November 2018: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 4

MASJID TUCSON United Submitters International

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Happiness is
Submission to God Alone

ISSN 1089-053X

Tools in Our Toolbox

Cont'd from page 3

support and favor. [5:12GOD had taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we raised among them twelve patriarchs. And GOD said, “I am with you, so long as you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and believe in My messengers and respect them, and continue to lend GOD a loan of righteousness. I will then remit your sins, and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. Anyone who disbelieves after this, has indeed strayed off the right path.”

When we do the things we need to do, then God puts a protective force field around believers. We have to keep the field fully charged by using the tools in our toolbox. Satan will try to weaken the force field and slip in through the smallest crack. So, trust in God: [14:12] “Why should we not trust in GOD, when He has guided us in our paths? We will steadfastly persevere in the face of your persecution. In GOD all the trusters shall trust.”   Implore God: [4:106] You shall implore GOD for forgiveness. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. And never despair of His mercy: [39:53] Proclaim: “O My servants who exceeded the limits, never despair of GOD's mercy. For GOD forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful.”

Use the tools in your toolbox regularly. They will never break or wear out. With use, they become increasingly more useful.


Response from a Submitter on the 12-Step articles

Some ideas in the Big Book that are similar to the Quran.

[Quran 22:15] If anyone thinks that God cannot support him in this life and in the Hereafter, let him turn completely to (his creator in) heaven, and sever (his dependence on anyone else).  He will then see this plan eliminates anything that bothers him.

Big Book instructions on taking step 3 of the 12 steps. This is the 3rd step prayer: “God, I offer myself to Thee--to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt.  Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will.  Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.  May I do Thy will always!”

We are instructed to take this spiritual step with optional wording and express honestly and humbly that we were ready at last to abandon ourselves utterly to Him.

Summary: Turn to our creator in heaven and sever dependence on anyone else. (Quran)

Summary: Abandon ourselves utterly to Him. (Big Book)

Quran promises us we will be kings and queens in this lifetime (24:55) and the hereafter (9:72). We are guaranteed perfect happiness now and forever if we are Submitters.

God’s Promise
Kings and Queens on Earth

[24:55] GOD promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked.

The Big Book offers us “The Promises” on pp 83-88:

… we are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness

…we will comprehend the word serenity and know peace

… fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us

… we will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.

… we will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.
