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Sura 111: Thorns (Al-Masad)

[111:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[111:1] Condemned are the works of Abee Lahab, and he is condemned.*

*111:1 Abee Lahab was Muhammad's uncle and the leader of the opposition. His wife carried out a campaign of persecution against Muhammad and the believers. Like all descriptions of Heaven and Hell, the rope of thorns is an allegory.

[111:2] His money and whatever he has accomplished will never help him.

[111:3] He has incurred the blazing Hell.

[111:4] Also his wife, who led the persecution.

[111:5] She will be (resurrected) with a rope of thorns around her neck.

Cumulative frequency of the word GOD for this Sura =   Cumulative sum of verses where the word GOD occurs for this Sura =
2696   118120