophet's homes unless you are given permission to eat, nor shall you force such an invitation in any manner. If you are invited, you may enter. When you finish eating, you shall leave; do not engage him in lengthy conversations. This used to hurt the prophet, and he was too shy to tell you. But GOD does not shy away from the truth. If you have to ask his wives for something, ask them from behind a barrier. This is purer for your hearts and their hearts. You are not to hurt the messenger of GOD. You shall not marry his wives after him, for this would be a gross offense in the sight of GOD.
13354 Whether you declare anything, or hide it, GOD is fully aware of all things.
23355 The women may relax (their dress code) around their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, the other women, and their (female) servants. They shall reverence GOD. GOD witnesses all things.
13356 GOD and His angels help and support the prophet. O you who believe, you shall help and support him, and regard him as he should be regarded.
23357 Surely, those who oppose GOD and His messenger, GOD afflicts them with a curse in this life, and in the Hereafter; He has prepared for them a shameful retribution.
13359 O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. Thus, they will be recognized (as righteous women) and avoid being insulted. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
23362 This is GOD's eternal system, and you will find that GOD's system is unchangeable.
13363 The people ask you about the Hour (end of the world). Say, "The knowledge thereof is only with GOD. For all that you know, the Hour may be close."
13364 GOD has condemned the disbelievers, and has prepared for them Hell.
13366 The day they are thrown into Hell, they will say, "Oh, we wish we obeyed GOD, and obeyed the messenger."
23369 O you who believe, do not be like those who hurt Moses, then GOD absolved him of what they said. He was, in the sight of GOD, honorable.
13370 O you who believe, reverence GOD and utter only the correct utterances.
13371 He will then fix your works, and forgive your sins. Those who obey GOD and His messenger have triumphed a great triumph.
33373 For GOD will inevitably punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idol worshiping men and the idol worshiping women. GOD redeems the believing men and the believing women. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
In sura 33: "GOD" occurs 90 time(s), and in 51 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1852
Sura 34
1341 Praise be to GOD - to whom belongs everything in the heavens and the earth; all praise is also due to Him in the Hereafter. He is the Most Wise, the Cognizant.
1348 "Either he fabricated lies about GOD, or he is crazy." Indeed, those who disbelieve in the Hereafter have incurred the worst retribution; they have gone far astray.
13422 Say, "Implore the idols you have set up beside GOD. They do not possess as much as a single atom in the heavens, or the earth. They possess no partnership therein, nor does He permit them to be His assistants."
13424 Say, "Who provides for you, from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "GOD," and "Either we or you are guided, or have gone far astray."
13427 Say, "Show me the idols you have set up as partners with Him!" Say, "No; He is the one GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise."
13433 The followers will say to their leaders, "It was you who schemed night and day, then commanded us to be unappreciative of GOD, and to set up idols to rank with Him." They will be ridden with remorse, when they see the retribution, for we will place shackles around the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they not justly requited for what they did?
13446 Say, "I ask you to do one thing: Devote yourselves to GOD, in pairs or as individuals, then reflect. Your friend (Rashad) is not crazy. He is a manifest warner to you, just before the advent of a terrible retribution."
13447 Say, "I do not ask you for any wage; you can keep it. My wage comes only from GOD. He witnesses all things."
In sura 34: "GOD" occurs 8 time(s), and in 8 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 208
Sura 35
2351 Praise be to GOD, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and appointer of the angels to be messengers with wings - two, three, and four (wings). He increases the creation as He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.
1352 When GOD showers the people with mercy, no force can stop it. And if He withholds it, no force, other than He, can send it. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
2353 O people, remember GOD's blessings upon you. Is there any creator other than GOD who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? There is no other god beside Him. How could you deviate?
1354 If they disbelieve you, messengers before you have been disbelieved. GOD is in control of all things.
2355 O people, GOD's promise is the truth; therefore, do not be distracted by this lowly life. Do not be diverted from GOD by mere illusions.
2358 Note the one whose evil work is adorned in his eyes, until he thinks that it is righteous. GOD thus sends astray whoever wills (to go astray), and He guides whoever wills (to be guided). Therefore, do not grieve over them. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.
1359 GOD is the One who sends the winds to stir up clouds, then we drive them towards barren lands, and revive such lands after they were dead. Thus is the resurrection.
13510 Anyone seeking dignity should know that to GOD belongs all dignity. To Him ascends the good words, and He exalts the righteous works. As for those who scheme evil works, they incur severe retribution; the scheming of such people is destined to fail.
23511 GOD created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then He causes you to reproduce through your spouses. No female becomes pregnant, nor gives birth, without His knowledge. No one survives for a long life, and no one's life is snapped short, except in accordance with a pre-existing record. This is easy for GOD.
13513 He merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night. He has committed the sun and the moon to run for a predetermined period of time. Such is GOD your Lord; to Him belongs all kingship. Any idols you set up beside Him do not possess as much as a seed's shell.
23515 O people, you are the ones who need GOD, while GOD is in no need for anyone, the Most Praiseworthy.
13517 This is not too difficult for GOD.
13518 No soul can carry the sins of another soul. If a soul that is loaded with sins implores another to bear part of its load, no other soul can carry any part of it, even if they were related. The only people to heed your warnings are those who reverence their Lord, even when alone in their privacy, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat). Whoever purifies his soul, does so for his own good. To GOD is the final destiny.
13522 Nor are the living and the dead; GOD causes whomever He wills to hear. You cannot make hearers out of those in the graves.
13527 Do you not realize that GOD sends down from the sky water, whereby we produce fruits of various colors? Even the mountains have different colors; the peaks are white, or red, or some other color. And the ravens are black.
23528 Also, the people, the animals, and the livestock come in various colors. This is why the people who truly reverence GOD are those who are knowledgeable. GOD is Almighty, Forgiving.
13529 Surely, those who recite the book of GOD, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them they spend - secretly and publicly - are engaged in an investment that never loses.
13531 What we revealed to you in this scripture is the truth, consummating all previous scriptures. GOD is fully Cognizant of His servants, Seer.
13532 We passed the scripture from generation to generation, and we allowed whomever we chose from among our servants to receive it. Subsequently, some of them wronged their souls, others upheld it only part of the time, while others were eager to work righteousness in accordance with GOD's will; this is the greatest triumph.
13534 They will say, "Praise GOD for removing all our worries. Our Lord is Forgiving, Appreciative.
13538 GOD is the Knower of the future of the heavens and the earth. He is the Knower of all innermost thoughts.
13540 Say, "Consider the idols you have set up beside GOD; show me what on earth have they created." Do they own any partnership in the heavens? Have we given them a book wherein there is no doubt? Indeed, what the transgressors promise one another is no more than an illusion.
13541 GOD is the One who holds the heavens and the earth, lest they vanish. If anyone else is to hold them, they will most certainly vanish. He is Clement, Forgiving.
13542 They swore by GOD solemnly that if a warner went to them, they would be better guided than a certain congregation! However, now that the warner did come to them, this only plunged them deeper into aversion.
23543 They resorted to arrogance on earth, and evil scheming, and the evil schemes only backfire on those who scheme them. Should they then expect anything but the fate of those who did the same things in the past? You will find that GOD's system is never changeable; you will find that GOD's system is immutable.
13544 Have they not roamed the earth and noted the consequences for those who preceded them? They were even stronger than they. Nothing can be hidden from GOD in the heavens, nor on earth. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent.
23545 If GOD punished the people for their sins, He would not leave a single creature on earth. But He respites them for a predetermined interim. Once their interim is fulfilled, then GOD is Seer of His servants.
In sura 35: "GOD" occurs 36 time(s), and in 27 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 612
Sura 36
23647 When they are told, "Give from GOD's provisions to you," those who disbelieve say to those who believe, "Why should we give to those whom GOD could feed, if He so willed? You are really far astray."
13674 They set up beside GOD other gods, perhaps they can be of help to them!
In sura 36: "GOD" occurs 3 time(s), and in 2 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 121
Sura 37
13723 beside GOD, and guide them to the path of Hell.
13735 When they were told, "Laa Elaaha Ella Allah [There is no other god beside GOD]
13740 Only GOD's servants who are absolutely devoted to Him alone (will be saved).
13756 He (will go to him and) say, "By GOD, you almost ruined me.
13774 Only GOD's servants who are absolutely devoted to Him alone (are saved).
13786 "Is it these fabricated gods, instead of GOD, that you want?
13796 "When GOD has created you, and everything you make!"
137102 When he grew enough to work with him, he said, "My son, I see in a dream that I am sacrificing you. What do you think?" He said, "O my father, do what you are commanded to do. You will find me, GOD willing, patient."
137126 "GOD; your Lord, and the Lord of your forefathers!"
137128 Only GOD's servants who are absolutely devoted to Him alone (are saved).
137152 "GOD has begotten a son." Indeed, they are liars.
137159 GOD be glorified; far above their claims.
137160 Only GOD's servants who are devoted to Him alone (are saved).
137169 "we would have been worshipers; devoted to GOD alone."
137182 Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
In sura 37: "GOD" occurs 15 time(s), and in 15 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1588
Sura 38
23826 O David, we have made you a ruler on earth. Therefore, you shall judge among the people equitably, and do not follow your personal opinion, lest it diverts you from the way of GOD. Surely, those who stray off the way of GOD incur severe retribution for forgetting the Day of Reckoning.
13865 Say, "I warn you; there is no other god beside GOD, the One, the Supreme.
In sura 38: "GOD" occurs 3 time(s), and in 2 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 91
Sura 39
1391 This is a revelation of the scripture, from GOD, the Almighty, the Wise.
1392 We sent down to you this scripture, truthfully; you shall worship GOD, devoting your religion to Him alone.
4393 Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.
2394 If GOD wanted to have a son, He could have chosen whomever He willed from among His creations. Be He glorified; He is GOD, the One, the Supreme.
1396 He created you from one person, then created from him his mate. He sent down to you eight kinds of livestock. He creates you in your mothers' bellies, creation after creation, in trimesters of darkness. Such is GOD your Lord. To Him belongs all sovereignty. There is no other god beside Him. How could you deviate?
1397 If you disbelieve, GOD does not need anyone. But He dislikes to see His servants make the wrong decision. If you decide to be appreciative, He is pleased for you. No soul bears the sins of any other soul. Ultimately, to your Lord is your return, then He will inform you of everything you had done. He is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
1398 When the human being is afflicted, he implores his Lord, sincerely devoted to Him. But as soon as He blesses him, he forgets his previous imploring, sets up idols to rank with GOD and to divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy your disbelief temporarily; you have incurred the hellfire."
13910 Say, "O My servants who believed, you shall reverence your Lord." For those who worked righteousness in this world, a good reward. GOD's earth is spacious, and those who steadfastly persevere will receive their recompense generously, without limits.
13911 Say, "I have been commanded to worship GOD, devoting the religion absolutely to Him alone.
13914 Say, "GOD is the only One I worship, devoting my religion absolutely to Him alone.
13916 They will have masses of fire on top of them, and under them. GOD thus alerts His servants: O My servants, you shall reverence Me.
13917 As for those who discard the worship of all idols, and devote themselves totally to GOD alone, they have deserved happiness. Give good news to My servants.
13918 They are the ones who examine all words, then follow the best. These are the ones whom GOD has guided; these are the ones who possess intelligence.
23920 As for those who reverence their Lord, they will have mansions upon mansions constructed for them, with flowing streams. This is GOD's promise, and GOD never breaks His promise.
13921 Do you not see that GOD sends down from the sky water, then places it into underground wells, then produces with it plants of various colors, then they grow until they turn yellow, then He turns them into hay? This should be a reminder for those who possess intelligence.
23922 If GOD renders one's heart content with Submission, he will be following a light from his Lord. Therefore, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against GOD's message; they have gone far astray.
43923 GOD has revealed herein the best Hadith; a book that is consistent, and points out both ways (to Heaven and Hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for GOD's message. Such is GOD's guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills (to be guided). As for those sent astray by GOD, nothing can guide them.
13926 GOD has condemned them to humiliation in this life, and the retribution in the Hereafter will be far worse, if they only knew.
23929 GOD cites the example of a man who deals with disputing partners (Hadith), compared to a man who deals with only one consistent source (Quran). Are they the same? Praise be to GOD; most of them do not know.
13932 Who is more evil than one who attributes lies to GOD, while disbelieving in the truth that has come to him? Is Hell not a just requital for the disbelievers?
13935 GOD remits their sinful works, and rewards them generously for their good works.
23936 Is GOD not sufficient for His servant? They frighten you with the idols they set up beside Him. Whomever GOD sends astray, nothing can guide him.
23937 And whomever GOD guides, nothing can send him astray. Is GOD not Almighty, Avenger?
43938 If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they will say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you set up idols beside GOD? If GOD willed any adversity for me, can they relieve such an adversity? And if He willed a blessing for me, can they prevent such a blessing?" Say, "GOD is sufficient for me." In Him the trusters shall trust.
13942 GOD puts the souls to death when the end of their life comes, and also at the time of sleep. Thus, He takes some back during their sleep, while others are allowed to continue living until the end of their predetermined interim. This should provide lessons for people who reflect.
13943 Have they invented intercessors to mediate between them and GOD? Say, "What if they do not possess any power, nor understanding?"
13944 Say, "All intercession belongs to GOD." To Him belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be returned.
13945 When GOD ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied.
13947 If those who transgressed owned everything on earth, even twice as much, they would readily give it up to avoid the terrible retribution on the Day of Resurrection. They will be shown by GOD what they never expected.
13952 Do they not realize that GOD is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses, and withholds? These are lessons for people who believe.
23953 Proclaim: "O My servants who exceeded the limits, never despair of GOD's mercy. For GOD forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful."
13956 Lest a soul may say, "How sorry I am for disregarding GOD's commandments; I was certainly one of the mockers."
13957 Or say, "Had GOD guided me, I would have been with the righteous."
13960 On the Day of Resurrection you will see the faces of those who lied about GOD covered with misery. Is Hell not the right retribution for the arrogant ones?
13961 And GOD will save those who have maintained righteousness; He will reward them. No harm will touch them, nor will they have any grief.
13962 GOD is the Creator of all things, and He is in full control of all things.
13963 To Him belongs all decisions in the heavens and the earth, and those who disbelieve in GOD's revelations are the real losers.
13964 Say, "Is it other than GOD you exhort me to worship, O you ignorant ones?"
13966 Therefore, you shall worship GOD alone, and be appreciative.
13967 They can never fathom the greatness of GOD. The whole earth is within His fist on the Day of Resurrection. In fact, the universes are folded within His right hand. Be He glorified; He is much too high above needing any partners.
13968 The horn will be blown, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth will be struck unconscious, except those who will be spared by GOD. Then it will be blown another time, whereupon they will all rise up, looking.
13974 They will say, "Praise be to GOD, who fulfilled His promise to us, and made us inherit the earth, enjoying Paradise as we please." What a beautiful recompense for the workers!
13975 You will see the angels floating around the throne, glorifying and praising their Lord. After the equitable judgment is issued to all, it will be proclaimed: "Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe."
In sura 39: "GOD" occurs 59 time(s), and in 43 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1535
Sura 40
1402 This revelation of the scripture is from GOD, the Almighty, the Omniscient.
1404 None argues against GOD's revelations except those who disbelieve. Do not be impressed by their apparent success.
14010 Those who disbelieve will be told, "GOD's abhorrence towards you is even worse than your own abhorrence towards yourselves. For you were invited to believe, but you chose to disbelieve."
24012 This is because when GOD ALONE was advocated, you disbelieved, but when others were mentioned beside Him, you believed. Therefore, GOD's judgment has been issued; He is the Most High, the Great.
14014 Therefore, you shall devote your worship absolutely to GOD ALONE, even if the disbelievers dislike it.
24016 That is the day when everyone will be completely exposed; none of them will hide anything from GOD. To whom belongs all sovereignty on that day? To GOD, the One, the Supreme.
14017 On that day, every soul will be requited for whatever it had earned. There will be no injustice on that day. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.
24020 GOD judges equitably, while the idols they implore beside Him cannot judge anything. GOD is the One who is the Hearer, the Seer.
24021 Did they not roam the earth and note the consequences for those before them? They used to be stronger than they, and more productive on earth. But GOD punished them for their sins, and nothing could protect them from GOD.
14022 That is because their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they disbelieved. Consequently, GOD punished them. He is Mighty, strict in enforcing retribution.
24028 A believing man among Pharaoh's people, who was concealing his belief, said, "How can you kill a man just for saying, `My Lord is GOD,' and he has shown you clear proofs from your Lord? If he is a liar, that is his problem, and if he is truthful, you benefit from his promises. Surely, GOD does not guide any transgressor, liar.
14029 "O my people, today you have kingship and the upperhand. But who will help us against GOD's judgment, should it come to us?" Pharaoh said, "You are to follow only what I see fit; I will guide you only in the right path."
14031 "The opponents of Noah, and `Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them. GOD does not wish any injustice for the people.
24033 "That is the day when you may wish to turn around and flee. But nothing will protect you then from GOD. Whomever GOD sends astray, nothing can guide him."
24034 Joseph had come to you before that with clear revelations, but you continued to doubt his message. Then, when he died you said, "GOD will not send any other messenger after him. (He was the last messenger)!" GOD thus sends astray those who are transgressors, doubtful.
34035 They argue against GOD's revelations, without any basis. This is a trait that is most abhorred by GOD and by those who believe. GOD thus seals the hearts of every arrogant tyrant.
14042 "You invite me to be unappreciative of GOD, and to set up beside Him idols that I do not recognize. I am inviting you to the Almighty, the Forgiver.
14043 "There is no doubt that what you invite me to do has no basis in this world, nor in the Hereafter, that our ultimate return is to GOD, and that the transgressors have incurred the hellfire.
24044 "Some day you will remember what I am telling you now. I leave the judgment of this matter to GOD; GOD is the Seer of all the people."
14045 GOD then protected him from their evil schemes, while the people of Pharaoh have incurred the worst retribution.
14048 The leaders will say, "We are all in this together. GOD has judged among the people."
14055 Therefore, be patient, for GOD's promise is true, and ask forgiveness for your sin, and glorify and praise your Lord night and day.
24056 Surely, those who argue against GOD's revelations without proof are exposing the arrogance that is hidden inside their chests, and they are not even aware of it. Therefore, seek refuge in GOD; He is the Hearer, the Seer.
24061 GOD is the One who designed the night so you can rest in it, and the day lighted. GOD bestows many blessings upon the people, but most people are not thankful.
14062 Such is GOD your Lord, the Creator of all things. There is no god except He. How could you deviate?
14063 Deviating are those who disregard GOD's revelations.
34064 GOD is the One who rendered the earth habitable for you, and the sky a formidable structure, and He designed you, and designed you well. He is the One who provides you with good provisions. Such is GOD your Lord; Most Exalted is GOD, Lord of the universe.
14065 He is the Living; there is no god except He. You shall worship Him alone, devoting your religion absolutely to Him alone. Praise be to GOD, Lord of the universe.
14066 Say, "I have been enjoined from worshiping the idols you worship beside GOD, when the clear revelations came to me from my Lord. I was commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe."
14069 Have you noted those who argue against GOD's proofs, and how they have deviated?
24074 "beside GOD?" They will say, "They have abandoned us. In fact, when we worshiped them, we were worshiping nothing." Thus does GOD send the disbelievers astray.
14077 You shall be patient, for GOD's promise is truth. Whether we show you some of (the retribution) we have promised for them, or terminate your life before that, they will be returned to us.
24078 We have sent messengers before you - some of them we mentioned to you, and some we did not mention to you. No messenger can produce any miracle without GOD's authorization. Once GOD's judgment is issued, the truth dominates, and the falsifiers are exposed and humiliated.
14079 GOD is the One who created the livestock for you; some you ride, and some you eat.
14081 He thus shows you His proofs. Which of GOD's proofs can you deny?
14084 Subsequently, when they saw our retribution they said, "Now we believe in GOD ALONE, and we now disbelieve in the idol worship that we used to practice."
14085 Their belief then could not help them in the least, once they saw our retribution. Such is GOD's system that has been established to deal with His creatures; the disbelievers are always doomed.
In sura 40: "GOD" occurs 53 time(s), and in 37 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 1669
Sura 41
14114 Their messengers went to them, as well as before them and after them, saying, "You shall not worship except GOD." They said, "Had our Lord willed, He could have sent angels. We are disbelievers in what you say."
14115 As for `Aad, they turned arrogant on earth, opposed the truth, and said, "Who is more powerful than we?" Did they not realize that GOD, who created them, is more powerful than they? They were unappreciative of our revelations.
14119 The day will come when the enemies of GOD will be summoned to the hellfire, forcibly.
14121 They will say to their skins, "Why did you bear witness against us?" They will reply, "GOD made us speak up; He is the One who causes everything to speak. He is the One who created you the first time, and now you have been returned to Him."
14122 There is no way you can hide from your own hearing, your eyes, or your skins. In fact, you thought that GOD was unaware of much of what you do.
14128 Such is the requital that awaits GOD's enemies. Hell will be their eternal abode; a just requital for discarding our revelations.
14130 Those who proclaim: "Our Lord is GOD," then lead a righteous life, the angels descend upon them: "You shall have no fear, nor shall you grieve. Rejoice in the good news that Paradise has been reserved for you.
14133 Who can utter better words than one who invites to GOD, works righteousness, and says, "I am one of the submitters"?
14136 When the devil whispers an idea to you, you shall seek refuge in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
14137 Among His proofs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate before the sun, nor the moon; you shall fall prostrate before the GOD who created them, if you truly worship Him alone.
14152 Proclaim: "What if this is truly from GOD, then you decide to reject it? Who are farther astray than those who decide to oppose this?"
In sura 41: "GOD" occurs 11 time(s), and in 11 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 307
Sura 42
1423 Inspiring you, and those before you, is GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.
1425 The heavens above them almost shatter, out of reverence for Him, and the angels praise and glorify their Lord, and they ask forgiveness for those on earth. Absolutely, GOD is the Forgiver, Most Merciful.
1426 Those who set up other lords beside Him, GOD is the One in charge of them; you are not their advocate.
1428 Had GOD willed, He could have made them one community. But He redeems into His mercy whomever He wills. As for the transgressors, they have no master, nor a helper.
1429 Did they find other lords beside Him? GOD is the only Lord and Master. He is the One who resurrects the dead, and He is the Omnipotent One.
24210 If you dispute any part of this message, the judgment for doing this rests with GOD. Such is GOD my Lord. In Him I trust, and to Him I submit.
14213 He decreed for you the same religion decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it." The idol worshipers will greatly resent what you invite them to do. GOD redeems to Himself whomever He wills; He guides to Himself only those who totally submit.
34215 This is what you shall preach, and steadfastly maintain what you are commanded to do, and do not follow their wishes. And proclaim: "I believe in all the scriptures sent down by GOD. I was commanded to judge among you equitably. GOD is our Lord and your Lord. We have our deeds and you have your deeds. There is no argument between us and you. GOD will gather us all together; to Him is the ultimate destiny."
14216 Those who argue about GOD, after receiving His message, their argument is nullified at their Lord. They have incurred condemnation, and have deserved a severe retribution.
14217 GOD is the One who sent down the scripture, to deliver the truth and the law. For all that you know, the Hour (Day of Judgment) may be very close.
14219 GOD is fully aware of all His creatures; He provides for whomever He wills. He is the Powerful, the Almighty.
14221 They follow idols who decree for them religious laws never authorized by GOD. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.
24223 This is the good news from GOD to His servants who believe and lead a righteous life. Say, "I do not ask you for any wage. I do ask each of you to take care of your own relatives." Anyone who does a righteous work, we multiply his reward for it. GOD is Forgiver, Appreciative.
34224 Are they saying, "He (Rashad) has fabricated lies about GOD!"? If GOD willed, He could have sealed your mind, but GOD erases the falsehood and affirms the truth with His words. He is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
14227 If GOD increased the provision for His servants, they would transgress on earth. This is why He sends it precisely measured to whomever He wills. He is fully Cognizant and Seer of His servants.
14231 You can never escape, and you have none beside GOD as a Lord and Master.
14236 Whatever you are given is no more than temporary material of this life. What GOD possesses is far better and everlasting, for those who believe and trust in their Lord.
14240 Although the just requital for an injustice is an equivalent retribution, those who pardon and maintain righteousness are rewarded by GOD. He does not love the unjust.
14244 Whomever GOD sends astray will never find any other lord, and you will see such transgressors, when they see the retribution, saying, "Can we get another chance?"
24246 There will be no allies to help them against GOD. Whomever GOD sends astray can never be guided.
14247 You shall respond to your Lord before a day comes which is decreed inevitable by GOD. There will be no refuge for you on that day, nor an advocate.
14249 To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He creates whatever He wills, granting daughters to whomever He wills, and granting sons to whomever He wills.
14251 No human being can communicate with GOD except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier, or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise.
24253 The path of GOD, to whom belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Absolutely, all matters are controlled by GOD.
In sura 42: "GOD" occurs 32 time(s), and in 24 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 613
Sura 43
14363 When Jesus went with the proofs, he said, "I bring to you wisdom, and to clarify some of the matters in which you dispute. You shall reverence GOD and obey me.
14364 "GOD is my Lord and your Lord, you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."
14387 If you asked them who created them, they would say, "GOD." Why then did they deviate?
In sura 43: "GOD" occurs 3 time(s), and in 3 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 214
Sura 44
14418 Proclaiming: "Listen to me, servants of GOD. I am an honest messenger to you."
14419 And, "Do not transgress against GOD. I bring to you powerful proofs.
14442 Only those who attain mercy from GOD. He is the Almighty, Most Merciful.
In sura 44: "GOD" occurs 3 time(s), and in 3 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 79
Sura 45
1452 The revelation of this scripture is from GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.
1455 Also, the alternation of the night and the day, and the provisions that GOD sends down from the sky to revive dead lands, and the manipulation of the winds; all these are proofs for people who understand.
2456 These are GOD's revelations that we recite to you truthfully. In which Hadith other than GOD and His revelations do they believe?
1458 The one who hears GOD's revelations recited to him, then insists arrogantly on his way, as if he never heard them. Promise him a painful retribution.
14510 Awaiting them is Gehenna. Their earnings will not help them, nor the idols they had set up beside GOD. They have incurred a terrible retribution.
14512 GOD is the One who committed the sea in your service, so that the ships can roam it in accordance with His laws. You thus seek His provisions, that you may be appreciative.
14514 Tell those who believed to forgive those who do not expect the days of GOD. He will fully pay everyone for whatever they have earned.
24519 They cannot help you at all against GOD. It is the transgressors who ally themselves with one another, while GOD is the Lord of the righteous.
14522 GOD created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose, in order to pay each soul for whatever it earned, without the least injustice.
24523 Have you noted the one whose god is his ego? Consequently, GOD sends him astray, despite his knowledge, seals his hearing and his mind, and places a veil on his eyes. Who then can guide him, after such a decision by GOD? Would you not take heed?
14526 Say, "GOD has granted you life, then He puts you to death, then He will summon you to the Day of Resurrection, which is inevitable. But most people do not know."
14527 To GOD belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. The day the Hour (Judgment) comes to pass, that is when the falsifiers lose.
14532 When it is proclaimed that GOD's promise is the truth and that the Hour (of Judgment) is inevitable, you said, "We do not know what the Hour is! We are full of conjecture about it; we are not certain."
14535 "This is because you took GOD's revelations in vain, and were preoccupied with the first life." Consequently, they will never exit therefrom, nor will they be excused.
14536 To GOD belongs all praise; Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth, Lord of the universe.
In sura 45: "GOD" occurs 18 time(s), and in 15 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 277
Sura 46
1462 The revelation of this scripture is from GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise.
1464 Say, "Consider the idols you have set up beside GOD. Show me what on earth did they create. Do they own part of the heavens? Show me any other scripture before this one, or any piece of established knowledge that supports your idolatry, if you are truthful."
1465 Who is farther astray than those who idolize beside GOD idols that can never respond to them until the Day of Resurrection, and are totally unaware of their worship?
1468 When they say, "He fabricated this," say, "If I fabricated this, then you cannot protect me from GOD. He is fully aware of everything you scheme. He suffices as a witness between me and you. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful."
24610 Say, "What if it is from GOD and you disbelieved in it? A witness from the Children of Israel has borne witness to a similar phenomenon, and he has believed, while you have turned arrogant. Surely, GOD does not guide the wicked people."
14613 Surely, those who say, "Our Lord is GOD," then lead a righteous life, will have no fear, nor will they grieve.
24617 Then there is the one who says to his parents, "Woe to you; are you telling me that (after death) I will come back to life? How come those who died before us never come back?" The parents would cry for GOD's help and say, "Woe to you; please believe! GOD's promise is the truth." He would say, "Tales from the past!"
14621 Recall that the brother of `Aad warned his people at the dunes - numerous warnings were also delivered before him and after him: "You shall not worship except GOD. I fear for you the retribution of a great day."
14623 He said, "The knowledge about this is with GOD; I only deliver to you what I was sent to deliver. However, I see that you people are ignorant."
14626 We had established them in the same way as we established you, and provided them with hearing, eyes, and minds. But their hearing, eyes, and minds did not help them at all. This is because they decided to disregard GOD's revelations. Thus, the prophecies and warnings that they ridiculed have caused their doom.
14628 Why then did the idols they set up to bring them closer to GOD fail to help them? Instead, they abandoned them. Such were the false gods they idolized; such were the innovations they fabricated.
14631 "O our people, respond to the call of GOD, and believe in Him. He will then forgive your sins, and spare you a painful retribution."
14632 Those who fail to respond to GOD's call cannot escape, and will have no Lord other than Him; they have gone far astray.
14633 Do they not realize that GOD, who created the heavens and the earth without the least effort, is able to revive the dead? Yes indeed; He is Omnipotent.
In sura 46: "GOD" occurs 16 time(s), and in 14 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 253
Sura 47
1471 Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, He nullifies their works.
1473 This is because those who disbelieve are following falsehood, while those who believe are following the truth from their Lord. GOD thus cites for the people their examples.
2474 If you encounter (in war) those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you take them as captives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. Had GOD willed, He could have granted you victory, without war. But He thus tests you by one another. As for those who get killed in the cause of GOD, He will never put their sacrifice to waste.
1477 O you who believe, if you support GOD, He will support you, and strengthen your foothold.
1479 That is because they hated what GOD revealed and consequently, He nullifies their works.
14710 Did they not roam the earth and see the consequences for those before them? GOD destroyed their works; all disbelievers will suffer the same fate.
14711 This is because GOD is the Lord of those who believe, while the disbelievers have no lord.
14712 GOD admits those who believe and lead a righteous life into gardens with flowing streams. As for those who disbelieve, they live and eat like the animals eat, then end up in the hellfire.
14716 Some of them listen to you, then as soon as they leave they ask those who were enlightened, "What did he just say?" GOD thus seals their hearts and, consequently, they follow only their opinions.
24719 You shall know that: "There is no other god beside GOD," and ask forgiveness of your sins and the sins of all believing men and women. GOD is fully aware of your decisions and your ultimate destiny.
14721 Obedience and righteous utterances are expected of them. If only they showed confidence in GOD, when mobilization was called for, it would have been better for them.
14723 It is those who incurred a curse from GOD, whereby He rendered them deaf and blind.
24726 This is because they said to those who hated what GOD has sent down, "We will obey you in certain matters." GOD fully knows their secret conspiracies.
14728 This is because they followed what angered GOD and hated the things that please Him. Consequently, He has nullified their works.
14729 Did those who harbor doubts in their hearts think that GOD will not bring out their evil thoughts?
14730 If we will, we can expose them for you, so that you can recognize them just by looking at them. However, you can recognize them by the way they talk. GOD is fully aware of all your works.
24732 Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, and oppose the messenger after the guidance has been manifested for them, will never hurt GOD in the least. Instead, He nullifies their works.
14733 O you who believe, you shall obey GOD, and obey the messenger. Otherwise, all your works will be in vain.
24734 Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, then die as disbelievers, GOD will never forgive them.
14735 Therefore, you shall not waver and surrender in pursuit of peace, for you are guaranteed victory, and GOD is with you. He will never waste your efforts.
24738 You are invited to spend in the cause of GOD, but some of you turn stingy. The stingy are stingy towards their own souls. GOD is Rich, while you are poor. If you turn away, He will substitute other people in your place, and they will not be like you.
In sura 47: "GOD" occurs 27 time(s), and in 21 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 421
Sura 48
1482 Whereby GOD forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path.
1483 Additionally, GOD will support you with an unwavering support.
2484 He is the One who places contentment into the hearts of believers to augment more faith, in addition to their faith. To GOD belongs all forces of the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
1485 He will certainly admit the believing men and women into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. He will remit their sins. This is, in the sight of GOD, a great triumph.
2486 And He will requite the hypocrite men and women and the idol worshiping men and women, for they have harbored evil thoughts about GOD. Their evil will backfire against them. For GOD is angry with them, condemns them, and has prepared for them Gehenna. What a miserable destiny!
2487 To GOD belongs all the forces in the heavens and the earth. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
1489 That you people may believe in GOD and His messenger, and reverence Him, and observe Him, and glorify Him, day and night.
34810 Surely, those who pledge allegiance to you, are pledging allegiance to GOD. GOD approves their pledge; He places His hand above their hands. Those who violate such a pledge, commit the violation to their own detriment. As for those who fulfill their pledge with GOD, He will grant them a great recompense.
24811 The sedentary Arabs who stay behind will say, "We have been preoccupied with our money and our families, so ask forgiveness for us!" They utter with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, "Who can protect you from GOD, if He willed any adversity for you, or if He willed any blessing for you?" GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
14813 Anyone who refuses to believe in GOD and His messenger, we have prepared for the disbelievers a hellfire.
24814 To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He forgives whomever He wills, and punishes whomever He wills. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
24815 The sedentary who stay behind will say, when you are expected to collect spoils of war, "Let us follow you to share in this!" They thus wish to alter GOD's words. Say, "You will not follow us. This is GOD's decision." They will then say, "You must be envious of us (for staying behind)." Indeed, they rarely understood anything.
14816 Say to the sedentary Arabs who stay behind, "You will be invited to face powerful people and to fight them, unless they submit. If you obey, GOD will reward you with a generous recompense. But if you turn away again, as you did in the past, He will requite you with a painful retribution."
14817 The blind is not to be blamed, the crippled is not to be blamed, and the sick is not to be blamed. Those who obey GOD and His messenger, He will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. As for those who turn away, He will requite them with a painful retribution.
14818 GOD is pleased with the believers who pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts and, consequently, He blessed them with contentment, and rewarded them with an immediate victory.
14819 Additionally, they gained many spoils. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise.
14820 GOD has promised you many spoils that you will gain. He thus advanced some benefits for you in this life, and He has withheld the people's hands of aggression against you, and has rendered this a sign for the believers. He thus guides you in a straight path.
24821 As for the group that you could not possibly defeat, GOD took care of them; GOD is Omnipotent.
24823 Such is GOD's system throughout history, and you will find that GOD's system is unchangeable.
14824 He is the One who withheld their hands of aggression against you, and withheld your hands of aggression against them in the valley of Mecca, after He had granted you victory over them. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
14825 It is they who disbelieved and barred you from the Sacred Masjid, and even prevented your offerings from reaching their destination. There were believing men and women (within the enemy camp) whom you did not know, and you were about to hurt them, unknowingly. GOD thus admits into His mercy whomever He wills. If they persist, He will requite those among them who disbelieve with a painful retribution.
24826 While those who disbelieved were enraged, and their hearts were filled with the pride of the days of ignorance, GOD blessed His messenger and the believers with peaceful contentment, and directed them to uphold the word of righteousness. This is what they well deserved. GOD is fully aware of all things.
24827 GOD has fulfilled His messenger's truthful vision: "You will enter the Sacred Masjid, GOD willing, perfectly secure, and you will cut your hair or shorten it (as you fulfill the pilgrimage rituals) there. You will not have any fear. Since He knew what you did not know, He has coupled this with an immediate victory."
14828 He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, to make it prevail over all other religions. GOD suffices as a witness.
34829 Muhammad - the messenger of GOD - and those with him are harsh and stern against the disbelievers, but kind and compassionate amongst themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, as they seek GOD's blessings and approval. Their marks are on their faces, because of prostrating. This is the same example as in the Torah. Their example in the Gospel is like plants that grow taller and stronger, and please the farmers. He thus enrages the disbelievers. GOD promises those among them who believe, and lead a righteous life, forgiveness and a great recompense.
In sura 48: "GOD" occurs 39 time(s), and in 25 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 392
Sura 49
3491 O you who believe, do not place your opinion above that of GOD and His messenger. You shall reverence GOD. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.
2493 Surely, those who lower their voices at the messenger of GOD are the ones whose hearts are prepared by GOD to become righteous. They have deserved forgiveness and a great recompense.
1495 Had they been patient until you came out to them, it would have been better for them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2497 And know that GOD's messenger has come in your midst. Had he listened to you in many things, you would have made things difficult for yourselves. But GOD made you love faith and adorned it in your hearts, and He made you abhor disbelief, wickedness, and disobedience. These are the guided ones.
2498 Such is grace from GOD and His blessings. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
2499 If two groups of believers fought with each other, you shall reconcile them. If one group aggresses against the other, you shall fight the aggressing group until they submit to GOD's command. Once they submit, you shall reconcile the two groups equitably. You shall maintain justice; GOD loves those who are just.
14910 The believers are members of one family; you shall keep the peace within your family and reverence GOD, that you may attain mercy.
24912 O you who believe, you shall avoid any suspicion, for even a little bit of suspicion is sinful. You shall not spy on one another, nor shall you backbite one another; this is as abominable as eating the flesh of your dead brother. You certainly abhor this. You shall observe GOD. GOD is Redeemer, Most Merciful.
24913 O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.
24914 The Arabs said, "We are Mu'mens (believers)." Say, "You have not believed; what you should say is, `We are Muslims (submitters),' until belief is established in your hearts." If you obey GOD and His messenger, He will not put any of your works to waste. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
24915 Mu'mens (believers) are those who believe in GOD and His messenger, then attain the status of having no doubt whatsoever, and strive with their money and their lives in the cause of GOD. These are the truthful ones.
34916 Say, "Are you informing GOD about your religion? GOD knows everything in the heavens and the earth. GOD is Omniscient."
14917 They act as if they are doing you a favor by embracing Submission! Say, "You are not doing me any favors by embracing Submission. GOD is the One who is doing you a great favor by guiding you to the faith, if you are sincere."
24918 GOD knows all the secrets in the heavens and the earth; GOD is Seer of everything you do.
In sura 49: "GOD" occurs 27 time(s), and in 14 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 148
Sura 50
15026 He set up beside GOD another god. Throw him into severe retribution.
In sura 50: "GOD" occurs 1 time(s), and in 1 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 26
Sura 51
15150 You shall escape to GOD. I am sent by Him to you as a manifest warner.
15151 Do not set up beside GOD any other god. I am sent by Him to you as a manifest warner.
15158 GOD is the Provider, the Possessor of all power, the Supreme.
In sura 51: "GOD" occurs 3 time(s), and in 3 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 159
Sura 52
15227 "GOD has blessed us, and has spared us the agony of ill winds.
25243 Do they have another god beside GOD? GOD be glorified, far above having partners.
In sura 52: "GOD" occurs 3 time(s), and in 2 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 70
Sura 53
15323 These are but names that you made up, you and your forefathers. GOD never authorized such a blasphemy. They follow conjecture, and personal desire, when the true guidance has come to them herein from their Lord.
15325 To GOD belongs both the Hereafter, and this world.
15326 Not even the angels in heaven possess authority to intercede. The only ones permitted by GOD are those who act in accordance with His will and His approval.
15331 To GOD belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He will requite those who commit evil for their works, and will reward the righteous for their righteousness.
15358 None beside GOD can relieve it.
15362 You shall fall prostrate before GOD, and worship.
In sura 53: "GOD" occurs 6 time(s), and in 6 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 225
Sura 57
1571 Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
1574 He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then assumed all authority. He knows everything that enters into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is with you wherever you may be. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
1575 To Him belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. All matters are controlled by GOD.
1577 Believe in GOD and His messenger, and give from what He has bestowed upon you. Those among you who believe and give (to charity) have deserved a great recompense.
1578 Why should you not believe in GOD when the messenger is inviting you to believe in your Lord? He has taken a pledge from you, if you are believers.
1579 He is the One who sends down to His servant clear revelations, in order to lead you out of the darkness into the light. GOD is Compassionate towards you, Most Merciful.
45710 Why do you not spend in the cause of GOD, when GOD possesses all wealth in the heavens and the earth? Distinguished from the rest are those among you who spend before the victory and strive. They attain a greater rank than those who spend after the victory and strive. For each, GOD promises salvation. GOD is Cognizant of everything you do.
15711 Who would like to loan GOD a loan of righteousness, to have it multiplied for him manifold, and end up with a generous recompense?
25714 They will call upon them, "Were we not with you?" They will answer, "Yes, but you cheated your souls, hesitated, doubted, and became misled by wishful thinking, until GOD's judgment came. You were diverted from GOD by illusions.
15716 Is it not time for those who believed to open up their hearts for GOD's message, and the truth that is revealed herein? They should not be like the followers of previous scriptures whose hearts became hardened with time and, consequently, many of them turned wicked.
15717 Know that GOD revives the land after it had died. We thus explain the revelations for you, that you may understand.
15718 Surely, the charitable men and women, have loaned GOD a loan of goodness. They will receive their reward multiplied manifold; they have deserved a generous recompense.
15719 Those who believed in GOD and His messengers are the saints and martyrs. Reserved for them at their Lord are their rewards and their light. As for those who disbelieved and rejected our revelations, they have incurred Hell.
15720 Know that this worldly life is no more than play and games, and boasting among you, and hoarding of money and children. It is like abundant rain that produces plants and pleases the disbelievers. But then the plants turn into useless hay, and are blown away by the wind. In the Hereafter there is either severe retribution, or forgiveness from GOD and approval. This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion.
35721 Therefore, you shall race towards forgiveness from your Lord, and a Paradise whose width encompasses the heaven and the earth. It awaits those who believed in GOD and His messengers. Such is GOD's grace that He bestows upon whomever He wills. GOD is Possessor of Infinite Grace.
15722 Anything that happens on earth, or to you, has already been recorded, even before the creation. This is easy for GOD to do.
15723 Thus, you should not grieve over anything you miss, nor be proud of anything He has bestowed upon you. GOD does not love those who are boastful, proud.
15724 They are stingy, and enjoin the people to be stingy. If one turns away, then GOD is the Rich, the Praiseworthy.
25725 We sent our messengers supported by clear proofs, and we sent down to them the scripture and the law, that the people may uphold justice. And we sent down the iron, wherein there is strength, and many benefits for the people. All this in order for GOD to distinguish those who would support Him and His messengers, on faith. GOD is Powerful, Almighty.
15727 Subsequent to them, we sent our messengers. We sent Jesus the son of Mary, and we gave him the Injeel (Gospel), and we placed in the hearts of his followers kindness and mercy. But they invented hermitism which we never decreed for them. All we asked them to do was to uphold the commandments approved by GOD. But they did not uphold the message as they should have. Consequently, we gave those who believed among them their recompense, while many of them were wicked.
25728 O you who believe, you shall reverence GOD and believe in His messenger. He will then grant you double the reward from His mercy, endow you with light to guide you, and forgive you. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
35729 Thus, the followers of previous scripture should know that they have not monopolized GOD's mercy and grace, and that all grace is in GOD's hand. He bestows it upon whomever He wills. GOD is Possessor of Infinite Grace.
In sura 57: "GOD" occurs 32 time(s), and in 22 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 358
Sura 58
4581 GOD has heard the woman who debated with you about her husband, and complained to GOD. GOD heard everything the two of you discussed. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
1582 Those among you who estrange their wives (by declaring them as forbidden in sex) as their mothers know full well that they are not their mothers. Their mothers are the women who gave birth to them. Indeed, they are committing a blasphemy and a falsehood. GOD is Pardoner, Forgiver.
1583 Those who estrange their wives in this manner, then reconcile thereafter, shall atone by freeing a slave before resuming their sexual relations. This is to enlighten you. GOD is Cognizant of everything you do.
2584 If you cannot find a slave to free, you shall fast two consecutive months before resuming sexual relations. If you cannot fast, then you shall feed sixty poor people. You shall believe in GOD and His messenger. These are GOD's laws. The disbelievers have incurred a painful retribution.
1585 Surely, those who fight GOD and His messenger are committed to defeat, like their previous counterparts were committed to defeat. We have sent down clear proofs, and the rejectors have incurred a shameful retribution.
3586 The day will come when GOD will resurrect them all, then inform them of everything they had done. GOD has recorded everything, while they have forgotten it. GOD witnesses all things.
2587 Do you not realize that GOD knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? No three people can conspire secretly without Him being their fourth, nor five without Him being the sixth, nor less than that, nor more, without Him being there with them wherever they may be. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of all things.
2588 Have you noted those who were enjoined from conspiring secretly, then insist on conspiring? They conspire to commit sin, transgression, and disobedience of the messenger. When they come to you, they greet you with a greeting other than that decreed by GOD. They say inside themselves, "GOD will not punish us for our utterances." Their only requital is Gehenna, wherein they burn; what a miserable destiny.
1589 O you who believe, if you have to confer secretly, you shall not confer to commit sin, transgression, and to disobey the messenger. You shall confer to work righteousness and piety. You shall reverence GOD, before whom you will be summoned.
25810 Secret conspiracy is the devil's idea, through which he seeks to hurt those who believed. However, he cannot hurt them against GOD's will. In GOD the believers shall trust.
35811 O you who believe, if you are told, "Please make room," you shall make room for each other to sit. GOD will then make room for you. If you are asked to get up and move, get up and move. GOD raises those among you who believe, and those who acquire knowledge to higher ranks. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
15812 O you who believe, when you wish to confer with the messenger, you shall offer a charity (to the poor) before you do so. This is better for you, and purer. If you cannot afford it, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
35813 If you failed to give to charity before conferring, then repented thereafter, GOD accepts your repentance. You shall observe the contact prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and obey GOD and His messenger. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
15814 Have you noted those who befriended people with whom GOD is angry? They neither belong with you, nor with them. They deliberately swear lies!
15815 GOD has prepared for them a severe retribution. Miserable indeed is what they used to do.
15816 They used their oaths as a means of repelling from the path of GOD. Consequently, they have incurred a shameful retribution.
15817 Neither their money, nor their children will help them against GOD. They have incurred the hellfire, wherein they abide forever.
15818 The Day will come when GOD resurrects them all. They will swear to Him then, just as they swear to you now, thinking that they really are right! Indeed, they are the real liars.
15819 The devil has possessed them, and has caused them to disregard GOD's message. These are the party of the devil. Absolutely, the party of the devil are the losers.
15820 Surely, those who oppose GOD and His messenger will be with the lowliest.
25821 GOD has decreed: "I and My messengers will most assuredly win." GOD is Powerful, Almighty.
55822 You will not find people who believe in GOD and the Last Day befriending those who oppose GOD and His messenger, even if they were their parents, or their children, or their siblings, or their tribe. For these, He decrees faith into their hearts, and supports them with inspiration from Him, and admits them into gardens with flowing streams wherein they abide forever. GOD is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. These are the party of GOD. Most assuredly, GOD's party are the winners.
In sura 58: "GOD" occurs 40 time(s), and in 22 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 253
Sura 59
1591 Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
2592 He is the One who evicted those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture from their homes in a mass exodus. You never thought that they would leave, and they thought that their preparations would protect them from GOD. But then GOD came to them whence they never expected, and threw terror into their hearts. Thus, they abandoned their homes on their own volition, in addition to pressure from the believers. You should learn from this, O you who possess vision.
1593 If GOD did not force them to leave, He would have requited them in this life (even worse than forcing them to leave). In the Hereafter He will commit them to the retribution of Hell.
3594 This is because they opposed GOD and His messenger. For those who oppose GOD and His messenger, GOD is most strict in enforcing retribution.
1595 Whether you chop a tree or leave it standing on its trunk is in accordance with GOD's will. He will surely humiliate the wicked.
3596 Whatever GOD restored for His messenger was not the result of your war efforts, whether you fought on horses or on foot. GOD is the One who sends His messengers against whomever He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.
4597 Whatever GOD restored to His messenger from the (defeated) communities shall go to GOD and His messenger (in the form of a charity). You shall give it to the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien. Thus, it will not remain monopolized by the strong among you. You may keep the spoils given to you by the messenger, but do not take what he enjoins you from taking. You shall reverence GOD. GOD is strict in enforcing retribution.
2598 (You shall give) to the needy who immigrated. They were evicted from their homes and deprived of their properties, because they sought GOD's grace and pleasure, and because they supported GOD and His messenger. They are the truthful.
15911 Have you noted those who are plagued with hypocrisy, and how they said to their companions in disbelief among the people of the scripture, "If you are evicted we will go out with you, and will never obey anyone who opposes you. If anyone fights you, we will fight on your side." GOD bears witness that they are liars.
15913 Indeed, you strike more terror in their hearts than their fear of GOD. This is because they are people who do not comprehend.
15916 They are like the devil: he says to the human being, "Disbelieve," then as soon as he disbelieves, he says, "I disown you. I fear GOD, Lord of the universe."
35918 O you who believe, you shall reverence GOD, and let every soul examine what it has sent ahead for tomorrow. You shall reverence GOD; GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
15919 Do not be like those who forgot GOD, so He made them forget themselves. These are the wicked.
15921 If we revealed this Quran to a mountain, you would see it trembling, crumbling, out of reverence for GOD. We cite these examples for the people, that they may reflect.
15922 He is the One GOD; there is no other god beside Him. Knower of all secrets and declarations. He is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
25923 He is the One GOD; there is no other god beside Him. The King, the Most Sacred, the Peace, the Most Faithful, the Supreme, the Almighty, the Most Powerful, the Most Dignified. GOD be glorified; far above having partners.
15924 He is the One GOD; the Creator, the Initiator, the Designer. To Him belong the most beautiful names. Glorifying Him is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
In sura 59: "GOD" occurs 29 time(s), and in 17 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 203
Sura 60
1601 O you who believe, you shall not befriend My enemies and your enemies, extending love and friendship to them, even though they have disbelieved in the truth that has come to you. They persecute the messenger, and you, just because you believe in GOD, your Lord. If you mobilize to struggle in My cause, seeking My blessings, how can you secretly love them? I am fully aware of everything you conceal, and everything you declare. Those among you who do this have indeed strayed off the right path.
1603 Your relatives and your money can never help you. On the Day of Resurrection, He will judge among you. GOD is Seer of everything you do.
3604 A good example has been set for you by Abraham and those with him. They said to their people, "We disown you and the idols that you worship besides GOD. We denounce you, and you will see nothing from us except animosity and hatred until you believe in GOD ALONE." However, a mistake was commited by Abraham when he said to his father, "I will pray for your forgiveness, but I possess no power to protect you from GOD." "Our Lord, we trust in You, and submit to You; to You is the final destiny.
2606 A good example has been set by them for those who seek GOD and the Last Day. As for those who turn away, GOD is in no need (of them), Most Praiseworthy.
3607 GOD may change the animosity between you and them into love. GOD is Omnipotent. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2608 GOD does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable.
1609 GOD enjoins you only from befriending those who fight you because of religion, evict you from your homes, and band together with others to banish you. You shall not befriend them. Those who befriend them are the transgressors.
36010 O you who believe, when believing women (abandon the enemy and) ask for asylum with you, you shall test them. GOD is fully aware of their belief. Once you establish that they are believers, you shall not return them to the disbelievers. They are not lawful to remain married to them, nor shall the disbelievers be allowed to marry them. Give back the dowries that the disbelievers have paid. You commit no error by marrying them, so long as you pay them their due dowries. Do not keep disbelieving wives (if they wish to join the enemy). You may ask them for the dowry you had paid, and they may ask for what they paid. This is GOD's rule; He rules among you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.
16011 If any of your wives join the enemies' camp, and you are forced to fight, you shall force the enemy to compensate the men who lost their wives, by giving them what they spent on their wives. You shall reverence GOD, in whom you believe.
36012 O you prophet, when the believing women (who abandoned the disbelievers) to seek asylum with you pledge to you that they will not set up any idols besides GOD, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor fabricate any falsehood, nor disobey your righteous orders, you shall accept their pledge, and pray to GOD to forgive them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
16013 O you who believe, do not befriend people with whom GOD is angry, and who are hopelessly stuck in disbelief; they are just as hopeless as the disbelievers who are already in the graves.
In sura 60: "GOD" occurs 21 time(s), and in 11 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 84
Sura 61
1611 Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Almighty, Most Wise.
1613 Most abominable in the sight of GOD is that you say what you do not do.
1614 GOD loves those who fight in His cause united in one column, like the bricks in one wall.
3615 Recall that Moses said to his people, "O my people, why do you hurt me, even though you know that I am GOD's messenger to you?" When they deviated, GOD diverted their hearts. For GOD does not guide the wicked people.
1616 Recall that Jesus, son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel, I am GOD's messenger to you, confirming the Torah and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me whose name will be even more praised (Ahmad)." Then, when he showed them the clear proofs, they said, "This is profound magic."
2617 Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about GOD, and he is being invited to Submission? GOD does not guide the evil people.
2618 They wish to put out GOD's light with their mouths. But GOD insists upon perfecting His light, in spite of the disbelievers.
26111 Believe in GOD and His messenger and strive in the cause of GOD with your money and your lives. This is the best deal for you, if you only knew.
16113 Additionally, you get something you truly love: support from GOD and guaranteed victory. Give good news to the believers.
36114 O you who believe, be GOD's supporters, like the disciples of Jesus, son of Mary. When he said to them, "Who are my supporters towards GOD," they said, "We are GOD's supporters." Thus, a group from the Children of Israel believed, and another group disbelieved. We helped those who believed against their enemy, until they won.
In sura 61: "GOD" occurs 17 time(s), and in 10 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 72
Sura 62
1621 Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and everything on earth; the King, the Most Sacred, the Almighty, the Most Wise.
2624 Such is GOD's grace that He bestows upon whomever He wills. GOD is Possessor of Infinite Grace.
2625 The example of those who were given the Torah, then failed to uphold it, is like the donkey carrying great works of literature. Miserable indeed is the example of people who rejected GOD's revelations. GOD does not guide the wicked people.
1626 Say, "O you who are Jewish, if you claim that you are GOD's chosen, to the exclusion of all other people, then you should long for death if you are truthful!"
1627 They will never long for it, because of what they have committed. GOD is fully aware of the wicked.
1629 O you who believe, when the Congregational Prayer (Salat Al-Jumu`ah) is announced on Friday, you shall hasten to the commemoration of GOD, and drop all business. This is better for you, if you only knew.
26210 Once the prayer is completed, you may spread through the land to seek GOD's bounties, and continue to remember GOD frequently, that you may succeed.
26211 When some of them come across a business deal, or some entertainment, they rush to it and leave you standing! Say, "What GOD possesses is far better than the entertainment or the business. GOD is the best Provider."
In sura 62: "GOD" occurs 12 time(s), and in 8 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 53
Sura 63
3631 When the hypocrites come to you they say, "We bear witness that you are the messenger of GOD." GOD knows that you are His messenger, and GOD bears witness that the hypocrites are liars.
1632 Under the guise of their apparent faith, they repel the people from the path of GOD. Miserable indeed is what they do.
1634 When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. They are like standing logs. They think that every call is intended against them. These are the real enemies; beware of them. GOD condemns them; they have deviated.
1635 When they are told, "Come let the messenger of GOD pray for your forgiveness," they mockingly turn their heads, and you see them repel others and act arrogantly.
2636 It is the same for them, whether you pray for their forgiveness, or not pray for their forgiveness; GOD will not forgive them. For GOD does not guide the wicked people.
2637 They are the ones who say, "Do not give any money to those who followed the messenger of GOD, perhaps they abandon him!" However, GOD possesses the treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not comprehend.
1638 They say, "If we go back to the city, the powerful therein will evict the weak (and we will be victimized)." (They should know that) all dignity belongs to GOD and His messenger, and the believers. However, the hypocrites do not know.
1639 O you who believe, do not be distracted by your money and your children from remembering GOD. Those who do this are the losers.
26311 GOD never delays the appointed time of death for any soul. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
In sura 63: "GOD" occurs 14 time(s), and in 9 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 53
Sura 64
1641 Glorifying GOD is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. To Him belongs all kingship, and to Him belongs all praise, and He is Omnipotent.
1642 He is the One who created you, then among you there is the disbeliever, and the believer. GOD is fully Seer of everything you do.
1644 He knows everything in the heavens and the earth, and He knows everything you conceal and everything you declare. GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.
2646 This is because their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they said, "Shall we follow humans like us?" They disbelieved and turned away. GOD does not need them; GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy.
1647 Those who disbelieved claim that they will not be resurrected! Yes indeed, by my Lord, you will be resurrected, and you will be held accountable for everything you have done. This is easy for GOD to do.
2648 Therefore, you shall believe in GOD and His messenger, and the light that we have revealed herein. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do.
1649 The day will come when He summons you to the Day of Summoning. That is the Day of Mutual Blaming. Anyone who believes in GOD and leads a righteous life, He will remit his sins, and will admit him into gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever. This is the greatest triumph.
36411 Nothing happens to you except in accordance with GOD's will. Anyone who believes in GOD, He will guide his heart. GOD is fully aware of all things.
16412 You shall obey GOD and you shall obey the messenger. If you turn away, then the sole mission of our messenger is to deliver the message.
26413 GOD: there is no other god besides Him. In GOD the believers shall trust.
16414 O you who believe, your spouses and your children can be your enemies; beware. If you pardon, forget, and forgive, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
16415 Your money and children are a test, and GOD possesses a great recompense.
16416 Therefore, you shall reverence GOD as much as you can, and listen, and obey, and give (to charity) for your own good. Anyone who is protected from his own stinginess, these are the successful ones.
26417 If you lend GOD a loan of righteousness, He will multiply the reward for you manifold, and forgive you. GOD is Appreciative, Clement.
In sura 64: "GOD" occurs 20 time(s), and in 14 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 135
Sura 65
4651 O you prophet, when you people divorce the women, you shall ensure that a divorce interim is fulfilled. You shall measure such an interim precisely. You shall reverence GOD your Lord. Do not evict them from their homes, nor shall you make life miserable for them, to force them to leave on their own, unless they commit a proven adultery. These are GOD's laws. Anyone who transgresses GOD's laws commits an injustice against himself. You never know; maybe GOD wills something good to come out of this.
3652 Once the interim is fulfilled, you may reconcile with them equitably, or go through with the separation equitably. You shall have two equitable witnesses witness the divorce before GOD. This is to enlighten those who believe in GOD and the Last Day. Anyone who reverences GOD, He will create an exit for him.
3653 And will provide for him whence he never expected. Anyone who trusts in GOD, He suffices him. GOD's commands are done. GOD has decreed for everything its fate.
1654 As for the women who have reached menopause, if you have any doubts, their interim shall be three months. As for those who do not menstruate, and discover that they are pregnant, their interim ends upon giving birth. Anyone who reverences GOD, He makes everything easy for him.
2655 This is GOD's command that He sends down to you. Anyone who reverences GOD, He remits his sins, and rewards him generously.
3657 The rich husband shall provide support in accordance with his means, and the poor shall provide according to the means that GOD bestowed upon him. GOD does not impose on any soul more than He has given it. GOD will provide ease after difficulty.
36510 GOD has prepared for them severe retribution. Therefore, you shall reverence GOD, O you who possess intelligence and believed. GOD has sent down to you a message -
36511 a messenger who recites to you GOD's revelations, clearly, to lead those who believe and work righteousness out of the darkness into the light. Anyone who believes in GOD and leads a righteous life, He will admit him into gardens with flowing streams; they abide therein forever. GOD will generously reward him.
36512 GOD created seven universes and the same number of earths. The commands flow among them. This is to let you know that GOD is Omnipotent, and that GOD is fully aware of all things.
In sura 65: "GOD" occurs 25 time(s), and in 9 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 55
Sura 66
2661 O you prophet, why do you prohibit what GOD has made lawful for you, just to please your wives? GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.
2662 GOD has decreed for you the laws dealing with your oaths. GOD is your Lord, and He is the Omniscient, Most Wise.
1663 The prophet had trusted some of his wives with a certain statement, then one of them spread it, and GOD let him know about it. He then informed his wife of part of the issue, and disregarded part. She asked him, "Who informed you of this?" He said, "I was informed by the Omniscient, Most Cognizant."
2664 If the two of you repent to GOD, then your hearts have listened. But if you band together against him, then GOD is his ally, and so is Gabriel and the righteous believers. Also, the angels are his helpers.
1666 O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from the Hellfire whose fuel is people and rocks. Guarding it are stern and powerful angels who never disobey GOD; they do whatever they are commanded to do.
2668 O you who believe, you shall repent to GOD a firm repentance. Your Lord will then remit your sins and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. On that day, GOD will not disappoint the prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will radiate in front of them and to their right. They will say, "Our Lord, perfect our light for us, and forgive us; You are Omnipotent."
26610 GOD cites as examples of those who disbelieved the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were married to two of our righteous servants, but they betrayed them and, consequently, they could not help them at all against GOD. The two of them were told, "Enter the Hell-fire with those who deserved it."
16611 And GOD cites as an example of those who believed the wife of Pharaoh. She said, "My Lord, build a home for me at You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his works; save me from the transgressing people."
In sura 66: "GOD" occurs 13 time(s), and in 8 verse(s); Sum of verse numbers is 45
Sura 67
1679 They would answer, "Yes indeed; a warner did come to us, but we disbelieved and said, `GOD did not reveal anything. You are totally astray.' "
16726 Say, "Such knowledge is with GOD; I am no more than a manifest warner."
16728 Say, "Whether GOD decides to annihilate me and those with me, or to shower us with His mercy, who is there to protect the disbelievers from a painful retribution?"

Count of occurrences of "GOD" in Quran2641 19 x 139
Count of verses where "GOD" occurs1774  
Count of suras where it occurs63 
Sum of suras (without repetition) where it occurs2112 
Sum of verse numbers where it occurs117489 
Sum of sura + verse numbers (without repetition) 119601 
Sum of Sura & verse numbers where it occurs152915 

International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who Submit to God Alone and advocate the worship of God Alone
Praise Be To God, Lord of the Universe