February 2023: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

Page 4

MASJID TUCSON United Submitters International

PO Box 43476 Tucson AZ 85733-3476 USA

Tel/Fax: (520) 323 7636

Masjid Tucson site: https://www.masjidtucson.org

Masjid Tucson e-mail: info@masjidtucson.org

Happiness is
Submission to God Alone

ISSN 1089-053X

GOD's System: Voluntary Charity

Cont'd from page 3

while those assigned to a “prosocial spending” group were told to use the money on a charitable donation or gift for someone else. At day’s end, the participants were asked to rate their happiness. Those who had spent as little as $5 on another person or cause reported being happier than those who had spent it on themselves.

Feeling Like a Million Bucks

Why does giving money to a worthy cause or a friend in need lift your spirits? First, it may foster a sense of social connectedness. One theory posits that the more modest your means, the more you and your close family and friends may need to rely on one another to get by; hence, the greater focus on generosity.

Second, donating money gives you a sense of making a difference. That’s a welcome antidote to the feeling of helplessness that can come from watching wild stock market gyrations ...

Third, sharing even a little money may reduce your body’s stress response. Elizabeth Dunn, PhD, the same University of British Columbia psychologist behind the $5 spending study, also led another study that looked at how monetary stinginess affects cortisol, a stress hormone. In the study, college

students played an economic game, for which they were paid $10. Students had the option of donating some of this payment to another player. Those who kept more of the money for themselves reported feeling more shame. And greater shame, in turn, predicted higher levels of postgame cortisol.

So, we see charity has benefits for the body when done on its own. But the benefits are far greater when we do it for God—because it causes the soul to grow. A well-developed nourished soul is happy. Happiness is Submission to God.

To conclude, we see that giving to please God, whether it’s the obligatory charity, Zakat, or any charity we do to please God with a reverent heart (23:60) is for our own good. Charity helps remit our sins and helps us attain righteousness (3:92) and happiness. God loves the charitable (2:195, 3:134). 

[23:60] As they give their charities, their hearts are fully reverent. ...

[3:134] who give to charity during the good times, as well as the bad times. They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD loves the charitable.

We pray that God accepts our worship and our charity and allows us to be among the righteous.


Ramadan 2023

Ramadan begins on March 22 in USA and Canada, God willing (the Night of Destiny will start, God willing, at sunset of April 16). Most locations in USA will end fasting on April 20 (additional details below).

Full details of fasting are given in verses 2:183-187. [2:183] O you who believe, fasting is decreed for you, as it was decreed for those before you, that you may attain salvation.

New moon times for determining the beginning and ending of Ramadan are below for GMT/UTC (Universal time).

Mar 21, 2023: 5:23 PM (UTC/GMT)

April 20, 2023: 4:12 AM (UTC/GMT)

The local new moon time can be calculated by adjusting for your time-zone relative to UTC. To calculate the Ramadan start date, compare the local New Moon time with the local Sunset. If the new moon is before sunset, we fast the next day, God willing.  Similarly, to determine the last day of fasting, compare the time of the next new moon with the local sunset. If the new moon is before sunset, the Ramadan month is complete on that day. Otherwise one fasts the next day. For more details on how dates are calculated, please see the September 2009 issue of the Submitters Perspective

For more details or to use a tool to assist you in verifying Ramadan details for your location, please visit:  https://masjidtucson.org/Ramadan/