June 2020: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

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GOD thus seals their hearts and, consequently, they follow only their opinions.

Another type of listening is casual listening. We are only listening because it is eloquent and entertaining.

[63:4] When you see them, you may be impressed by their looks. And when they speak, you may listen to their eloquence. They are like standing logs. They think that every call is intended against them. These are the real enemies; beware of them. GOD condemns them; they have deviated.

All of these examples of listening so far seem like very bad ways to listen. But going back to 64:16, remember, listening is a command from God.

Henceforth, when we do listen, may God help and protect us from listening in the negative ways we have gone over. One thing that I found helpful, is recognizing that there are different ways to listen, so I can focus in to listen the way I need to

[6:36] The only ones to respond are those who listen. GOD resurrects the dead; they ultimately return to Him.   

[7:204] When the Quran is recited, you shall listen to it and take heed, that you may attain mercy. [7:205] You shall remember your Lord within yourself, publicly, privately, and quietly, day and night; do not be unaware. [7:206] Those at your Lord are never too proud to worship Him; they glorify Him and fall prostrate before Him.

In these two verses God tells us to listen with an ear that enables us to be responsive and take heed. Also, God specifically says that it is the Quran that we should be listening to.

God shows us the example of jinns using retentive listening using what they hear to warn.


[46:29] Recall that we directed a number of jinns to you, in order to let them hear the Quran. When they got there, they said, “Listen.” As soon as it was over, they rushed to their people, warning.

Here is one of my favorite types of listening skills, listening to understand.

[69:12] We rendered it a lesson for you, that any listening ear may understand.

This next verse describes a method of listening that reaches beyond listening with ears.

[66:4] If the two of you repent to GOD, then your hearts have listened. But if you band together against him, then GOD is his ally, and so is Gabriel and the righteous believers. Also, the angels are his helpers.
Praise be to God, we are provided with all types of examples of how not to listen and how to listen. We can even use the examples of how not to listen by listening in the opposite way. For example, we don’t want to listen with a personal bias of our own opinions. If I am aware of my bias, and God allows me to keep that bias under control, I will be better at listening.

May God help and guide us not to listen to: conspire, not to listen to be judgmental, not to listen to find fabrications and accept them as truth, and not to listen and be heedless. May He also help us not to pretend to be listening, not to be closed-minded and distort what we are listening to, not to listen with a biased intent, and not to listen just because of eloquence or entertainment.

May God guide our hearts to listen in the opposite of those ways. To listen with responsiveness, taking heed to what we are listening to, retentive listening, to remind and warn, listening to understand, and listening not only with our ears but also with our hearts. God please help us listen in all the positive ways that are pleasing to You especially when it comes to reverencing You and listening to the Quran!



There’s a reason that listen and silent are anagrams of each other. In order to listen, truly listen, to another person or to God, we need to be silent. In any given conversation, if both people are talking, then no one is listening. And if no one is listening, what’s the point of talking?

God tells us we need to listen to Him and His revelations. [2:93] We made a covenant with you, as we raised Mount Sinai above you, saying, “You shall uphold the commandments we have given you, strongly, and listen.” ….

[5:108] …. You shall observe GOD and listen. GOD does not guide the wicked.

 [7:204] When the Quran is recited, you shall listen to it and take heed, that you may attain mercy.

[64:16] Therefore, you shall reverence GOD as much as you can, and listen…. these are the successful ones.

[69:12] We rendered it a lesson for you, that any listening ear may understand.
[20:13] “I have chosen you, so listen to what is being revealed. [20:14] “I am GOD; there is no other god beside Me. You shall worship Me alone, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) to remember Me.

The last verses are directed to Moses, but apply to us all. God has chosen each one of us and guided us to His path. That is a great blessing. It’s a small minority of people in the world who are truly guided. So, we have to be very appreciative of that blessing and continue to listen with our whole heart to the message He has brought.

How can we listen better? How can we listen with our whole heart? I think if we take heed to the anagram “silent” it will help us.

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