In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
There is no other god beside GOD

Contact Prayers (Salat) times calculator app (beta)

Contact Prayers IconThe Android version is available from Android Play Store: Contact Prayers (Salat) times
The iOS version is available, God willing, at the Apple App store: Contact Prayer (Salat) times Calculator

The website version is at: Contact Prayers (Salat) time calculator page

If you have feedback for us, please email us at:

Table of Contents


data loadWhen you first start the app, it will spend a few minutes setting up a database with information about cities around the world, God willing. It uses this to calculate Contact Prayer (Salat) times without having to be "online" (on the Internet). However, the app database does not contain information Daylight savings start/end dates across the world. So to look that up, it needs Internet access.

While we use the Internet for determining time-zones, finding the Qiblah, etc., please note: we're not storing your data nor tracking you.

choose city

Entering your location

Step 1: Please use the list of countries to choose your country.
Step 2: Then, you can start typing the city name to see if it's already in the database (click on a city in the list to choose it). If the city is not in the database, the app gives you an option to lookup the entered city (for lookups: please use a: City, Country format; e.g., Tucson, USA). The web/online lookup requires Internet access. Once you look it up, the good news is, the city information will be stored locally, God willing, so you won't need to do the web lookup again.

sample prayer times

Once you choose the city, the app should automatically calculate the Contact Prayers (Salat) times for the day, God willing.

Quran app God willing

The Quran app is available on a separate page

Happiness is Submission to God

United Submitters International / International Community of Submitters / Masjid Tucson
The world wide community of those who submit to God alone and advocate the worship of God alone
All Praise Be To God!