September 2023: Page 1, 2, 3, 4

Submitters Perspective

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And ultimately he was rewarded, by God’s grace, reuniting with Joseph and the reunification of his entire family.

Think about Noah who stayed with his people 950 years!  How patient was he? Having his people laugh at him and his family while building his ark made of logs and ropes.

[11:49] This is news from the past that we reveal to you. You had no knowledge about them—neither you, nor your people—before this. Therefore, be patient. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous.

We also learn from the Quran that even the prophets of God exhibit human qualities. The story of Moses and his teacher is an illustration of this:

[18:66] Moses said to him, “Can I follow you, that you may teach me some of the knowledge and the guidance bestowed upon you?” [18:67] He said, “You cannot stand to be with me. [18:68] “How can you stand that which you do not comprehend?” [18:69] He said, “You will find me, GOD willing, patient. I will not disobey any command you give me.”

But Moses was not patient and on three different occasions Moses questioned the teacher’s actions when he was specifically told not to, and the teacher forced them to part ways. But ultimately Moses showed his patience by submitting to God, going to Egypt, approaching Pharaoh many times asking him to let the Children of Israel go.

And God mentions other messengers…

[21:85] Also, Ismail, Idrîs, Zal-Kifl; all were steadfast, patient.

God tells us to have patience when dealing with disbelievers. We see Satan running amok on this planet through the internet, instantaneous news,

and all kinds of evil caused by disbelieving unrighteous people. If we let ourselves get sucked into all the bad stuff it can have a very negative effect on us.

Learn From History

[40:53] We have given Moses the guidance, and made the Children of Israel inherit the scripture. [40:54] (Their history) is a lesson and a reminder for those who possess intelligence. [40:55] Therefore, be patient, for GOD’s promise is true, and ask forgiveness for your sin, and glorify and praise your Lord night and day. [40:56] Surely, those who argue against GOD’s revelations without proof are exposing the arrogance that is hidden inside their chests, and they are not even aware of it. Therefore, seek refuge in GOD; He is the Hearer, the Seer.
When God talks about the arrogant disbelievers who reject his proofs and disbelieve in the scripture, He tells us: [40:77] You shall be patient, for GOD’s promise is truth. Whether we show you some of (the retribution) we have promised for them, or terminate your life before that, they will be returned to us.

God knows we are weak. He wants us to strive and overcome the tests He has prepared for us. He wants us to choose the difficult path, which sometimes requires great patience. So, the next time you’re stuck in line, or some other time-sensitive issue is causing you irritation and frustration, use that precious time to think about God and be appreciative of His uncountable blessings. We can turn a negative trait—impatience—into a positive one—appreciation. Praise God.



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Conference Report 2023

[16:18] If you count GOD’s blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

The 38th annual conference of United Submitters International was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on July 28-30, 2023. “Are we worth it?” That was the question asked in the khutba given by brother Sanad. God does so much for us all the time; do we do enough for our souls? Are we appreciative? God willing, we will keep striving to be always thankful and do our best to be worthy of God’s immense mercy.

How wonderful to have a big crowd able to attend this year’s conference. About 150 submitters came together from all over the world. The greetings as we registered are always so full of joy. To be able to hug one another and be with our real family is such a gift from God.

We had a fun session of getting to know one another with questions from the Quran for all of us to ponder. And then we met about 20 newcomers. Maybe not new to submission, but attending their first conference. Their stories of how they came to find submission are always heartwarming.

The talks were wonderful, as always. Saturday began with a fun and thought-provoking talk about burned toast! The reminder is that we all are tested through our lives and how we face the tests determines the level of our submission. In fact, many of the speeches used tests as a theme. This is important for us to remember.

[2:214] Do you expect to enter Paradise without being tested like those before you?...

[2:155] We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money,

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